Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 153: Matchmaker is not good

"What do you look at? Let's go quickly, didn't you say that you are looking for me for something!"

Seeing Yaomei was going to join in the fun, Luo Laosan immediately pulled her to the other side.

"I'm fine looking for you now."

She felt that the third brother and Tang Xiaodi didn't match well at all, but the fourth brother even matched some.

"By the way, the good sister you are talking about, isn't it Tang Xiaodi?"

Without knowing which muscle was wrong, Luo San actually remembered what Yaomei said to his grandmother just now.

It's just that, why is it that the more you hear this, the more wrong it becomes?

"Yes, so what, not so what, don't you have any ideas?"

Luo Xiaohua looked at her third brother jokingly, not loving or not loving, so why bother to provoke each other.

Therefore, Luo Xiaohua refused without hesitation.

In fact, she is also selfish. She feels that it is fine to let a good sister marry one of her two brothers, and both are better than the husband in her previous life.

Don’t say that the man is delicious and lazy. The most important thing is that he doesn’t feel sorry for his daughter-in-law. Between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, he also helps his mother to bully his daughter-in-law. Tolerate his arrogance.

The most speechless thing is that she also met a family who didn't feel sorry for her and didn't know to help her out.

If her mom, dad and elder brother can support her, she won't be beaten all over her body.

Her brother has been honest all his life, he is still good, but his ears are too raked, he only listens to his wife.

"I said Yaomei, if you don't like you, don't you want to match up, then why did you change your attention again?"

In front of his sister, Luo San was still a little skinny.

"If you don't like it, I will go to the fourth brother, and I will let him marry Tang Xiaodi."


Luo Lao San wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood. So did her Yaomei think so?

"Don't have a speechless expression. Tang Xiaodi is very good. It is more than enough for you, much better than your childhood sweetheart. Besides, she has gone to work in other provinces. Don't think about her all day. Let's learn to open our eyes. Pick the one that suits you."

The third brother's marriage was not going well, and he still had a lot to do with him. Waiting for someone who knew he wouldn't belong to him, wouldn't it be that he wouldn't look back if he didn't hit the south wall, but later on, it was him who delayed him.

She actually doesn't understand love so thoroughly, but she thinks that two people are right.

"You've been spoiled by Xiao San every day and you are almost becoming a lover. I don't know which one it is. I once said that it was not him who would not marry. As a result, I didn't recognize people in a blink of an eye."

"So, take a step back and you can try it too."

"It's a fart, it feels **** away!"

A roar of a Hedong lion directly shocked the two brothers and sisters. Looking back, I'll go!

The grandmother who had always dressed herself up very intelligently and gracefully, now turned into a shrew who would burst out with the roar of the Hedong Lion.

It's not that Luo Xiaohua is exaggerating, but that's the fact.

Du Zhilan took a broom and hit Fu Qingchen on him.

Fu Qingchen, who was wearing a cheongsam, could only walk in small steps, so he was still beaten twice.

"Du Shrew, I didn't play with you!"

"No play, no play. Whoever asked you to seduce my husband, I just want to beat you, I want to kill you shameless woman."

"alright, alright!"

Zhu Zhengyi was trembling with anger and shouted loudly. This change was so fast that he was caught off guard.

"Well, what's the matter? I can't make a clear connection with the old lover when I get old. You are shameless and I have to face it."

Du Zhilan, whose eyes were red with anger, pulled the broom hard.

"Fu Qingchen, hurry up, don't come again."

This sentence, Zhu Zhengyi said very slowly.

Although it said that two people are fine, but the age when the love is first opened is the most unforgettable, let alone one that can't be obtained, and it can arouse the wave of love in my heart.

"You tell me where my granddaughter is, I'll leave!"

"It's gone a long time ago, you go quickly!"

"If you don't leave, I'll kill you if you don't leave."

"This grandma, I'll talk about it later, is it really a good place to chat with so many here."

Although I don't know what the matter is, Luo Xiaohua intends to coax people away with the idea that family ugliness cannot be publicized.

"You are the nun, you are the nun, is it so hard for grandma to find you?"

This time, Luo Xiaohua was so embarrassed that she was so hugged by the old lady that she almost couldn't breathe.

Both hands tried to push the old lady away, but unexpectedly, she hugged her tighter.

"Grandma, let go first, you are about to strangle my sister to death."

Luo San was anxious, and quickly stepped forward to break the old lady's hand.

"No, let go and she ran away."

Fu Qingchen was really pleasantly surprised at this moment, but she was really afraid that Luo Xiaohua would run away.

"No, no, we are all here, where are we going?"

While soothing, Luo San tried to break away the old lady's hand that was confined to the little girl's neck.

"Let go!"

Following Luo Xiaohua's roar, Luo Laosan successfully rescued her, but the old lady was not so lucky. She was so scared by Luo Xiaohua that she almost sat on the ground with her ass, it was Zhu Zhengyi. Caught her.

"Lao Zhu, is it her, is it her?"

Looking at Zhu Zhengyi, Fu Qingchen burst into tears.

"No, she is my granddaughter, not your granddaughter."

After Zhu Zhengyi said, he would take Fu Qingchen out.

"Zhu Zhengyi, if you dare to step out of this door today, I will divorce you."

Seeing the two people holding hands, Du Zhilan was trembling with anger, and by the way, she said cruelly.

"Can you stop making trouble?"

Now he is really one of the first two big people, and this wave is not flat.

"Grandpa, what's the matter, go to my shop and talk. This is not the place to talk."

Looking at the old lady in front of him, Luo Xiaohua thought of the fat woman who pushed her daughter out of the door.

So She wants to find out, is she born to her parents?

Does she have anything to do with that woman?

Only by solving this mystery can she find out why Liu Jianmin harmed her, as well as the reason for abandoning his wife and daughter.

She used to be too arrogant. If you want to leave, I will definitely not stay.

It’s just that life is not what you want, just what you want, it will always

Intentionally, it will bring you a fierce blow.

"Then go to your store, the boss will show your mother a little bit. She's old and crazy, and doesn't look at what this place is!"

Zhu Zhengyi, who has been raking for a lifetime, finally became hardened this time.



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