Feng Qingxue was so itchy that she huddled in the quilt, "Xiaoyun is very busy. She may not receive our letter. Even if she does, it will be next year. She is probably back to China. Don't say, I will tell you You talk about business."

"What's the matter? You tell me and I listen." Lu Jiang obeyed his wife's orders.

Feng Qingxue talked about her experience in Shanghai, including selling gold and buying antiques, "Now that your words have some weight, is there any way to stop the outflow of cultural relics? It's okay to go abroad for antiques, at least keep meaningful cultural relics in the country, and really wait. A few years later, the policy ended the export of cultural relics in 1986. In the past ten years, tens of thousands of cultural relics have been lost overseas. "

Lu Jiang pondered for a moment, "It's a bit difficult now. Who has the energy to take care of these things? But I will try my best to provide some necessary evidence to explain the importance of cultural relics. Maybe it will work."

Feng Qingxue expressed her understanding, "Okay, Adrian is in the capital, so he will talk about the overseas market situation that I heard him talk about. Xiaoyun also sent me a letter, and also mentioned the market situation of cultural relics and antiques in Hong Kong. In our country, there is nothing. Ancient porcelain worth a few hundred or ten yuan can be auctioned for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands in foreign countries. What a huge disparity!"

"The information you provided is very important. Even if the country strives for foreign exchange, it will be considered." Lu Jiang already had an idea in his mind, "I will invite a few old comrades to have a drink and dinner tomorrow to discuss it together, and then jointly make suggestions to the country. "

In the hearts of these old comrades, the interests of the country are above all else.

It has been almost 30 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The country's development has been so slow that they are worried. It has been stagnant for too long. Whether it is knowledge or technology, the purpose of fighting for foreign exchange is to develop technology. Since it is also for sale, why not choose to sell at a high price and let it go? Are state-owned stores such as cultural relics stores and friendship stores selling to foreigners at low prices?

Yes, the price sold to foreigners is already very high in the eyes of ordinary people. Just like Feng Qingxue buys a bowl for 300 yuan and a bottle for 800 yuan. Who doesn't think it is a sky-high price? But compared with the market situation abroad, it is a drop in the bucket.

Feng Qingxue kissed his cheek, "Ajiang, you are awesome!"

She liked Lu Jiang's dedication to serving the country and the people. When encountering something like this, the first thing he thought of was not how much he would gain, but how to reduce the country's losses.

Lu Jiang turned over and pressed her down, "You can praise me in other ways!"

Feng Qingxue was gagged by him, whimpered twice, and pushed his shoulder but couldn't push it. She hated him so much that she didn't remind him to tell the children to get up early for exercise at five o'clock. She couldn't get up anyway.

Is it really not worth it? The snowflakes outside the window expressed disbelief.

It is said that a breakup is better than a newlywed, and the couple's quarrel lasted until midnight.

At five o'clock the next day, Lu Jiang suddenly got up and went upstairs to knock on the door to wake up the children.

If you make a promise to exercise, you will never break your promise.

"It's so early and so cold. It's terrible." Lu Erxiong lay on the bed and screamed, "Dad, how can you do it so early? We always get up at six o'clock at home with my eldest brother for running in the winter."

Five o'clock, five o'clock is summer time.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset!

In the midst of Lu Erxiong's complaints, Dundun got out of bed and turned on the light. He and Zhuangzhuang put on clothes and shoes without saying a word, doing all the movements in one go. He was worried that he would be punished if he was a step too late. The army was very strict about this aspect. Who doesn't know?

Ye Yan got out of bed and saw Lu Erxiong looking for his socks. He couldn't help but said, "Isn't it under your pillow?"

This is Lu Erxiong's unique habit. He stuffs his smelly socks under his pillow and refuses to change them despite repeated admonitions.

Lu Jiang had already knocked on his daughter's door to wake her up. When he came back, he leaned against the door frame of their room, raised his hand to look at his watch, and knocked on the door, "It's already five past five. In the army, soldiers like you are Will be eliminated soon!"

Lu Erxiong put on his socks angrily and put them on inside out without noticing. Fortunately, his shoes were not on inside out.

Except for him, all the children in the Lu family had strong self-control and were obedient. At 5:10, Feng Qingxue, who had managed to get up, saw her husband coming down with a group of children, among whom Lu Erxiong couldn't help but yawn.

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