Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 167: Good sisters become sister-in-law

"I said you two, this is because I don't like the food here, right? Don't you want to have another meal?"

Anything can get on him. Isn't it possible that you are not good enough for him?

Although she and Xiao San didn't like the love of the couple, but the overall feeling is still good!

In fact, what Luo Xiaohua didn't know was that because Xiao San was also a person who had experienced it once, his personality was definitely the same as that of his peers. It will certainly not be the same as the young boy who sprouts in the spring heart, the whole body exudes the smell of hormones.

And she herself is also a person who has experienced it once. With such a handsome and very safe boyfriend, if she was the one she used to be, she would definitely not be able to help but see if he was impulsive towards him. ?

It's a pity that people who have experienced it once will always become more cautious, and will not be like a girl who is in love with each other, and look forward to seeing him day and night.

"Sister-in-law is shy? Did my boss call you?"

Wang Ruicai didn't care about that much, picking up a piece of braised pork, still joking.

"The one who called, said that the girl from Dongcheng is very good, and I have a chance to bring you two girlfriends back!"

"Don't don't don't, let me tell you, this unmarried man, if he introduces a girlfriend to others, he must have been in love with him. So, for the good of you two, I don't want this girlfriend!"


Luo Xiaohua couldn't help but laugh, what he said was really the same thing. It's just that, coupled with his actions, there is no righteous Lingran, it is simply reluctant to cut the flesh.

"I'm full, can you still eat?"

Li Yang put down the bowl and looked at Wang Rui seriously.

"I'm not eating anymore, you put the bowl in, and I will ask my sister-in-law about it."

After Li Yang entered, Wang Rui moved the stool to Luo Xiaohua's side.

"Stop, stop, what are you doing so close?"

Although there is no one at this point, but as a woman with a fiance, she must keep a distance from the opposite sex. Otherwise, what if the fiance is jealous?

"Far away, I'm afraid you won't hear, that, this, that is..."

"Which one is it? Why are you so inked? Don't tell me, don't say I'm going to rest."

Not only did the people who ran here today didn't take a nap, but the whole person was too tired.

"That's it, why didn't you see the girl in your store today?"

With all the courage, Wang Rui just said it.

"You said she..."

After the word ah, there is no further text, it is like a cat scratching Wang Rui, halfway through the words, it is really anxious to death.

"Where did she go?"

"She is my third sister-in-law!"

"Bang Dang" directly hit Wang Rui's heart.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll take the liberty!" The embarrassment in capitals was all on his face.

"What's the matter? If there is a girl who is watching in the future, also bring it to me and let me check it for you."

It was too early. After Li Yang had cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, the two of them left. The day was over. The door was closed, the lights were turned off, and they walked from the back door to the dormitory in the backyard.

This dormitory was built when she was renovating, just to make it easier for her to take a nap.

"They are gone."

Tang Xiaodi, who had been staying in the house, didn't sleep. After hearing the sound of opening the door, he immediately looked up. After seeing Luo Xiaohua, he guessed that the two men must have gone too.

Because of her face injury, Tang Xiaodi didn't want to be seen by others, so she would rather hide in the dormitory than go out and walk around.

"Go, finally finished!"

Luo Xiaohua lay directly on the bed and hugged Tang Xiaodi.

"Go ahead, you woman with a fiancé, go and hug your fiancé."

Tang Xiaodi laughed suddenly.

What she fears most is tickling. Every time Luo Xiaohua hugs her waist, she can't help but laugh.

The two of them, as well as Liu Yan, used to sleep in the same shop when they were young. Anyway, Luo Xiaohua has her own room, so she can play whatever they want on the bed.

There are many children, and they always think of many interesting ways.

Luo Xiaohua’s bed is a canopy bed. A bed sheet is tied with a rope and placed on both sides of the canopy bed. Then it becomes a hammock. One person goes up and lies in it, and the other two push it on the side. But once The car overturned and the whole canopy bed collapsed. At that time, they were so scared that they screamed.

As a result, it was unavoidable to be trained, but the canopy bed made of solid wood was ruined by them, and it would be good if it was not beaten.

"Time is really too fast!"


These three words sound really comfortable. Why was she so stupid before that she didn't choose him?

"Yeah, it's too fast, I really don't want to grow up!"

When I grow up, I will face all kinds of troubles and things that I don’t want to face.

"How good is when we grow up, we can make money on our own, we can do what we like to do, we used to just want to grow up!"

They once thought about growing up, but when they grow up they are really hard to say...

"Yes, we used to think that way, but..."

Tang Xiaodi choked up as she spoke.

Luo Xiaohua is indeed the life she wants now, but...but...

But she, she is still the one who knows nothing.

"Xiaodi, don't worry, as long as I have a sip of the soup, I will never leave you hungry."

Luo Xiaohua rubbed her, her whole face was buried in the bed.

"Puff," Tang Xiaodi said nonchalantly.

"Should a man say this to a woman?"

"It's the same for you."

"I'm not going to **** with you, I will find a boyfriend in the future."

"You think I won't agree yet. You said that if you become my third wife in the future, do you think I will care about you?"

Luo Xiaohua raised her eyebrows and said meaningfully.

"Okay, you and I are your third sister-in-law and you care about me. It turns out that it's not because we are good sisters?"


The baby is not happy!

Not happy!

"Of course it's because of my good or else how hot I miss you and be my third sister-in-law?"

Others say that my aunts are troublesome. If the two of them are good sisters, there will be no such troubles in the future.

In fact, Luo Xiaohua doesn't need to worry about this.

Aunt-in-law relationship is not good. In fact, it is more that the sister-in-law did not put her position right, the water thrown out by the married daughter, and her parents’ affairs were mixed up at night. Is it strange?

However, sometimes the sister-in-law is too much, and the sister-in-law is a guest, you can't pick and choose from her.

Therefore, if you want to have a good auntie relationship, you can't treat the other person as your own and tell her everything.

This is how distance produces beauty.

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