Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 341: For the father

"If you want to be beautiful, I don't want it if you are unlucky."

Regarding Yu Dan's words, Yang Gao was full of disgust, and he spat on the ground while speaking.

"Uncle Yu, don't be like a tortoise with a shrunken head. Why are you squatting there? Get up and say something quickly."

"What nonsense are you talking about, you are the turtle!"

"If I shrink my head, you will cry in the future."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

When everyone laughed, Yu Dan's blush was almost bleeding.

Although she has no personnel, after all, after so many years of reading, she did not read it for nothing, but she was still very embarrassed to be said by them.

"My daughter said that she won't marry if she doesn't marry. We discussed the marriage that year to see if there is any solution."

Fu Di has been a child for a lifetime, and Yu Zhengneng finally stubbornly breathes.

In fact, he always knew that his daughter did not agree with this marriage, otherwise he would not study hard and wanted to escape here.

He knows that the girl is capable. Although she is now a contemporary teacher in the village, she will definitely go to the city as long as she performs well.

Especially after he saw Luo Xiaohua's dress up, he felt that his daughter would definitely have such a life in the future.

He could see that boy too, knowing that he was interested in his daughters.

Yu Zhengneng was not good at talking, even if Luo Xiaohua and the others kept chatting there, he didn't say a word.

However, he was watching them carefully to see what was wrong with them.

"You immortal, if you say you don't marry you don't marry, then do you want to send your daughter-in-law back?"

Yu Dan's mother was so angry that she jumped up and down, and pointed at Yu Zhengneng's nose to curse.

"If a daughter doesn't marry, she won't marry. You can't say anything. If the eldest daughter-in-law wants to go back, then go back."

Anyway, she gave birth to two grandsons and one granddaughter. If she goes back, he will help bring her.

"Dad, how can you say that? I have been married for five years. I have no credit and hard work, right?"

Just as everyone was arguing, a woman holding a child came out from the crowd.

"I didn't say that you are not good. I did agree to change relatives, but we also said that I must consult my daughter at that time."

Although Yu Zhengneng didn't oppose this at first, he did leave a way for himself and his daughter.

"You are useless, don't talk nonsense if you can't speak, you don't ask for advice"

Hearing the words of his own man, Yu Dan's mother pulled him away and cursed in a humiliating voice.

"Mom, how can you treat my dad like this?"

Yu Dan could not understand her mother's behavior a long time ago.

From childhood to adulthood, she called her father either a "wasteful" or a "smelly man", or a bastard. Where is the attitude of a woman towards her own man?

"Originally it was useless, and I couldn't tolerate me to say it. I told you, you have to marry if you marry, or you have to marry if you don't marry, or else..."

"Otherwise, don't think that you are a mother and you can arbitrarily control your daughter's marriage. We are now in the new era. If you dare to do this, it is illegal."

"You little bunny bastard, if you don't speak here, go back and forth wherever you go. Don't tell me what I don't have. Otherwise, the old lady beats you so you can't find your way back."

Seeing the woman's brutality towards the fourth brother, Luo Xiaohua really had a scene of seeing a shrew cursing on the street. It seems that such a woman is really not easy to provoke!

"Four brother, it's none of our business. Let's go to the patriarch first to see if the incident is reported?"

This sentence really made Luo Xiaowei puzzled like a monk Zhang Er.


"Didn't my sister go to discuss business with the patriarch, to see if we have a good deal, if it's OK, let's drive back, and what do we do with other people's housework here?"

For a bitch, you can't scold her, otherwise, you will not only be unable to scold her, but also because of this stupidity? Behavior, let yourself pay.


"Is the car under the mountain yours?"

The people in the village are naturally sensitive to the outside world that surpasses ordinary people.

Hearing other people's questions, Luo Xiaohua also assumed that he hadn't heard.

"Sister Dandan, didn't you say you want to go to the city to buy some New Year's goods? Come with us later?"

Going to the city is not only a hobby of women, but also a yearning for people in such isolated villages.

There is a saying that seems to be that the people inside the besieged city want to go out, and the people outside the besieged city want to come in.

Although it is indeed a paradise, it cannot be denied that the conditions here are also extremely difficult.


It was Luo Laosi who was stunned before, but now it is Yu Dan.

"Ah, what? We drove the car. It is very convenient. We will send you back at that time. If you don't worry, you can call all the uncles and aunts."

The car, not to mention it is a rare thing for the people in this village, it is also a thing that is beyond hope for many families in later generations.

It's not that others can't afford it, but that the car is a consumable, and it won't work if it's not of much use.

However, for business people, the car is the standard equipment, and you can't buy it. Forcing it is a must.

"That's too much trouble. I will just go to the city to buy it by myself. I want to buy some books for the children in the village to use at school."

Although I still don't understand what Luo Xiaohua means, Yu Dan also followed her words.

"Is that car really yours?"

"Yes, this comrade, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, just a little surprised, can you let us sit down too?"


"What to sit in, you shameless, that's my daughter's friend's car, what are your eyes on?"


Seeing his mother's reaction, Yu Dan seems to know, if you have time, you can join us to have fun. Now the city is very lively. "

Luo Xiaohua took Yu Dan's mother's hand affectionately.

Her name is Zhao Hong, which Luo Xiaohua knew from her previous life, but now they are not familiar with them, so they don't dare to disclose it casually.

"Mom, what about my brother's marriage?"

Yang Ying looked at her mother-in-law with a worried look. If her mother-in-law let go, then her brother's marriage will not be cold, and then she will not be rejected by her own mother when she goes home.

Although she is married now, her mother still keeps them tight. If she doesn't take money and doesn't buy things for them during the holidays, she will be uttered to death. And my own brother, I must also ask the three sisters to help me, otherwise my mother’s nose and eyes are full of anger

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