Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 251: problem occurs

Curiosity killed the cat. When Wang Rui wanted to ask Xiao San something, he heard Luo Xiaohua's urging voice.


   "Sister-in-law, I'll be well soon!"


   hey hey, I'm so tired!


   originally wanted to inquire about something, but was interrupted. Wang Rui was really as uncomfortable as a cat scratching in his heart.


   "As a man, I still have less curiosity, or it is you who are uncomfortable." Especially single men, can you sleep after eating dog food? Can you sleep?


   Xiao San really patted his brother on the shoulder sympathetically.


   "I'm really exhausted. If only the train can accelerate."


   These two days and two nights, it was really uncomfortable, she was sitting with a sore back. Seeing Xiao San sitting in, Luo Xiaohua couldn't help but want to complain.


   "Okay, it's coming soon, let's sleep for a while!"


I was fine when I went, but I didn’t expect that she would get motion sick when she came back. Maybe it’s something to do with her mood. She was happy when she went, but also anxious when she came back, plus because of what happened to the Lin family. In fact, Luo Xiaohua's mood is indeed very depressed.


   Seeing her daughter-in-law vomited faintly, Xiao San really felt pain in her eyes, and she really suffered.


   He also regretted letting her follow, otherwise he wouldn't suffer.


   "Then I'll sleep for a while, and you can call me when you get there!"


   The space in the car was originally small, so Xiao San used his thigh as a pillow to make his wife sleep comfortable.




   Luo Xiaohua looked at Wang Rui in front of him, and then at Xiao San, always feeling very embarrassed.


   "Why don't you go to the front?"


   "Sister-in-law, go to sleep, there are so many things in front of me, the boss is not easy to sit."


   Planned for the glass in front, and then saw his boss raising his eyebrows. Wang Rui knew that he was too witty. It seemed that his future was bright.


   Since she didn't sleep well when she was on the train, Luo Xiaohua lay in the car to sleep and fell asleep soon after.


   Xiao San was also very pleased looking at the way his wife was sleeping soundly, she was just as good as he was.




   "Drive well, let's talk if we have time!"


  Daughter-in-law is sleeping, how can I bother?




   Wang Rui curled his lips, saying that he would not open the Sen!


   It’s different for those who have a daughter-in-law. I know I feel sorry for them. I used to ride with him in the car, but that’s just random.


   It's sour!


   Just as they rushed home, Luo Xiaomei also had a situation here.


   "What's the matter?"


   Yang Dabao worked overtime today, and rushed home after nine o'clock. Unexpectedly, when he got home, he saw his daughter-in-law sitting on the sofa and shouted.


   "Dad, Dad, Mom have stomach pains, I asked her to go to the hospital, she said that she can't walk, I will call the grandparents next door, they are not at home, I am almost dying."


   Niuniu saw her father come back, her tears also fell.


   "Go, let's go to the hospital, Niuniu, don't run around with your father."


   "I won't run around!"


   Yang Dabao didn't say anything, he tied a bag that he had prepared a long time ago with a rope, and then went out with his wife in his arms.


   Luo Xiaomei is pregnant, but her weight hasn't increased much. On the contrary, because of the reaction in the third trimester of pregnancy, she lost a lot of weight.


   Because people in Nancheng slept earlier, and it’s now more than ten o'clock, there have been no people on the street, not even rickshaws.


   Yang Dabao is really in a hurry to die. He doesn't usually take a car, and there are a lot of people asking. There are urgent things at the moment, and I can't see any of them.


   "His dad, I'm going to die."


   Luo Xiaomei’s clothes were soaked, and her tone of voice was weak.


   She didn't start it directly, but because she fell while drying her clothes. After she moved her fetus, it was more uncomfortable than giving birth, and she had been in pain for a long time.


   "What nonsense, you will be fine, think about Niuniu, what should she do if something happens to you?"


   Since there was no car, Yang Dabao had to run towards the main road with his wife in his arms.


   "Dad, car, car, stop..."


   "Niu Niu..."




   Accompanied by Yang Dabao's screams, and the sound of cars braking.


  Wang Rui, who had parked the car, had already been scared into a cold sweat.


   Luo Xiaohua, who was already asleep, was already awakened. If Xiao San reacted fast enough and directly blocked her, she would really fall straight down.


   "It's your brother-in-law."


   After speaking, Xiao San quickly got out of the car, because besides Yang Dabao and Niuniu, there was another person on the ground.


   "My brother-in-law..."


   Luo Xiaohua immediately felt bad, and got out of the car quickly.


   "Sister, sister, hurry up, let's go to the hospital."


   "Brother-in-law, you hold Niuniu and sit in the front, we sit in the back."


   Luo Xiaohua was already anxious to death, and threw the things on the co-pilot directly onto the ground.


   Seeing her violent temperament, Wang Rui's temple twitched, but he didn't say a word, anyway, it didn't belong to him.


After    and Xiao San helped her sister into the car, the two of them squatted directly in the gap and let her sister lie on the chair alone.


   "Sister, I...I'm going to die..."


   "Sister, don't talk, save your energy, and you will be able to give birth later, don't say anything, listen to me. You will definitely be fine."


   Luo Xiaohua looked at her sister with her eyes and hypnotized her to relax her.


   And her hands started to touch her belly. After feeling the fetal heart in her belly, she was less afraid of her whole person. As long as the children are fine, the adults will be fine.


   In addition to this, Luo Xiaohua is still releasing her own abilities. With her own mind, she continuously inputs the vitalizing energy that has been freely used by her into her body.


   Maybe it is because of the powerful power that the child no longer jumps in his stomach, but starts to enjoy this rare comfort.


   "Huahua, is your sister okay?"


   Hearing no movement behind, Yang Dabao couldn't help but worry.


   "Auntie, will my mother die?"


   Niu Niu's eyes were swollen from crying, she was really scared and stupid today.


   "Your mother will be fine, brother-in-law, has something happened to my sister?"


   If it is activated, it should not cause people to faint in pain.


   "I don't know. I'm working overtime tonight, but she and Niuniu are at home. Niuniu, what happened to my mother?"


   Yang Dabao is also a little regretful. He usually doesn't work overtime. Why is he working overtime today? Knowing that there is a pregnant woman in the family, he actually put his wife and children at home for that overtime pay.


   "I was painting, after hearing the bang, I ran out to look, and I saw my mother on the ground..."



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