Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 199: It's tiring to play every time

Today is simply a happy reunion, more complete than the Spring Festival. Not only the three aunts and six wives are here, but even the relatives who have been so many generations away are here. Many Luo Xiaohua can't be named.

"Come here, let me see."

After wandering around, Luo Xiaohua was stopped by someone.

"Auntie, you are getting younger and younger, I almost didn't recognize it."

The one who called Luo Xiaohua was Father Luo's sister. She married to the next county town. She was still a doctor, and I heard that she was still the dean!

More than that, the sons and daughters of the grandmother's family work in the work unit. The eldest son is in the steel factory, the first daughter is in the hospital, the eldest daughter is in the credit union, and the first daughter is in the department store.

Therefore, the conditions in the aunt's house are very good, even better than the conditions in Luo Xiaohua's grandmother's house. Just like her grandmother, she looked down on their home, let alone a family like grandma. Usually nothing happens. Her parents will not go there, only grandparents will go there occasionally to play.

However, grandma aunt is such a person, grandpa aunt is a little better, and he still likes to carry any good things to their house.

She remembered one time when Sangu went to their house on the Mid-Autumn Festival, but when she returned home, her grandmother rushed over and insisted that she took the money from their house. At that time, Sangu was anxiously going to jump into the river to prove her innocence. Fortunately, a few uncles stopped her, and they promised to say that Sangu would never.

However, it seems that grandpa took some money and told grandma and aunt to go back and look for it first.

As a result, before she left the village, Grandpa Auntie ran over. It turned out that she fell in the closet. Fortunately, Grandpa Auntie and the others were looking for it at home. Otherwise, Sangu must have jumped into the Yellow River. Can't wash it out.

For this grandmother, Luo Xiaohua and their brothers and sisters, they all hid as far away as possible, really afraid to repeat the mistakes of Sangu.

I can't afford it, I can't hide it.

"Oh, you girl, talking more and more, it's different when this is big. I remember when I saw you last time, you seemed to be this big, how come you grew so tall in a blink of an eye."

The old lady has fair skin, and she used to bring children at home after marrying. Even if she was one or two years younger than her grandfather, she looked a lot younger.

When you are young, you will be thinner and look younger. When you get older, you will be fatter and younger.

"Auntie, if you wait a few more years, this kid will be a mother."

It was Luo Xiaohua's aunt who was talking. Luo Xiaohua knew why she wanted to please her aunt so much, not because she wanted her eldest brother to follow her grandfather as an apprentice, or go to work in her cousin's steel factory.

She also didn't want to think about how many preschools you haven't attended, how could others let you go?

But having said that, my grandmother's house is indeed more prestigious in the local area. After all, the family members are all working in government agencies. If they climbed up to them, it would be very easy to really help find something to do.

"You guys are joking about me again, I won't say much about staying with you, I'll go and help my mother and them."

After finding an excuse, Luo Xiaohua wanted to leave. She is just like that, she is not used to dealing with people, especially her elders. Neither like nor dislike can be expressed casually, especially for the well-behaved elders, which is even more remarkable.

"You kid, why is someone in the kitchen asking you to do it? Sit with your aunt and grandma for a while. I heard that your girl is quite capable now. I heard that you have set up a pawnshop?"

"Where is a pawnshop? It's just a normal store where I can just eat and eat. I am idle at home, and I can't be an old girl for a lifetime!"

My Xiaohuan feels so strange, bad things don’t go out and good things spread thousands of miles away, why did he and her aunt know about it?

"It is hard to make money by yourself. It can also relieve your mother and them from the burden. If you really have the ability to eat, you will bring your brother and them to the city in the future. The development of this city is still much better than that of the country. Don’t be like your dad and them. They will eat in the soil for the rest of your life. If you have a chance, you will still see the outside world."

After listening to her grandmother, Luo Xiaohua immediately became unhappy. She came from the countryside and disliked that she also came from the countryside, and disliked that it is not good to abandon the countryside.

In the countryside, the air is good, the people are honest, unlike the people in the city, everyone wears a mask, and you have to be careful when you speak.

The vegetables I eat are all grown by my own house, and they are safe to eat without pesticides.

However, when it comes to studying, it is better to practice in the morning, which she cannot deny.

It's just that she was digging in the soil in the conversation, which made her very unhappy. There is something shameful about living on her own labor. Isn't it because the conditions are a little bit worse, and the money is a bit less. If everyone goes to the city, the land is deserted, and the price of food will rise again.

Speaking of which, rural people are indeed very pitiful.

People in this city use both air conditioners and fans when they go to work, and they are not afraid of wind and rain. This is old, and there is a retirement salary, and there is no need to raise children to prevent old age.

But the rural people worked so hard to grow a la carte, and they sold them very cheaply. Their annual income was not enough for their family's expenses, and they didn't have a pension when they were old.

They are all making contributions to society, who is more noble than whom?

It's not that there is a lack of a diploma, and a lack of identity as a citizen of the city.

Because of this, more and more people from the countryside ran into the city and left the land in waste.

"What the aunt said is, what the aunt said is, I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go over there and see if I can help."

What does it mean to run faster than a rabbit is what Luo Xiaohua is in now.

"What did you do, is there a ghost behind you?"

Tang Xiaodi, who was well-dressed, was standing with Luo San at the moment, and was suddenly hit by Luo Xiaohua.

"Ouch, sorry, I didn't mean it."

Standing behind Luo Xiaohua hugged Tang Xiaodi and said sorry.

"What do you do with frizz?"

The daughter-in-law belongs to her, and her sister must not touch her, so she pulls the little sister aside.

"Three brothers, what are you doing? I can't say a few words with Sansao?"

Luo Xiaohua expressed dissatisfaction when he was rejected by the public.

"Speak as you speak, what do you do with your hands, don't you see that the skirt is crumpled?"

"Do you love your skirt or people, don't you just hug your daughter-in-law, do you need to be jealous? If you don't marry him early, I will hold him to sleep every night from now on."


"Xiao San, quickly get your wife over..."


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