A few days after setting off her lofty ambitions, Feng Qingxue took off her vacation and went to work.

On her first day at work, as soon as she got used to the rhythm of work, the military hospital arranged three surgeries for her. One was a minor surgery the next day, and the other two were major surgeries, three days later and five days later respectively.

Feng Qingxue felt a little guilty after resting for so long, so she could only put aside all chores and devote herself to work.

She leaves early and comes back late every day, even works overtime, and even has no time to take care of her children when they go to play with Adrian on Sundays.

Fortunately, Lu Jiang and Ye Zhengjun each sent a guard to follow them, so there was no need to worry about safety. Sometimes Ye Zhengjun would disobey his elders and take his children out to play in person, which would be a big deal.

Compared to Lu Jiang, Ye Zhengjun, whose old boss lives in Yuquan Mountain and has not yet resumed work, is very leisurely.

Ye Zhengjun and Lu Jiang had the strength to support their old boss' comeback. Wang Xinsheng naturally would not go against his nephew. Zhou Fengchu was also a supporter. Although Lu Shuai, General Xu and others were waiting and watching, they also favored them. However, they were outnumbered, and the superiors always disagreed. This It was the second time he refused, but because the conspiracy had just been crushed, he only focused on fighting for power and gain, which was quite chaotic.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue knew history, but they did not expect that through their efforts, some parts of history would quietly change, while other steps would still move forward firmly on the track of history.

In this atmosphere, the new year suddenly arrives.

Although too many things happened last year, this year's New Year's Day is not lively enough, but people are forgetful, and the dead are gone. The living can live their lives as they should, and the holiday remains the same.

Feng Qingxue's mood was not so good. She had to work overtime and there was a major surgery that day.

Lu Jiang sent her to the hospital in the morning and entered the office. "I will prepare delicious food for you at noon."

"No, you take good care of your child at home. I don't know when this operation will end. I may not even be able to eat it after you brought it so cold." Feng Qingxue hid her big black and bright braids in a hat. He took off his military coat and put on his white coat. He turned to look at her husband and said, "If you have nothing to do, take your children to the city and visit Sister Xue Niang. See how Acheng and Wenxiu are living now. Is there anyone who needs help?" Bring a set of review materials and urge them to review well.”

Looking at the busy situation in the hospital, there are many patients and few doctors. The nurses are busy and the situation is unclear. It is estimated that she will have to be busy for a while. There is no way.

Lu Jiang pondered slightly, "Will they take the college entrance examination?"

Feng Qingxue shrugged, "The opportunity has been given to them, and the choice is up to them. The Guan family was originally a scholarly family. I think Guan Cheng wants to revitalize the family, and he will definitely take a further step in his studies. I did the math, Our children are all within the age range for the college entrance examination, and I don’t know if Xiaoyun will be able to come back in time.”

Lu Jiang laughed, "Xiaoyun is studying abroad, attending a music conservatory. It is impossible that he has not obtained the degree he deserves. He may not go to university again in China. Don't worry about it. Tianjun will not take the college entrance examination. ”

After Feng Qingxue mentioned the importance of knowledge, Jiang Xiaoyue told her husband, and later participated in the military academy based on merit.

"I know, I know, let me just talk. Can't we stop gossiping?" Feng Qingxue pushed him out, "It's going to be work time in a while. You can go home. It's time for me to do ward rounds."

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