Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 132: It's not that the enemy doesn't get together

Seeing the people coming, Luo Xiaohua's anger rose in her heart, and she could recognize this woman when she turned into ashes, let alone just twenty years younger.

She was Liu Jianmin's later wife, and the woman who made him abandon his wife and abandon his daughters and embark on the pinnacle of life.


Why does this woman look so much like her?

Now she is a little confused. Could it be that she has a popular face, and that Uncle Gu's eldest son is also a bit like her, originally thought she had something to do with him?

However, the woman in front of me now looks a bit like her. What is going on?

It's no wonder that when she first saw Liu Jianmin's later wife, she felt quite familiar, because she looked a bit like herself.

"The hillbilly is the hillbilly. Haven't seen anyone applying powder and fat?"

Being uncomfortable by Luo Xiaohua, the woman reprimanded unceremoniously.

"The dog can't spit out ivory because it can't spit out ivory. I was going to tell you that there was a green vegetable stuck in the tooth. Just forget it if I don't appreciate it."

She is not the Luo Xiaohua who has a good face and wronged herself. If people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If anyone offends me, I will pay it back.

"Zhang Hongyan, you said you saw Mr. Luo coming, when did he leave?"

The woman before, glared at her directly, and then looked at her with a serious face.

"I think about it, it seems to be twelve o'clock. By the way, it's when we get off work. When he came yesterday, he did come to collect urea, but there was a flood in other places and the car was late, so I let him Came in the afternoon, and as a result, the afternoon did not come."

Zhang Hongyan also had to answer her words for her immediate boss.

"Okay, thank you guys!"

After walking out of the supply and marketing cooperative, Luo Xiaohua became at a loss.

"Should we call the police first and let the security officer help us find it together?"

Luo Xiaogang is now like a headless fly everywhere, where can this crowd of people look for it?

"You go to the police, I'll ask around here, you call grandpa's uncle, second uncle, and third uncle by the way. There are so many people and powerful."

She has finally made some money now, and she is really depressed to death when she knows that this happened again.

Let her have a way back to the days when she was just doing business in her previous life.

The first few years were really difficult. The imported goods were waiting to be rotten if they were not sold. The car was broken when delivered halfway. Anyway, there is as much luck as it is.

"I asked the third child to call, and I told him, and let him call the police. I still have a photo of my dad. Let's go and ask together."

Luo Xiaogang took out the photo from his pocket, and then asked with the little sister along the vicinity of the supply and marketing agency.

This time it was not easy to find Niuniu. The two people ran around like headless flies.

As a result, the sun was about to set and no one was found. The two of them were really tired and thirsty.

Luo Xiaohua went back to the store first because the goods had to be delivered at night and received during the day. Then, I saw Xiao San waiting at the door, as well as the rows of lobster boxes in front of him.



Luo Xiaohua's heart is full of emotions, her eyes are red all of a sudden, is this man too caring?

"Stupid girl, thank you for anything. Uncle Luo and Shuji have a natural outlook. Now I have sent my brother to help find it. Don't be too anxious."

Seeing the tears in the little daughter-in-law's eyes, Xiao San also felt distressed and stretched out his hand to rub her hair affectionately.

In fact, what he wants to do more is to give her a warm hug.

"My eldest brother and I searched the street of the Supply and Marketing Cooperative, but didn't see my dad. You said he is such a big person, where would he go?"

Luo Xiaohua's voice choked, and all her worries were revealed.

"Xiao San, you just said that you asked the brothers to help find, then you..."

"Brother, I can paint, and I drew a few portraits of Uncle Luo for them, and let them look for them."

"It turns out that this is the case, then I can rest assured, I hope my dad can come back by himself, don't let us worry about it."

This time, Luo Xiaogang didn't understand his father's running away from home. What difficulties still exist in this world. If he didn't tell his family to go out alone, no one would be seen.

"Sister, or just stay in the store, and Xiao San and I will go out to look for it. If you see Dad coming back, let someone call us?"

After looking for a day today, I didn't drink a sip of water. He couldn't stand this big man, let alone a girl.

Therefore, Luo Xiaogang chose to let the younger sister stay.

"You just watch it here, and my eldest brother and I will look for it."

After giving the little daughter-in-law a relieved look, Xiao San drove his car and set off with his elder brother.

Looking at the disappearing car without a trace, Luo Xiaohua had to take it with him.

Recently, there have been fewer and fewer crayfishes, and she has to go elsewhere to find goods. Today, she has encountered such a thing again, and her mood has become very bad.

The first time, really the first time, I was so anxious.

Seeing that it was getting darker and darker and none of her family members came back, Luo Xiaohua really couldn't sit still. After finishing the crayfish, she planned to go out to find someone. Anyway, Lao Wang and the others had to come after ten o'clock.



Just when she was walking on the bridge and looking around, she saw a lonely figure under the bridge.

For an instant, Luo Xiaohua rushed to the bottom of the bridge like a 100-meter sprint, and then hugged the man tightly.

"Dad, where did you go, we are all anxious to death."

This time, Luo Xiaohua cried so badly that nothing was more important than the peace of the family.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

Before she could react from the surprise, she saw her father's face with a gray expression.

"Dad, what the **** is going on, you are just saying something, you don't know, we are all dying in a hurry."

"What are you talking about? He has such an expression from last night to tonight. I'm afraid he can't think about it. He has been guarding here and dare not go anywhere. You are his daughter. Hurry up and take him away. I’m scared. I finally found a place to shelter from the wind and rain, but I don’t want a ghost to accompany me."

Luo Xiaohua looked back at Through the dim light, she could see that the speaker was a tramp with a beard.

Although the words were not sound, but at least he was kind-hearted, Luo Xiaohua reached out and took a dig in his trouser pocket, and then handed the old man ten dollars.

"Thank you, uncle, thank you, uncle, take the money to buy some food!"

Whether or not Dad is going to jump into the river, at least others have this heart.

"You girl is pretty good. It's also his blessing that your dad has such a good daughter as you."

The old man took the money without hesitation, and then shook.

"Big brother, there is no hurdle that you can't get past. You can get by without thinking too much."

Before leaving, the old man patted Luo Dasheng on the shoulder and comforted him.


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