Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 177: Yang Jialin's life

"It's not like that. Anyway, it's my original intention to learn craftsmanship. You don't want to press down on this skill. Anyway, you can rest assured that unless you don't want me, I won't go to another place to do it."

Yang Jialin patted his chest and said seriously.

He is not an ungrateful person, thinking that when he learned to cook back then, he suffered a lot.

His parents died young, leaving him with a single seedling, and the family's fields were divided among them by his uncles. Then in order to fight for his breath, the fourteen-year-old began to wander in the city, picking up trash, helping people brush his leather shoes; slept on the side of the road and under the bridge; met warm-hearted people, and cold eyes; really. It can be said that I have eaten all the ups and downs, and have tasted the tastes of the world.

Then, in a state-owned hotel, he was taken in by the master. At that time, it was really difficult to learn a craft. Generally, other people would not teach you, so you can only find it on your own.

At the very beginning, he was choosing vegetables in the kitchen, and it was not his turn to serve the dishes, because when he was serving the dishes, he could see how Master was cooking the dishes, so all those things were done by the people involved.

When he stayed a little longer, he learned to kill fish, which lasted more than a year.

In the past two years, he didn't have any money, because he was young and had no salary. Therefore, the hotel accepts him because he is pitiful, and he is given a place to live, as well as food.

However, he didn't intend to kill the fish for a lifetime. He always wanted to learn crafts from his master.

Therefore, when he is not busy, he will help others cut vegetables and serve dishes, and then figure out how to match the dishes, and when cooking, what to put first and what to last.

Because others are diligent, the mouth will say that they are willing to teach him.

The real apprenticeship is almost the fourth year since he came to the hotel.

That day, he used the money he saved to buy two catties of white wine, one catty of beef, and one catty of leaf tobacco, which he carried to Master's place.

Seeing him come to the door sincerely, the master promised to teach him, but he also assured him that he would not grab his job.

Yang Jialin swore to God on the spot that he would never do ungrateful things. After all, the master gave him the craft, how could he have taught his apprentice to starve to death.

From then on, he started to cook while killing fish, garnishing, serving dishes, and learning to cook.

In fact, when the master taught him, he still had reservations. He didn't teach many things. However, he didn't blame the Master either, after all, he relied on this for his food.

After staying in the hotel for ten years, he went from being a little boy to being a big man, from no salary to a salary.

He is not willing to be mediocre. When he is not busy, he always listens to other people discussing what makes money recently and what good policies there are recently.

When the self-employed could start, his heart moved, and then he had no money on hand.

Therefore, he began to fiddle with a street stall to sell some small things. From then on, he would set up a street stall after get off work. Sometimes he could make a few dollars a day, but sometimes he still fell into disgrace.

However, even so, he was not discouraged, but time and time again, he learned from his failures to see what was wrong.

Life is not all smooth sailing. In one summer, a heavy rain hit him directly before liberation.

That day, it was the wind and the sun, he still set up a street stall at Qiaotou as usual, and then waited for the customers to come. As a result, the customer did not wait, waiting for a heavy rain.

He cried that day, no matter how hard he was, no matter how tired he was, he cried when he saw that all the goods he bought were getting wet, and still cried loudly.

Since then, although he has remained the same as usual, he has also made up his mind to open his own store and find a place with a store.

With the development of self-employed businesses, the business of state-owned hotels began to deteriorate. Before the boss could lay off employees, he took the initiative to hand in a letter of resignation.

Seeing that he has been working here for a long time, the boss generously paid him an extra year's salary.

Carrying the starting capital of his life, he has long been optimistic about the bridgehead, set up a shed, and started a cooking business.

However, there was no business for a long time in the business. Seeing other people's houses were full, he began to doubt his life. If the customers who came to eat said it was delicious, he would deny his craftsmanship.

I didn't make any money, and my hair began to fall down one by one.

Later, someone else ordered him to sell cheap snacks such as noodles and glutinous rice balls.

Therefore, he also began to learn from others to diversify. The result is that you can’t be too busy. Sometimes, people are just like that. When you think you’re in a desperate situation, God will always give you a light.

When he was busy, the girl living behind his shop really couldn't make it through, so she came to help every day.

At that time, the distance between men and women was very long. Generally, there was no matchmaker's words from the parents, and they would not easily say the word "like".

Therefore, even if the girl came to help, Yang Jialin didn't speak, but her parents saw that he was really good, and they took the first step when they asked the matchmaker to come.

Knowing his rough fate, the girl married him without hesitation. The new house was a house he rented again for marriage. He also moved from the dark and humid basement to the first floor with sunshine. After all, he had a wife. It’s impossible for the daughter-in-law to suffer along with it!

With a family, a house and a career, Yang Jialin is very motivated. In the coming year, he embraced a big fat boy, so that his career will be smooth sailing. When the business is smooth, his son also starts elementary school, and he is thinking about buying a house.

At that time, the money on hand was not enough, so he borrowed some from his old husband and brother-in-law. Since then, the family has moved to his own room.

And Yang Jialin didn't just slack but worked harder, after all, he still had to pay his debts.

The debt has been paid off, and he has some savings on hand, so he plans to do something that makes him feel scared, that is, rent a storefront and open his own restaurant.

He has been thinking about this dream for many years, and being a boss is so prestigious and pretentious.

At that time, his son was admitted to junior high school, and he was using money. However, his wife still supports him and asks him to do what he wants to do. If he really loses money, he will sell the house and let his son finish his studies.

With the support of his wife, Yang Jialin, really fearless, transferred out the shed noodle restaurant where he started his life.

Life is hard work. If he doesn't toss, he will still be the kid picking up **** on the side of the road. If he is lucky, he will be a kid who kills fish in a restaurant.

Because of his unwillingness, he changed his destiny.


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