Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1928 Good people never come 2

Grandma Ye felt disgusted when she heard Tang Xin's name and manner of speaking.

Tang Xin was unhappy to see her being so disrespectful to her, but there was nothing she could do no matter how unhappy she was. She had to please the Ye family, which was now at its peak, otherwise she and her daughter would be trampled on by others.

After Tang Xin married Li Chaoying, because Li Chaoying became more powerful, she lived a life of influence for several years. Unexpectedly, the good times did not last long. An old general who was defeated by Li Chaoying was suddenly reinstated. When people around him saw this, in order to please that man The old generals attacked them one after another. After the group of four was crushed, Li Chaoying was also caught and sentenced to death with a two-year suspended sentence.

When Tang Xin encountered this situation for the second time, she felt like crying.

Her life in the art troupe was getting more and more difficult. Suddenly she heard that Ye Zhengjun's old boss had become the country's second and third leader. Ye Zhengjun and Ye Xiangqian had a bright and bright future, so she became interested.

At first, Ye Xiangqian and her became revolutionary partners after they fell in love with each other, and they lived a tender and affectionate life for several years.

After the divorce, Ye Xiangqian would rather foster his son in someone else's home than marry another woman to take care of the child and family. This shows the depth of his feelings for him. If he remarries, he will definitely agree.

As for marriage to Li Chaoying? Tang Xin broke up with Li Chaoying long ago when he was liquidated.

It was her fault that Li Chaoying was arrested and sentenced so quickly, because she and Li Chaoying had been husband and wife for many years and knew most of the things Li Chaoying had done. She reported them accurately, made meritorious deeds, and saved her job in the art troupe.

Tang Xin, who is single now, wholeheartedly believes that Ye Xiangqian is still in love with her because he is not married. She wants to find Ye Qianqian after capturing Ye Yan. Who knows that Ye Yan is so ruthless and unjust, not only denying himself, but also Another woman became a mother, and her former mother-in-law stepped in again and refused to recognize her as her daughter-in-law. Tang Xin's lungs almost exploded with anger.

No matter how dissatisfied she was with Grandma Ye, Tang Xin didn't dare to show it on her face and said aggrievedly: "Mom, how could you say that."

"Tang Xin, please remember what I said. You have nothing to do with our family, and I am not your mother. Please don't let me repeat it a third time!" Grandma Ye's voice was stern. She didn't know that Tang Xin was Self-centered, she just wanted the woman in front of her who abandoned her husband and son to stay far away from her grandson. It would be best to be separated by thousands of miles and not see each other for the rest of her life.

"You can just admit it to Mom, what kind of look is that? Even Mom can admit her mistake, no, no!" Lu Erxiong interrupted, and then he said, "Grandma Ye, do you want me to ask the security guard to beat her out?"

Tang Xin looked serious and said, "How dare you!"

Lu Erxiong said nonchalantly: "What dare I not do? Hey! You came here to disturb my buddy, and you didn't ask in advance about my reputation as Lu Erxiong, who punched a Nanshan tiger and stepped on Zhenbeilong!"

Grandma Ye was almost amused by him. She forced a serious face, pointed in the direction of the door, and said coldly to Tang Xin: "If you don't leave, I will call someone. I should ask the guard, you are not from here." You are a soldier, and you are not a member of the military family here. Why should you step into the family area of ​​senior cadres? I don’t believe who let you in. I don’t believe it. The heavily guarded Xishan compound actually let people from outside. What about the spies? Who will take responsibility?”

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