Coming out of Ye's house, under the street lights, Feng Qingxue and a group of children were each carrying a pot of flowers and trees.

There are indeed many and good flowers and trees in the Ye family's courtyard. There are many planted in the yard, and there are many potted plants in the house. The wintersweet is fragrant, the narcissus is fresh and elegant, and the gentleman's pine is green and strong.

As for Lu Jiang, he was carrying a large luggage bag in one hand, which was full of clothes, shoes, paper, pens and stationery that the old couple bought for their children.

The old couple has a lot of money every month, but their expenses are small, but they can't spend it on future generations? Ye Yan has lived in the Lu family for so many years and received a good education. Naturally, many of the things they bought for their grandson include the Lu family's children. They also bought a copy for Xibao. He was very disappointed when he learned that Xibao stayed in his hometown and specially told Lu Jiang sent him the copy of Xibao.

The relationship between the two families is like one family, and they have stopped being polite in this regard.

Just like now, knowing that his grandparents are close at hand, Ye Yan still wants to live in the Lu family, saying that he has someone to accompany him.

Feng Qingxue looked at the double-flowered narcissus in her hand with joy, "I remember buying a Ru kiln narcissus basin that was azure after rain in Shanghai. When it arrived, I found it and used it to plant narcissus. On the dressing table."

Fu Bao looked envious, "Mom, I also like daffodils. Do you have any good-looking flower pots?"

The pot in my hand is too ugly and does not match the flowers.

Feng Qingxue thought for a while and said, "We seem to have two or three in our family. One is a crabapple-shaped one, also made from Ru kiln. It is made of celadon, a jade strip basin, and a lotus-shaped basin wrapped with white agate. You can choose it later." ”

In fact, these are all collections from the past and have never been taken out.

"I will choose when I see the real thing. Now I don't know which one is better." Fubao loves beauty, so he also wants to choose beautiful flower pots.

Feng Qingxue laughed, thinking that she and Lu Jiang should go out for a walk early and bring things back.

"Lesbians are lesbians, they are delicate and love flowers and plants!" Lu Erxiong held a pot of wintersweet in his gloved hands, jumping up and down without fear of falling, "Dad, you don't care about your wife. Mom, and my beautiful sister, life is hard enough, don’t be so tired, I won’t water the flowers and grass!”

Lu Jiang's hands were both empty, and he raised his foot and kicked his butt, "You bastard, you can't say anything about your mother, she's rude!"

Lu Jiang wore thick clothes in winter, and considering the wintersweet that his wife liked, the footing was very light. Lu Erxiong didn't feel the pain and ran forward, shouting as he ran: "You are not allowed to tell the truth whether you let me live or not!" "

Facing an old man wrapped in an old army coat and walking accompanied by guards, he saw Lu Erxiong jumping towards him. Before he could see Lu Jiang and the others who were lagging far behind, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Hey, where is this?" I've never seen that strong boy. His voice is so loud that he can even shout slogans in the army."

Lu Erxiong stopped suddenly. He stopped so quickly that he almost fell forward. He hurriedly ran two steps diagonally while holding the flower pot, and said with a thankful face: "I didn't fall, I didn't fall. If my mother's flowers were If I fall, my dad will definitely not be done with me!"

The old man was amused by him, "It doesn't matter, it broke. I will intercede for you and ask your father to let you go."

"Hello grandpa!" Regardless of whether we know him or not, Lu Erxiong's mouth was very sweet, "You are so kind. I just need such a good grandpa to take care of my dad to prevent him from picking on me every day."

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