Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1891 The Way of a Female Successor 1

This kind of thing happens everywhere. When the Lu family was ransacked, wasn't it also robbed and kidnapped?

However, Feng Qingxue felt that she didn't have enough money to buy cultural relics from formal channels. How could she have the spare money and energy to find some servant of a wealthy family in the past to buy old items? No matter how much ordinary people cherish them, it is unlikely that any cultural relics store will be well preserved, and it is easy to cause trouble. It is certainly not easy to get away a large number of old items from the old owner.

Even if Zhou Mingyu didn't say anything, Feng Qingxue could guess that this couple might be her servants, and there was a high possibility that the things in their hands once belonged to their family.

"I don't have time anymore." Feng Qingxue replied bluntly, unmoved, "I, a foreigner, come to buy old things without hesitation, it will definitely arouse others' suspicion, and then trigger a series of troubles. Besides, people also You don’t have to sell it to me, why should I go directly to the cultural relics store?”

Zhou Mingyu sighed, "You are very smart and cautious. I don't have money. If I had money, I would have found a way to get the things back from them."

Feng Qingxue smiled and said nothing, indicating that she was dubious about her words.

Yes, many capitalists, landowners and other wealthy families were robbed and wiped out their entire fortune, but most of them were old men who came from the war years. They must have somewhere to hide their things, and it is impossible to really have nothing.

In the early years, the jewelry items Feng Qingxue exchanged for food on the black market were enough to prove it.

Zhou Mingyu said this, maybe because it was inconvenient to exchange money, so he said he had no money.

Zhou Mingyu saw Feng Qingxue's expression and didn't care what she was thinking, "Those old objects are really good things. If you are serious, don't miss them. How can they have any insight? A pastel from the Qianlong period If the plate is sold to Youyi Store for one dollar, I think I have made a profit, but if it is sold to a foreigner at Youyi Store, it will be sold to a foreigner for three hundred dollars.”

Feng Qingxue snorted. It couldn't be such a coincidence, right? Is the porcelain plate she bought with Adrian's help from the Zhou family? She remembered that when she read the interview later, she also said that the plate was purchased for one dollar.

However, the year of acquisition was the 1960s, and there is still a piece of paper on the bottom of the plate with "1966" written on it.

"Comrade Zhou, if you really want to buy it back, I will lend you some money and you can find someone to buy it yourself. Can you estimate how much it will cost to buy it back? I have to go back quickly. My child is still there. The hotel is waiting for me!”

Zhou Mingyu's eyes lit up, "Are you willing to lend me money?"

"Yes, I can, but I can't borrow much. I also borrowed money to buy things." She stated in the IOU that she would pay off the 10,000 yuan within three years, which was a lot of pressure.

"Wait a minute." Zhou Mingyu turned around and walked into an alley.

After about a quarter of an hour, Zhou Mingyu handed Feng Qingxue a jewelry box larger than a palm, "This is for you. Lend me five hundred yuan and I will pay you back tomorrow."

She couldn't get into the place where the gold was hidden, and she couldn't go to the black market to exchange it for money.

She originally thought that instead of falling into the hands of the cunning Zhou Ping couple, it would be better for Feng Qingxue to buy it. She could see that Feng Qingxue valued this area, was gentle and kind, and could be regarded as an old item in her family. It was a good home. Now that she had the chance to take it back, she suddenly became excited and decided to accept Feng Qingxue's suggestion. It would be better to take it back if it fell into the hands of others.

Feng Qingxue opened the jewelry box, took a look, and immediately closed the lid with a look of shock on her face.

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