Returning to the bedroom, Feng Qingxue took out a jewelry box from the space, dug out a set of jade jewelry made of pure green glass, picked out the pendant, and found a platinum chain from her previous life to hang around her neck.

It was exchanged for grain from Aunt Xu's friend. The pendant is a platinum base set with an oval pigeon egg from the Republic of China.

The base is a bit old, but it does not affect the quality of the jadeite.

The egg noodles are very old and have a fine and tight texture. The Laokeng glass varieties are green and evenly green. The water head is very rich and crystal clear. Although the polishing technology is not as good as that of later generations and there are some hairs, it still shines like a small light bulb and is almost flawless. , as if all the spiritual energy between heaven and earth converged on this small egg surface.

Fu Bao saw it and held his face in his hands, "Sure enough, it's the greatest simplicity!"

Graceful and luxurious, it’s just the right amount of beauty.

"What do you mean? Does it mean simple and beautiful?" Lu Erxiong didn't wait for his sister's answer. He cut open the big watermelon on the coffee table, brushed it a few times, and cut it into small crescent moons. He picked up a piece and clicked it. After a few bites, he ate it all, his eyes were as bright as light bulbs, "Mom, where did you buy the watermelon? It's so sweet!"

"I bought it from the Northwest." But Feng Qingxue couldn't say this, so she said smoothly: "I bought it outside."

It was a rare opportunity for her to bring back a lot of fruit from the space, including two sacks of watermelon, a basket of apples, and a bag of peaches. In the end, she did not take the bus. She came back by bicycle. Over the years, she almost lost the Phoenix bicycle in the space. Forget it, you can claim to the outside world that you bought a bicycle and use it for commuting to and from get off work in the future, and no one will check it anyway.

Lu Erxiong hummed, "It's so sweet, sweet and tangy. Mom, you can buy some more next time. Summer wouldn't be called summer without eating watermelon."

"There's a chance!" Feng Qingxue didn't dare to guarantee it, so she turned to Ye Yan and said, "After you finish eating, take your brother and give two to your grandma, two to Grandma Wang's house, and pack some apples and Peaches, we can’t eat them alone.”

Although there are mountains of melons and fruits in the space, there are six or seven watermelons in one sack, so there is no way to send more.

"Aren't you going to give it to Grandpa Zhou, Grandpa Xu, and Grandpa Lu?" Lu Erxiong asked.

"They are all having a meeting in the Great Hall. Your grandfather Zhou is not at home, and there is no one from Grandpa Lu's family. Although Grandpa Xu's family has family members, Shengli is not here. The others are not familiar with us, so there is no need to send them away." It is necessary to distinguish the distance and distance.

Ye Yan said oh, and after gnawing a piece of watermelon, washed his hands and face, he went to the attached side room to find two bamboo baskets and hung them on the left and right sides of the back seat of the bicycle. On one side, he placed two large watermelons and four One apple and four peaches, very balanced. "My aunt bought her bicycle at the right time, so that she doesn't have to be tired."

Lu Erxiong threw the melon rind on the table and ran outside. The watermelon juice on his hands casually rubbed it on his dusty white sweatshirt, "Our bicycle? It's so new. I want to learn."

"You can learn after we deliver the fruits." Ye Yan said seriously. He was afraid that Er Xiong would drop the melon when he learned to drive now.

Lu Erxiong geared up, "Then let me push you away."

Ye Yan reluctantly gave it to him, but held on from behind to prevent Lu Erxiong from lacking strength and slipping.

Just the two of them went there, and no one else got up. They were all enjoying the coolness under the electric fan. No one wanted to go out. Although the sun in the evening was no longer very poisonous, the heat on the ground had not dissipated, and it was still like being in a steamer.

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