Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1893 The way a daughter inherits her mother 3

There are so many cultural relics and antiques in these stores. It’s no wonder that the salesperson at the Friendship Store couldn’t say less than a million pieces. It’s also no wonder that later generations said that in the mid-to-late 1980s, the store handed over as many as three million cultural relics to the cultural relics department for sealing based on their valuation.

Just a place in Shanghai, one of the shops.

But she doesn’t have enough money, and she doesn’t have enough time, and she can’t buy in large quantities in her own name. She can only export through wholesale.

Not sure if there would be a chance to come back to Shanghai in a short period of time, Feng Qingxue couldn't resist the temptation of a huge profit, discussed it with the children, and called Lu Jiang to explain that she had delayed her return.

Delaying going back means delaying going to school. Lu Erxiong was the most excited and wanted to shout.

Feng Qingxue was not worried about their studies. Xibao had said that their studies in their hometown had long exceeded the scope of their studies, so during the delay, she arranged for Ye Yan and Fubao to watch the three of them when they were not going out to play. The twins review their homework, and I will always check their homework to prevent them from neglecting their studies due to fun.

Before Adrian prepared to go to the capital, Feng Qingxue asked him to accompany her and her children to visit the friendship store.

There are two types that have the greatest potential for appreciation, one is antiques, the other is jade, mutton-fat jade is slightly inferior.

Compared to real estate, Feng Qingxue believes that investing in these two things is more profitable.

Think about it, after entering the 1980s, a capital courtyard house required an investment of tens of thousands, tens of thousands or even six figures. Just repairing and preserving it would cost a lot of money and energy, and you might have to live in the courtyard house. Dealing with residents is worth a lot of money in the 21st century, ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions, but it is not as exciting as wearing a set of top-quality jadeite.

The real best is the imperial green of Laokeng glass, which is one billionth of the price of high-grade jadeite. A single bracelet may cost hundreds of millions, not to mention that she still has complete sets and unprocessed jadeite stones in her hands.

All added together, these jadeite did not cost more than 10,000 yuan.

This is true for jade, and so is antiques.

When they arrived at the Friendship Store, there were indeed new treasures on the counter. Feng Qingxue caught her eye at a pastel hollow revolving vase from the Qianlong period. It was colorful and gaudy enough to make people dizzy.

But it is eye-catching, and it is valuable. The price of hundreds of millions is simply not worth its craftsmanship and history.

"This bottle is beautiful. There is actually a bottle inside that can be rotated to produce different patterns from the outside of the bottle. It's really amazing. I admire it, I admire it!" Adrian found it very novel and even took special photos of the bottle from all angles. "I will definitely buy one and take it back when I am ready to go back to China."

Compared with the plate, the revolving bottle was more expensive, costing Feng Qingxue eight hundred yuan, which made her flesh ache. However, she thought that the bottle would be worth hundreds of millions in thirty or forty years, and the pain was not so obvious. .

Feng Qingxue deeply felt that she had invested wisely.

"Mom, can you lend me a hundred yuan?" Fu Bao said suddenly.

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "Why are you borrowing money?"

Fu Bao pointed to the counter with many jewelry displays, "I saw a beautiful piece of jewelry and I want to buy it. I definitely won't be able to buy it without Adrian's help next time."

None of them have foreign passports, and they don't have remittance coupons in their hands now.

The current situation is that gold and silver are almost bought by banks. Although there are also gold and silver jewelry here, most of them are jewelry.

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