"Then tell me if you can't figure it out then?"


  There is only this kind of eyes at present, but fortunately he is still planning to go to the East City.




   Luo Xiaohua replied quietly and looked out of the car window.


   In the dark night sky, there are countless stars blinking. Recently, she is busy making money. She seems to have not calmed down to enjoy life.


   "Xiao San, do you think we can go through this life safely?"


   For love, she is really confused. I don’t know if her choice is right?


   Xiao San is indeed very good, but she is afraid that the Kui Mei-魍 next to her will harm him.


   I originally thought that without Liu Jianmin, life would go according to my own plan.


   did not expect that three strange characters appeared unexpectedly, she really wanted to, and beat those few people severely. Unfortunately, his own strength does not allow it, and the rules and regulations in reality do not allow it.


   Thinking of what happened that night, she panicked and felt very scared. Don't be afraid of killing you with a stab. The only thing you are afraid of is that the other party will make you worse off.


  Why doesn’t Rebirth give you an awesome system, or a universal space?


   "Trust me, you can!"


   Although the little daughter-in-law's voice was very small, Xiao San still heard it, and approached her ear, whispering.


  (⊙o⊙) Wow!


   Luo Xiaohua’s heart really softened, and tears began to glow in both eyes—this is tears of happiness.


   Even if he turned his body sideways, Xiao San with particularly good eyesight still saw the tearful eyes from the glass.


   This girl is still so touched!


   Since her parents have not returned to Nancheng since the death of her parents, the memory of her is still before ten years old. At that time, she was only five years old.


   Seeing him crying, she stepped forward and said to him solemnly: "Brother, I will lend you my shoulders!"


   At that time, he broke his tears into a smile. This girl was obviously shorter than him. She was afraid that she could not hold his head with her small shoulders.


   Before that, the two families were also walking around, so he knew that she was his future daughter-in-law. When playing together, I also protect her intentionally or unintentionally.


   Only later, Grandpa took him to Xicheng, and then left.


   But he didn’t expect that his little daughter-in-law would also leave this time...


   However, now the two meet again, and before she is married, he believes that he can give her a lifetime of happiness.




   Within two and a half months, Luo Xiaohua's store has also begun to renovate. Now he has money in his pocket and full of confidence.


   However, in terms of decoration, she made the design drawings by herself, and the uncle will be responsible for the decoration. After all, she is a layman.


   The decoration is a bottomless pit, more than 100 square meters, you can get it for 10,000 yuan or 100,000 yuan. However, Luo Xiaohua's plan is to renovate up to 10,000 yuan.


   Fortunately, there are acquaintances in this area, otherwise she will be busy decorating.


   With the help of my uncle, she can still sell goods while helping to look at the shop, that is, she can’t go home at the moment.


   However, it can't affect her, because the lobsters in my village are almost sold, and now they are all bought at the door of the store.


   In terms of dishes, she accepted Xiao San's suggestion and made her unique signature-Luo's Private Noodle Restaurant!


   As for what is done, it will come out after the decoration is completed.


   "Dad, when the door is installed, you will go back, it's too hot here."


   The weather is getting hotter and hotter recently. She regretted choosing this time to decorate. It seems that she is too young to watch the time.


  Because it is too hot, the crayfish tastes heavier and heavier. It seems that she has to find a way to do it.


   "It's not hot, it's not hot, let me look at some materials for you, I don't worry about this people coming and going."


   There is money inside and outside the house. Luo Dasheng feels distressed. The house is good, the youngest must redecorate it.


   Speaking of this, Luo Dasheng took another sip and smoked a mouthful of dry tobacco. This young man’s thoughts are really too...




  The youngest has her own ideas, and the flowers are her own


   "Then look at it, I'll go out for a spin."


   "Then don't go too far, there is me here!"


   While showing her daughter the store, she also helped to collect crayfish by the way.


   "Okay, I'll take a look."


   The crayfish still has to be cooked for at least three or four months. According to the current development, it is best to have the entire cold storage as the best. It will be fine to sell frozen goods at that time. Anyway, the back dam is almost two hundred square meters.


   It took a long time before I realized that everything was my own fantasy.


  The market has not yet developed. Many things are scattered in different places. After a whole afternoon, the big beads of sweat dripped down, and I didn't choose what I wanted.


   If you really want to build a cold storage or something, maybe you have to buy it outside.


   "Oh, sister-in-law, what are you doing here?"


   Just when Luo Xiaohua was wandering aimlessly, he was patted from the back, and then looking back, the development turned out to be the army and the navy.


   Then there is a little beauty behind him.


   Why is it small? Of course, it is not age, but figure, she is very delicate, that is, the yellow exploded head and the navel outfit, which makes her always feel a little weird.


   "Is this your girlfriend?"


   Luo Xiaohua just feels a little unbearable to look straight, what kind of eyes does this man have?


   I'm all too old, I'm looking for a girlfriend. That's also the point of finding a steady focus, and I'm rushing to get married.




   "What nonsense, he is my cousin!"




   Her goose bumps all fell on the ground, this whispering voice, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com made her feel panicked.


   "Oh, sorry, I thought you two got so close, that's why I misunderstood."


   Embarrassment! Embarrassment!


   It seems that the old saying is good, people are not good-looking, and the sea is not enough.


   "It's okay, it's okay, sister-in-law, where are you going?"




   Luo Xiaohua blinked her eyes and looked at the army and navy. She hadn't heard what he said just now. Now she heard it, but she felt that she had auditory hallucinations.


   "Sister-in-law, Xiao San is my eldest brother, and you are his little daughter-in-law. No, look at my mouth, you are his daughter-in-law, isn't this my sister-in-law anymore!"


   "What? She is Brother Xiao's daughter-in-law, how could it be possible?"


   This time it was changed to a girl's scream.


   The girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals just now has become a tigress.


   originally wanted to say no, but now seeing the girl's expression, she felt that she should admit it.


"A bit like!"


   "Cousin, tell me, isn't it true?"


   The girl wiped her lipstick on her mouth, just like that.


   Actually, if it wasn't for the explosive head and the navel outfit, Luo Xiaohua felt that this girl must be the kind that is easy to make a man's heart-feeling and soft!



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