Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 1084: Be abroad

Seeing her father's appearance similar to her grandfather, Luo Xiaohua thought of her grandparents who had always felt sorry for her.

Even if he was a child picked up by the Luo family, he was still treated as a member of the Luo family. Other brothers and sisters had it, and she did. Even the grandmother, who is a bit patriarchal, treats her very well.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Luo Xiaohua grew up in a honey jar. Her life when she was a child was really simple and happy.

It is because of being so well protected since childhood that he will be deceived by a scumbag when he grows up.

"Hey, my dear granddaughter is finally back. Grandma is looking forward to the stars and the moon, looking forward to your return. Tell me about you, our country is so good, why did you go abroad? Tell grandma, this It’s so good in foreign countries. Do you just take a car when you go out, or take a boat or a plane?

Mrs. Luo took her granddaughter, let's talk about it.

Old man Luo was standing next to his wife, just looking at his granddaughter with a smile on his face.

Grandma's words directly stunned Luo Xiaohua, and then she saw her man talking there, and she understood why all this was happening.

It turned out that after I was in a coma, I was worried that the old couple would not be able to bear it, so I told the public that she had gone abroad and would not be back for several years. Otherwise, she would not be able to explain her long absence at home. complete in one step.

In this way, the old couple will not worry anymore.

Luo Xiaohua shook her head. She didn't know what it was like abroad.

However, she was fortunate enough to have seen airplanes and ships.

"Yes, traveling is a car. The farther place is a plane. The plane is the big bird called by our people. The plane is so big that it can hold a lot of people, just like when we are standing here. can see."

"Wow, it's so big, isn't it bigger than our house?"

"That’s for sure, this ship is also very big, it’s all sailing on the sea, but I’m a little afraid to go. ."

For a person who can't swim, seeing the sea water, his heart is really full of fear.

In her previous life, Luo Xiaohua had been to the End of the World. The place was beautiful and beautiful, but she always felt very heavy in her heart when she looked at the surging waves.

Later I learned to swim, but it can only be the calm lake and the kind of small If the water surface is a little wider, you will feel a sense of fear.

When the old lady heard this from her granddaughter, her kind face showed envy.

"I don't know, when can we look at this old bone?"

"You old lady, didn't you always say that the fallen leaves return to the roots, but the fallen leaves return to the roots? Why do you want to go outside now?"

"You don't understand it."

The old lady took her granddaughter's hand.

"Don't be familiar with your grandfather, you can tell your milk something interesting outside, do foreigners look the same as us?"

"This is not all people have two eyes and one mouth, two ears and two legs."

"You **** old man shut up."

"Milk, the foreigner inspires closed eyes, high nose, some skin is black, some skin is white, most of the hair is naturally curly."


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