Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 139: Advise people to correct evil and return to the right

"You just stand up and talk and don't have backache. How can this money be so profitable."

After hearing Xiao Hua's words, Liu Erwa's face was also blue and white.

Just thinking of his situation in the past few years, he didn't agree with her very much.

"Money is really not easy to make, but we have to make money in an innocent way. A big man can't do those petty thefts. If you say money is not easy to make, then look at them, their money Is it good to earn?"

Looking in the direction of Luo Xiaohua's fingers, everyone looked at the people on the road.

There are masters who have white hair and are still stepping on the rickshaw, there are masters who are limping and pulling the cart, there are also masters who carry poles and pick goods for others, and there are uncle farmers who carry vegetables on the street and sell vegetables. .

They are the most industrious, they are all using their own hands to build their own lives.

"Their body is not better than you, and their age is not younger than you, but they are all working hard. Are you embarrassed to say that you are so young and still come to do such a thing?"

If she didn't know his grandfather, or if the two of them were still classmates in the first and second grades, she wouldn't try to dissuade him.

"Sister, don't talk about it, I already know it's wrong."

This time, he really lost his face and face. A big man was scolded by a woman pointing his nose, which made him unable to look up in front of his brothers in the future.

"You thought I wanted to say, I told you that if it weren't for our relationship, I asked the security administrator to arrest you and send you to the labor camp today."

As Luo Xiaohua was talking, she missed her mouth all at once, making Liu Erwa's eyes lit up instantly.

If there is such a beautiful little daughter-in-law, he will not do those petty thefts in his life.

"Relationship? What is the relationship between us?"


"We have nothing to do with each other. It's just a classmate relationship. You should have been to an elementary school in Xiangshui Village."

Seeing Liu Erwa's happy face, Luo Xiaohua couldn't help rolling her eyes.

She teaches and educates people, this time she is not only because of her classmates, but also because she doesn’t want him to ruin her teacher’s reputation. Her teacher is a very kind teacher who wholeheartedly teaches them so that they can behave well. , Can't let him be stained on the way of teaching and educating people because of him.

"I go!"

Liu Erwa really shivered when she heard Luo Xiaohua's words. This woman was too terrifying. She had gone to elementary school in Xiangshui Village for a year, and she remembered it.

"Then since you know each other, if we don't pursue it, we will also leave first."

The captain of the security team saw that they were also acquaintances, and the girl was also persuading this person, and felt that there was nothing wrong, so he planned to leave.

"We won't pursue it. Anyway, the money has already been recovered. If you missed a few hundred dollars, that's fine. It's just that you had a hard time and would like to invite you to have tea another day?"

The little daughter-in-law is a very soft-hearted, so without her speaking, Xiao San helped him make the decision.

"Thanks for your hard work, everyone is gone, and we plan to go back."

The money has already been retrieved, and Luo Xiaohua doesn't want to spend too much time. She is going to open the business in these two days, and there are more busy things.

"I will deliver the bad 500 to the door myself another day!"

I don't know if what Luo Xiaohua said had an effect, Liu Erwa said very seriously.

"What you said, today we also let you go for the time being, but I hope there will be no next time, or we will send you in for a few years."

If you have money, you don’t want to be a fool. It’s just that you don’t know if the time comes and whether he will send it there.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I won't do it again."

After this incident, Liu Erwa knew the importance of having money, so he worked hard and eventually became the ragged king of Nancheng. This is also what Luo Xiaohua didn't expect. In the previous life, Liu Erwa was nowhere to be found in Nancheng. Some said that he was thrown to the bottom of the bridge and drowned, and some said that he had offended people and disappeared anyway.

In addition, his grandparents later immigrated to other provincial capitals and couldn't ask him where he was. Luo Xiaohua just listened.

"I said little sister, you are not going to let the tiger go back to the mountain, are you?"

A group of people went straight back to Luo Xiaohua's restaurant.

However, when Luo Xiaohua entered the kitchen to prepare food, Luo Laosi ran inside and said worriedly.

He was not worried that Liu Erwa would steal other people's things, but he was afraid that he would hate the younger sister.

"Four brother, the Buddha has said that saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha. Let's do good, and persuade him to change his evil and return to the right."

"I don't care if others change the evil or not. I just want you to be safe. It's because I didn't think it thoughtfully. If you open a restaurant now, you can't easily offend people. Otherwise, what if someone else makes trouble?"


Luo Si really blames himself at this moment.

"I said Brother Luo family, Huahua is not afraid of it. What are you afraid of? We are still here. If someone comes to make trouble, I will pour a pot of boiling water over him."

This is a noodle restaurant, and there is a pot of soup every day. If anyone dares to make trouble, he invites him to drink soup for free.

"Uncle Yang is so domineering!"

"This really means that the emperor is not in a hurry and the **** is in a hurry!"

Luo Laoshi shook his head and walked straight out. Perhaps, he was really worried for nothing, right?

"Thank you so much for this matter today!"

Luo Dasheng couldn't help crying again, and he couldn't help feeling sad when he thought of the past.

"The third child, don't think too much. I don't blame you for this. I blame the liar for being too skilled. We will be so mind-hearted when we go out from now on. Also, if you bring a lot of money in the future, let us Call it up."

As the boss of the Luo family, although he didn't spend much time with them, he still didn't say a word of rejection this time.

"Okay, brother, I'll listen to you."

"Everyone is eating and talking!"

Since the departure was early, everyone did not have breakfast, so here is breakfast and lunch together.

There are too many people, plus all the rough guys, Luo Xiaohua cooked a pot of pickled fish, then made a roast chicken, got a cold preserved egg and a knife to pat cucumber, and there was a pot of braised pork, and another Stir-fried carob beans and stir-fried bamboo leaf vegetables.

Fortunately, because of the opening, she prepared a lot of dishes, otherwise it would be really hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Yang Jialin is a Chinese food chef. This morning he sells noodles and stir-fried vegetables at noon, which is perfect. In the evening, Luo Xiaohua plans to prepare himself and sell some braised vegetables and prawns in oil.

"Sister-in-law's craftsmanship is so good, eldest brother will be blessed in the future."

The delicious and delicious dishes made everyone move their index fingers and made Xiao San's four brothers praise him.


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