Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 182: Business opportunities everywhere

Seeing the woman who suddenly changed her face, the Army and the Navy looked dumbfounded.

"I said that your women changed their faces, why did you become so fast? You said that if you don't eat it, why did you say it's mine?"

For Lin Xiaoli, the Army and the Navy really like it. However, I always feel that she is too troublesome, so I still feel that if you marry a wife like her, you will definitely have a headache in the future.

The daughter-in-law is going to marry the sister-in-law, doing things cleanly and without procrastination, and talks about things, and won’t go around thinking like a hide-and-seek like you, let you guess.


Suddenly, Lin Xiaoli didn't know what to say.

I thought that the Army and the Navy would immediately comfort me, but I didn't expect it to start to blame myself.

At this time, Lin Xiaoli really cried, and was extremely aggrieved.

This scared the army and the navy, this is not going to go, it is a headache! Headache!

"If you want to go at night, go, anyway, our brothers have to practice it for the boss."

After leaving a word, the Army and the Navy bypassed Lin Xiaojing and went straight.

When he walked out, as expected, he saw Xiao San outside the door.

"Okay you, it's not enough, leave me alone."

The army and the navy walked up with a spin kick, and as a result, even if he was unexpected, he was still stepped away by Xiao San.

"Isn't there a person in there, a good opportunity, don't you know how to take it?"

Xiao San didn't gloat, but was talking about it very seriously.

He knows exactly what his good brother is thinking, and if he likes it, he will chase it bravely.

However, he didn't know that his good brother had changed his mind a bit, and this matchmaker was destined to fail.

"Bah, baah, sure, if I dare to say anything, it would be good not to kill me?"

Lin Xiaoli is a she-wolf in sheep's clothing. She looks very docile. If she really provokes her, how can she deal with you?

"She just has a hot temperament, and her heart is still good. You and her have known each other for several years. Haven't this been figured out yet?"

In fact, Xiao San felt that Lin Xiaoli was okay, at least it was okay with the army and the navy, she was just like that.

"Clear is clear, but, you also know, she likes you, don't say I can't catch up, even if I catch up, can her parents agree?"

Although he is considered a small accomplishment now, he is still far behind the Lin family.

"It's up to you, sincere is the best way to go. As long as you have that heart, go and work hard. I won't say anything more. I will go to the department store to buy something."

While talking, he stepped forward towards the gate.

The position he is now in is the garment factory he runs here, usually under the management of the factory manager, he usually comes once every two or three months, and what he comes over is to take orders and then give them tasks.

The clothing factory has only been open for a year and a half, and the benefits are still good. In addition, he is the one who came here, and he is quite clear about which styles will become the trend.

Therefore, there are a lot of orders in the factory this year. Otherwise, I would not stay here for a month and a half. I originally wanted to spend the Chinese Valentine's Day with my daughter-in-law. It seems that I can only rush back to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with her.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, I will get engaged by the way, and then discuss the wedding day. I think it’s very beautiful.

"Comrade, comrade..."

"Ah, you call me?"

Before I knew it, I had arrived at the department store, but I didn't expect Xiao San, who was immersed in his own thoughts, to just stand outside the gate, but didn't go in again.

That's why the salesperson standing at the door asked embarrassedly.

"Yes, I saw you standing here but didn't go in. I want to ask if you need any help?"

The salesperson said with a smile, the large black suit, worn on her body, raised her age quite a bit.

Perhaps it was an occupational disease. Xiao San frowned immediately. The clothing of this family seemed to have to be improved, and it would definitely be kicked out in the future.

"I want to ask who is your personnel manager here?"

"What are you looking for our manager for?"

The salesperson looked at Xiao San with a dazed expression. This man didn't look like a moneyless owner. Why did he come to find someone?

"It's okay, just ask. If he is there, I will chat with him. If he is not, I will go in and buy something. If it is convenient for you, please pass this business card to him and tell him by the way, you guys. The professional attire here has lowered the grade of your department store. If you let our factory do it, it will definitely improve your entire temperament."

"This comrade, this cowhide is not a boast. Don't boast about it. Then you can't stop the leak."

Just when Xiao San was about to go in, the voice of another woman stopped his footsteps.

"how do I say this?"

Looking back now, she is really a woman in her 30s. She must have some temperament, but his clothes are also the same as salespersons. They are all black, black shirts and black pants. They don’t know what’s going on. Why is this department store all black?

Other department stores are either blue or white. Anyway, black ones are quite rare. Could it be that their leaders have quirks and like black ones?

"You said that our clothing here has lowered our grade. You can see that we have more than 100 salespersons here. The people inside are different in height, fat and thin. This clothing is all made together. There is definitely no guarantee. Everyone can fit."

In fact, there is another reason why this woman hasn't said, because there are so many people here and there are many salespersons coming and going. Therefore, when many salespersons leave their jobs, they will leave their clothes for the next group of people to wear.

So many clothes will be deformed, and because the body shape just mentioned is different, it will definitely not look good.

"I also know about this, so do you want to improve your overall grade? Look at the new horizons. The tooling is much better, and the atmosphere there is better."

The possible expression on hearing Xiao San's words is also that he also knows that their tooling here is not good-looking, but this is also to save money, and some of them are good to wear now. If the department store used to provide tooling, how could it be possible?

"I understand what you said. Then I will tell the leader above me. I will go to the factory to find you if I see it when I need it."

"That's fine. If you need it, you can go to our factory to take a look. We now specialize in custom-made tooling. New ones or refurbishment are fine."

No matter what business you do, you need to calculate the cost. If the cost is too high, then you will only lose money, so every boss is careful.


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