Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 162: Good people

"Of course I want to go back!"


Staring at the black butterfly on his hand, how could this girl never come out?

It turned out to be a lie. What system and space are all fake. She has the ability to revitalize her life, but, what little master is not there!

And the one who has turned into a black butterfly, is now practicing with great concentration, and will not be disturbed by the outside world at all. If you know Luo Xiaohua's mind, you will definitely sneer-I don't see you showing affection!

"The hens at home have laid a few eggs these days. You take them to the city to eat. Don’t just make money. Your health is still important. Or, if you have more time, I will let your dad kill a chicken. Father, can you take it to eat?"

"Mom, no need. This egg is for Xiaoyu and Tiantian. They are growing up and must eat something good. When I come back next time, I will bring them some milk powder. If the child cannot keep up with nutrition, he will easily grow up. ."

Their family may have that kind of weird gene. Their parents are not tall, and a few siblings are still quite tall. However, the eldest brother is still a bit short. Therefore, in order to prevent his nephews and nieces from growing up, Luo Xiaohua thought of it. I want to help them. I didn't expect this before, but now I think of it, I must buy it for them.

"They eat it every day. If you worry about what this does, I'll get you some food and pickles..."

After that, Zhu Huifang turned and headed outside.

Pity the parents of the world, my mother is really good to her.

She couldn't help but doubt that her previous inferences were false.

"Dad, you usually pay attention, don't let the people of the Tang family come to make trouble, if it comes, ask the uncle and them to call the security officer over."

"You guys go, I know how to measure it."

Luo Xiaohua, who was pushed into the car by her father, said that she was speechless. His father was like that, even if there was something to do, he wouldn't let them worry about it.

"What I said is true, you'd better be on guard, and even if they are looking for trouble, you just say I gave a thousand yuan."

Taking advantage of the time when the good sisters went to the toilet, Luo Xiaohua hurriedly told them.

She is not afraid of the Tang family making trouble, but most afraid of the Tang family coming to Yin.

In this rural area, every household has chickens and ducks. In the past, some people couldn't understand another family and put some pesticides to poison them to death.

"It's okay, their family dare not!"

Although he is very fair in his conduct and actions, but if you engage in my house, then I will make it difficult for you.

"Well, well, I'm relieved with your words."

Seeing Tang Xiaodi coming back, Luo Xiaohua got in the car.

It’s okay to have two seats in the passenger cabin, so Luo Xiaohua doesn’t have to feel wronged to sit behind her, and she still didn’t want the eggs her mother gave.

"Mom and dad, goodbye!"

"Uncle and aunt, goodbye!"

"You drive slowly on the road. It's not too late. Pay attention to safety. Wangwang. You can look ahead and be more careful. The sight is not good this night. Watch more..."

The mother is worried about children traveling thousands of miles, even if they are only a few miles away, but as parents, there are still ten thousand and ten thousand.


Tang Xiaodi's mouth moved and did not continue.

She is not a fool, and she is not ignorant. The impact of today's events on her is so great that she is so dizzy and drowsy that she doesn't know what to do.

But looking at the good sister, she didn't know what to say.

"Needless to say, I know everything, as long as you know that we are good sisters."

A hug and a word of comfort brought their hearts closer to each other.


Tang Xiaodi’s tears kept falling, and what Luo Xiaohua could do was to hug her tightly, and the two girls hugged in the passenger cabin like this. As the only male Luo San, for her family My sister is treating her differently again.

She looked very gentle, like a docile little sheep, anyone could bully.


When her temper erupted, just like the eruption of a volcano, no one could stop her offensive.

Just like today when she beat the man who bullied Tang Xiaodi, his car hadn't stopped, she saw her open the door and got out of the car, and then kicked the man off Tang Xiaodi.

She is also a girl who cares about love and righteousness, so she has to do everything for her good sister to help her get it.

As an older brother, he is really proud of having such a younger sister.

~\\(≧▽≦)/~ la la la

Thinking of the little sister's goodness, Luo San was also happy.


After stopping the car, Luo San couldn't help but open the car door curiously.


Luo Xiaohua made a soft gesture to the three, and then pointed at Tang Xiaodi who was leaning on her shoulder.

"Wake her up..."

Originally, she said that she could wake people up, but after meeting her younger sister's stern eyes, she stopped immediately.

"Help me carry her to the dormitory!"

No wonder you can't find a girlfriend, it's just that he can find his elm head?


"What am I, am I not you or me?"


Tang Xiaodi is not tall, and he is also a relatively thin one, so he looks cute and cute, and he weighs eighty catties. Therefore, for Luo Laosan, this is really not heavy.


This man and woman can’t be kissed, so he just hugs them in. Isn’t it okay?

"Hurry up, Uncle Yang and the others have to go back?"

Luo Xiaohua spoke very quietly, and Tang Xiaodi, who was exhausted physically and mentally, showed no signs of being awakened.

"All right!"

Luo San, who had never known to refuse the request of the younger sister, really listened to her, and hugged Tang Xiaodi out of the car.

The clothes before were dirty. Now Tang Xiaodi is wearing Luo Xiaohua’s Since Luo Xiaohua is a bit taller, even a seven-point long skirt will just give her whole body. Wrapped up.

The white skirt set off the scars on the face even more shockingly.

Seeing this, Luo San's heart couldn't help but jump a few times.

For Tang Xiaodi, she is also relatively familiar, because she, Liu Yan, and her own little sister, the three of them are in the village, but they are a group of three, and they are all together for school and school vacations. As long as you find someone, you can find them. One, the other two will also be there.

Compared to the little sister's naughty, Liu Yan's cunning, Tang Xiaodi is indeed much simpler.

Sometimes, the relationship between people is an opportunity. When this opportunity comes, fate is close.

Tang Xiaodi didn't expect that his most embarrassed appearance, not only did not make Luo San feel disgusted, but felt a lot of distress, and in the days to come, she will be more affectionate to her.


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