Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 313: Daughter should be self-improvement

Luo Xiaohua walked in this direction because she heard the sound of crying here.

Sure enough, I saw Liu Xiaoli right here, and she was really no stranger to this girl.

In these difficult times, with her own hard work, she not only graduated from university, but also became the first college student in Nancheng to study abroad. Finally, she returned to China and studied for postgraduates and doctoral degrees.

Her life can indeed be written as an inspirational novel. Since junior high school, she has relied on digging herbs and picking up trash on her own to provide for her tuition.

Especially in high school, it was the most difficult. Her tuition and living expenses really made her feel breathless.

In high school, she was one term younger than Luo Xiaohua, so Luo Xiaohua still knew her well.

In particular, she jumped so much that she admired her. When she was nine years old, the village began to literacy, and children who did not read had to read. At that time, Liu Xiaoli was only in the first grade.

If it were not for literacy in the village, perhaps such a talent would really be wasted.

Luo Xiaohua didn't know much about Liu Xiaoli's later events. It is said that she took root in Kyoto later.

However, her efforts did not bring her a happy life, mainly because her parents were too capable.

Don't go to school when you have good grades. When you get rich, it's like a blood-sucking worm possessing you.

It seems that she was still her boyfriend, so she just took the money to buy out the family relationship. Of course, Liu Laoyao's family also got a lot of money, built a small house for her three sons, and married a daughter-in-law.

However, Liu Xiaoli never returned to Nancheng, her home.

In fact, in Luo Xiaohua's view, Liu Xiaoli is really lucky, her hard work has paid off, and she also has a man who loves her.

The most important one is that her parents stopped at the end. Although not comparable to the kind of selfless parents, but it is much better than the kind of happiness that takes a daughter's life in exchange for a son's happiness.

"The weather is too cold. Don't catch a cold. Your body is yours. Only if you love yourself, others will love you."

Luo Xiaohua stepped forward and sat next to her by the river.

Xiao San's words were standing behind them, looking at the daughter-in-law.

"Sister Huahua, did you say I did something wrong today?"

It's finished with grandma, she really regrets it, no matter what, she is also an elder.

However, what she couldn't be mad at was the three words "losing money".

Since she remembered, she never rested from morning to night, feeding pigs, chickens, ducks, and cooking for the family. When the stove was not high, she just cooked and cooked with a stool under her feet. She scooped the pot one by one.

Although there is an older brother and two younger brothers in the family, my mother said that boys do hard work, not housework.

Therefore, she did all the things at home. Later, when she was older, she also washed the clothes of the whole family.

Even after going to school, she started to work as soon as she went home. In the morning, she had to feed the pigs, chickens, and ducks before going to school. After school at noon, she had to go home to cook.

When the holiday is off, she will dig up herbs, wash them and dry them, and then take them to the city to sell them for money. Occasionally digging good things, you can still make a lot of income!

Therefore, not only is she not a loser, she is also a powerful helper.

"I think you are doing the right thing. Daughters should be self-improvement. If we don't love ourselves, who will love us?"

Luo Xiaohua's words were not only for Liu Xiaoli, but also for herself.

"Yes, we don't love ourselves, who will love us?"

Her grandmother shouted "losing money" all day long. As a result, everyone didn't buy it, and she hated her especially. This is the best feedback between people.

"Actually, I really envy you, and I really want to go to university."

University used to be a dream of her. I thought that after she was born again, she could continue her dream of university, but she did not expect that she met Xiao San, then married him, and now she is pregnant again. It seems that this university dream can only be It is a kind of extravagant hope.

Xiao San, who was standing behind them, was also shocked when he heard the voice of his daughter-in-law. Why is this girl thinking about that thing?

However, it is very easy to go to university now, because there is a night school, there is no worse than a university, it is also a regular school, and she can plan to go to one after she finishes giving birth.

Since the rebirth comes back, there must be the consciousness of the rebirth, and every dream must be fulfilled. Otherwise, what is the rebirth?

"Sister Huahua, you envy me, and I still envy you? You don't know that since I was young, I wanted a mother like my aunt. Not to give us a rich life, at least it can protect us and encourage us."

For her mother, Liu Xiaoli couldn't say how she felt. Anyway, she felt that her mother was similar to her grandmother.

"Silly girl!"

Liu Xiaoli's desperate look made Luo Xiaohua feel distressed when she saw it.

Girls of this age are indeed very difficult, especially those who are unwilling to be ordinary like her. If you want to break the shackles and escape this cage, you have to make the feeling of hitting your head and bloodshed.

In fact, she is also very lucky, at least during the time she was studying, her parents did not deliberately prevent her from studying.

Also, she was born in a good age, and the village began to literacy. If her parents refused to let her study, she could ask the women director of the village to help persuade As for the tuition, she can pick up a bottle. There is also going to the mountains to dig herbs to earn some living expenses and some tuition fees. If it was like before, women would not go out of the door, and they would only do housework at home and bring children to have children. That’s it for a lifetime. Obscurity, some give birth to many girls and will be rejected by the family.

"I'm really stupid. Why do you want to argue with my grandmother about this thing, knowing that this matter is already entrenched in their hearts, why do you want to argue with her?"

As a college student, Liu Xiaoli definitely has no patriarchal thought in her mind.

Every time after I came back, I felt very uncomfortable when my grandma scolded her, so I wanted her to change her mind.

"So I say you are stupid, let's go our own way and let others talk about it, not to mention that it's your grandma. You will not only be uncomfortable when you refute her, but people in this village will also say that you are not filial. , Let’s not argue, this kind of boring thought, let us use our strength to prove to them that we girls are no worse than boys."

For the women in the village who are patriarchal, Luo Xiaohua really can't understand, why bother to dislike women if she is a woman!

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