Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1922 Ye Yan’s biological mother 4

At the end of the conference, the college admissions meeting was still in progress. Many people in the education field attended the meeting, which would last for more than a month. My old boss also made several trips in person.

Lu Jiang holds an important position and is also very busy because a new organization has been established. He is one of the staff and has work arrangements.

In comparison, Feng Qingxue was relaxed.

After the meeting, Ye Zhengjun and Lu Jiang could not leave for the time being, so she decided to take the bus back alone.

There were also people taking the bus back to the compound, but she felt that she didn't know them well and was too embarrassed to take the bus. Besides, she had enough time and it was rare to come to the city center, so she decided to take a walk and bring something back.

First, I went to find Chen Xueniang, and on the way I found a place to put two large bags of fruit in the space.

After Chen Xueniang left a message at her home, she never had time to look for Chen Xueniang. Instead, Chen Xueniang came every now and then to bring something for her children, and she would definitely send a copy back to her hometown.

Therefore, when Chen Xueniang saw her, she exclaimed, "You're such a busy person, how can you have time to spend time on lowly things?"

Feng Qingxue snorted, handed the fruit to her, and said politely: "The capital is the political center of a country. In the old days, it was the emperor's feet. How dare you say it is a humble place?"

Chen Xueniang laughed and let her in.

"This summer is hotter than in previous years. I made a few skirts. Come on, come on. I'll give you one, and give Fu Bao another one."

Feng Qingxue looked at the skirts she took out. They were all solid-color skirts. Some were dresses, some were skirts, some were made of cotton, some were chemical fiber, and some were silk. Not to mention, the styles were all very simple and could be worn for decades. Neither is outdated.

"Where did you get so much cloth?" Feng Qingxue picked up a pleated skirt and drew it on herself.

This is a pure green silk material, and it is as long as your feet. It is difficult for ordinary people to wear it well.

"Some are processed fabrics, and some are high-priced fabrics. I have nothing to do, so I just make a few good-looking clothes. I have enough wear of the popular black, gray and blue." Chen Xueniang pointed to the green pleated skirt, "This skirt suits you very well. I also have a half-sleeved white shirt that I haven't worn yet. I'll give it to you so you can try it on."

Zheng Jinrui was not at home, and they were the only ones in the house. She took it as a matter of course.

Feng Qingxue was not very confident, "Will it look good if I wear it?"

"It must look good!" Chen Xueniang handed her the shirt, "Such a dress can only be held up by someone with tall legs, big breasts, fat hips, and white skin. Your figure can only be so good."

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "I'm not tall." I was just over 1.6 meters tall.

"As long as your legs are long, and you have to have breasts and buttocks," Chen Xueniang began to take off the summer military uniform she was currently wearing.

Unable to resist her urging, Feng Qingxue changed into white clothes and a green skirt.

Chen Xueniang looked at it for a moment, then tied it around her waist with a French brand-name black belt given to her by Feng Qingxue. She tucked the hem of her white shirt into her skirt and tied the high skirt waist under the belt, making her breasts appear fuller and her waist slender. , the skin is like porcelain, so white that it reflects light, like a blooming peony, stunningly beautiful.

"It's so beautiful, it's tailor-made for you!" Chen Xueniang exclaimed.

Feng Qingxue looked at the full-length mirror and was very satisfied, "Sister Xue Niang, with your skills, Fu Bao will definitely be willing to become your teacher. She loves these things now and can already use the sewing machine very skillfully. This year She and I made a dress ourselves.”

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