Looking up, he saw Feng Qingxue, Chen Xueniang and a group of children standing at the door. The guard suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, put down his suitcase and saluted Feng Qingxue and the guard at the door.

"Comrade Qingxue, my mission is over."

Feng Qingxue smiled quickly and said: "Thank you, come in and have a drink of water?"

The guard waved his hand hurriedly, "No, no, I'm going back first!"

Just like a dog chasing a rabbit, it disappeared like a gust of wind.

Feng Qingyun smiled and bent down, "I'm not a ghost, why are you so scared?"

Feng Qingxue looked at her greatly changed appearance, completely disbelieving that the modern girl with curly hair and red lips in front of her was the younger sister who had followed the rules since she was a child. The children even opened their mouths in disbelief.

"Auntie, you have changed!" You have become more beautiful!

Fu Bao held her hand and looked at her with two watery eyes, full of amazement.

I used to think that my aunt was not as good looking as my mother, but now I know that peonies and roses have their own beauty. My mother is often restrained because of her job, but my aunt is graceful and graceful.

If I use something as a metaphor, my mother is an emerald, and my aunt is a diamond.

Feng Qingyun touched her niece's smooth and tender face, "Our family's lucky baby is also a daughter, like a flower in bud, like mother, like daughter. When she grows up, She must be a gorgeous beauty. If you were in Hong Kong, you would be able to participate in the Miss Hong Kong contest in two years, and you would be the winner."

Feng Qingxue frowned and said with a straight face: "You have been assimilated after living in a capitalist country for a few years? Fubao is still young. You tell her this. It seems that you are really well-informed."

Feng Qingyun quickly put aside Fu Bao's hand, took two steps forward, took her sister's arm, smiled sweetly and said: "Sister, sister, good sister, I just want to express my feelings! I am the successor of socialism , I will definitely not be assimilated by capitalism, otherwise I would not refuse such invitations from abroad and come back without hesitation.”

"Okay, okay, don't be so talkative. Come in and talk. If you stay any longer, I don't know how many eyes you will attract back." This outfit, in this era, is shocking.

At this moment, Feng Qingxue noticed the disapproval in the eyes of others looking at her sister.

She didn't think there was anything immoral about her sister's outfit, and it couldn't stand up to the eyes of the world.

Only then did Li Jiaoyang have time to call out to his sister and say hello to Chen Xueniang. Then with the help of the guard at the door, Li Jiaoyang moved a few suitcases into the house, "Sister, I have brought you a lot of things. I am very concerned about this." With you.”

"I know that I can trust my sister's character. The key lies in you. Don't misunderstand her just because of her current behavior." After finally looking forward to her sister's return, Feng Qingxue didn't want the young couple to have trouble. Contradictory, to be honest, Li Jiaoyang couldn't be better. Apart from him, probably no one would be so tolerant of Feng Qingyun.

In view of traditional concepts, more men are unwilling to let their wives see the world, but Li Jiaoyang has supported all Feng Qingyun's choices from the beginning, encouraging her to study abroad and waiting patiently for her return.

Li Jiaoyang smiled unconsciously after hearing Feng Qingxue's words, "Sister, don't worry. Yunyun first took a boat from Hong Kong to Shanghai. If I really cared about other people's opinions, I wouldn't have let her come dressed like this. We arrived in the capital. Many people said that she was dressed immorally, but I just didn’t want to force her to follow the local customs.”

. . . I got up at four o'clock today. I have been traveling for a long time and have a lot of things to do when I come back. I have to go to the market in the morning to buy gifts, and I will go to my husband's parents' house to give gifts in two days, so I will start with six chapters. I will update a little when I come back in the afternoon. Please vote.

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