It's the end of August in a blink of an eye, and the weather is still hot.

Now we need to put order out of chaos, and state affairs are busy. Ye Zhengjun and Lu Jiang have not come back, and the plan of the two families to get married is temporarily shelved. Feng Qingxue goes to work as usual, working conscientiously and not daring to slack off.

After all, she had attended the Congress, and she felt that her status was different as soon as she came to work.

The most obvious thing is the attitude, the attitude of my colleagues.

Feng Qingxue didn't care. When she was working, she was a pure doctor. It was her bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded. She kept practicing to accumulate experience, and there was no need for icing on the cake.

She got a day off at the end of the month and prepared to go for a stroll in the city early in the morning. The main purpose was to send some fruits from the space to her old relatives and friends, and to bring some things to her family when she came back. Unexpectedly, not long after she pushed her bicycle out, she found that there was a room in the family area. Many young lesbians wore the same clothes as me, wearing the same white shirt and green skirt, but the materials were different.

Some are cotton, some are chemical fiber, some are khaki, and most are made of solid fabric, thin and crisp, almost the same white color, but the green skirts have different colors, and the styles are not all pleated skirts.

I met ten young lesbians, five of whom were wearing white clothes and green skirts, and the other three were wearing dresses.

Looking closely at the style of the dress, it turned out that it was also the spliced ​​style worn by Fu Bao and the light blue dress made for her by Chen Xueniang.

Did the mother and daughter inadvertently set a trend? Feng Qingxue couldn't laugh or cry. When she came out wearing the clothes given by Chen Xueniang, she attracted some attention, but it didn't cause a sensation. She thought it was over, but she didn't expect to be waiting for her here.

Your hands and feet are so fast. In just a few days, so many people have put on green skirts.

However, it’s not scary to wear matching clothes, whoever is ugly will be embarrassed.

Feng Qingxue was not the one to be embarrassed. She walked out of the compound with her head held high and confidently. When she entered the city, she found the bamboo baskets on both sides of the back seat that were unattended and filled them with fruits, mostly watermelons.

She had collected a lot of cantaloupes in her space. She almost bought them for free back then, but unfortunately she had no reason to take them out.

The road from the northwest to the capital is really too far, and transportation is inconvenient. There are very few cantaloupe that can be transported to the capital, and they are very expensive, so most people can't eat them. Their family got two this summer. The size is not enough for the children, and now the summer melons are gone and the autumn melons are not yet in the market.

The most important thing is that the cantaloupes now are different from the varieties in her space.

Therefore, it is safest to send seasonal fruits such as watermelons, peaches, apples and grapes.

Professor Xie was very happy, "The weather is so hot that I have no appetite for anything. I wanted to eat some fruit, but this fruit is really hard to buy. Every time I go to the store, it's gone. I don't have much energy." Get in line early.”

Feng Qingxue washed a bunch of grapes for him and placed them on the plate as if they were purple eyes.

Professor Xie couldn't wait to eat one, "Oh, it's so sweet. I've never tasted such sweet grapes."

I bought this in the Northwest, where the sunshine is long and the sugar content is high, so of course it’s sweet.

"It's just because it's too sweet, so you elderly people can't eat too much. You are a professor of medicine, and you know it yourself." The weather was hot, and Professor Xie didn't have a refrigerator here, so Feng Qingxue brought it to him. I gave him two bunches of grapes and two big peaches. Although the watermelons and grapes can be stored for a few more days, they are not enough, so I gave him two watermelons and a bag of apples.

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