Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 157: Tang Xiaodi's protest

"This..." When Father Tang heard his daughter's words, his face turned red all of a sudden, and he was angry with him. This dead girl was born to be angry with him.

"Nephew, don't mind. My niece is quick-tempered. She is still very good. She is very diligent and the top outsider at home. If she is not able to marry close relatives now, I plan to let her be my daughter-in-law. !"

"Sangu, if your cousin knows what you said, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary misunderstanding!"

Entering the room with a basin, and after a glance at the people in the room, Tang Xiaodi decided that his marriage was the master of his own accord. According to his parents’ order of the matchmaker, the man who kept the Harazi in his mouth dared to introduce her to her. Just push her into the fire pit?

Yes, the third aunt of the Tang family introduced Tang Xiaodi to a man with mild polio. He was a little limped while walking, his limbs were not very flexible, and he had a little facial paralysis, but his speech intelligence was still okay.

"Even if you are afraid of anything, the child is born, if you want to run, you can run away, the big deal is to marry another one."

"It seems that Sangu has made a lot of money in the past two years. This is a bit of a rich and powerful feeling."

Tang Xiaodi really doesn’t like her third aunt. I heard from her older sister that she cried because of her when she was young. She was already a mother and slapped her face with a slap. If it weren’t for her luck, she If she slapped her eyes or ears, it would be either blind or deaf.

What is a woman, why bother with a woman, is the way she gets along with Sangu.

Anyway, as long as she comes, Tang Xiaodi won't have a good face, anyway, you don't like me, and I don't like you, why be hypocritical?

"What nonsense, your third aunt has recently contracted a big project and made a small profit. The little money he made is not much for the Zhang family. Do you think it's the Zhang family's sister-in-law?"

The third aunt of the Tang family looked at the woman on the side with a pleasing expression.

Tang Xiaodi also saw the woman behind the third aunt at this moment. She had a weather-beaten face and a small body. At first glance, she was not a rich wife.

Therefore, Sangu may find her from the city, but it is the city at the bottom. Maybe it’s not from the city, but she will never marry whether he is right or not!

"What are you doing in the cold, hurry up and call someone, this is Aunt Zhang, this is Aunt Zhang's son, you can call Big Brother Zhang, or call his name..."

"My name is Zhang Yangfan, you can call me brother Yang Fan."

Seeing Tang Xiaodi, Zhang Yangfan's eyes had long been straight.

In the past, Tang Xiaodi wore coarse cloth clothes in the countryside, but it was the one that had been patched many times.

However, after entering the city this time, Luo Xiaohua asked her fourth brother to tailor her four sets of clothes, two skirts, and two sets of bodysuits, all of the latest and fastest, plus Luo Xiaohua’s rebirth vision, Without revealing, it can also show the perfect figure without doubt, making Tang Xiaodi look like the city is better than the city.

"Yajing, your niece is not bad, she really matches my Yang Fan well, this is called, this is called..."

"This is called the appearance of a talented woman. As I said before, my niece Miaozi is very upright. Look at the big butt, I will definitely add a few more fat boys to your Zhang family in the future."

"Sangu, you can eat this meal randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. I didn't say yes. What are you making up there?"

"Dead girl, how do you say it, if it weren't for your third aunt's introduction, just look at your appearance, look at which one wants you, and fool around with that dead girl from the Luo family every day, and you won't be able to marry in the future."

"Mom, I went to work in the city. Didn't you say that we are losing money? Can't I make more money for you now?"

Maybe this is because of her own life. She can be unscrupulous about Sangu, but in front of her mother, she can only reason with her.

"Who wants your money? This family has said that if you are willing to marry, they will give a gift of five hundred yuan, and there will be three turns!"


After hearing what his mother said, Tang Xiaodi couldn't help but want to make complaints. After these three turns and 500 yuan, he bought his parents for mom and dad?

"These three turns and one ring, what's so strange? Luo Xiaohua said that when she gets married, she will buy a small car and accompany the air-conditioning refrigerator."

"You die girl, every day, the good ones don't learn, and the bad ones still learn a lot. Sister Zhang, don't mind, my girl is just talking nonsense."

Hearing the words of the mother and daughter, the woman in Zhang's family did not say a word.

This made Tang Xiaodi wonder if she was Zhang Yangfan's mother.

"Mom, I want this daughter-in-law, and I will also buy her a car."

"Buy, buy, buy, what to buy, you can't afford it if you sell it."

The Zhang family woman stood up suddenly.

"No, I want this daughter-in-law!"

"I won't go to your daughter-in-law, don't shout."

"Sister Zhang, don't be angry, don't be angry, my girl is not sensible. When we say something to her, we will take some time to discuss the marriage."


Tang Xiaodi was shocked by the look of mother's dog legs!

"Mom, I didn't even agree!"

"Since ancient times, marriages between children and daughters have always followed the instructions of their parents. How can you choose? If you are not obedient, I will marry you today. Anyway, I have already received the gift money."

"I don't want it, I have to choose by myself, you let them go, you let them go..."

When he came back, he thought of thousands of ways to deal with it, but when he really heard what his mother said, Tang Xiaodi couldn't help crying.

Mom and Dad did not even ask for her permission to collect the gift money.

"What nonsense? Obviously take your sister into the house quickly."

Father Tang, who had been sitting on the side and kept silent, immediately spoke.

"Big brother, you lied to me, what you said, if I don't see it, I don't see it?"


" I will not marry, if you dare to force me, I will let you see!"

When talking, Tang Xiaodi took the scissors from the wall and put them directly on his neck.

"What are you doing? This family is a big family. You marry it to enjoy the blessing."

The third aunt of the Tang family stepped forward to persuade.

"Xiangfu? Enjoy the fart's blessing. If you really are a good person, why don't you give your two daughters, I tell you, I think I am the Tang family, I also call you Sangu, if you push me into a hurry Now, I even killed you. Didn’t you say that we are losing money? If you are not a woman, you look down on yourself, so it’s better to die."

"I don't know what is good or bad, I think you just want to take care of yourself. If you dare to die today, you will be directly attached to the coffin and carried to Zhang's house later."


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