Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 347: Rainy silk

"never mind!"

"Is it all right?"

If it weren't in the car, Luo Xiaohua would have waited to dance with joy. He didn't expect that the matter would be resolved so quickly. It seems that it would be good for her to have a strong mental power.

"It's okay. It seems that I was pregnant for three years. You don't believe what I said."

"I think you are stupid."

It's just that now she seems to have redeemed all the space that can be redeemed, and she has developed it as soon as she knew it.

Others hate less when the book is used, but she hates less when the space is used.

Unexpectedly, there are so many babies in there to redeem, and now she is really greedy.

"By the way, you are in the space every day, so you can quickly collect it for me if it's okay?"

"I'm really sorry, I still have my own business."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hei Tan left.

His original name was not Hei Tan, he was a chaotic spirit in the space, possessing powerful power, but in order to make this world colorful, he would choose a host, because only the host can accomplish these things.

However, he has always been pretending to be cold, but he would not tell Luo Xiaohua about these things, otherwise he would see her aloof.


"What are you doing?"

Sitting with Li Jinhua, she couldn't help but patted Luo Xiaohua. This girl can swing from side to side even when she sleeps, and she can really meet her!

In fact, she didn't think there was anything before, but now she was talking in sleep, so she was afraid that she would fall into the nightmare, so she couldn't help but pat her.


Reach out and pretend not to wake up.

Then watching the sun setting outside, I couldn't help but pat my stomach.

"So hungry!"

Today this thing was really rushed, I didn't get a bite of the meal, and I had to travel so long distances.

"I'm really sorry, I made you hungry today."

Yu Dan said apologetically, originally they were the guests when they went to the village, but she not only failed to greet the good guests, but also made them work hard for their own affairs.

"It's okay, let's empty our stomachs and wait for a big meal."

Hungry is not easy to solve, there are delicious food in this car.

"But before eating a big meal, let's pad our stomachs first."

Luo Xiaohua turned out to be magical. She took out cookies and milk. Since she was pregnant, she has been drinking milk. It can be considered as calcium supplement in advance. After all, two people are no better than one, only she eats deliciously, the baby in her belly. Will be healthier.

"Where did you get this from?"

Seeing the food that suddenly appeared, Li Jinhua and Yu Dan couldn't help being surprised.

"It's in the trunk, you didn't even find it?"

She wouldn't stupidly say that she has space, Luo Xiaohua smiled slyly, and then ate leisurely, but before eating, she still gave her man a piece.

Although he is serving as a foil today, it is precisely because of him that she can do things with confidence.

Compared with Luo Xiaohua's excitement, Luo fourth became quiet. Today, he felt as if he didn't do anything. He didn't do anything he originally planned to do, and he asked his little sister to help him out.

He couldn't help but wonder if he was too useless, so in the future, could he give his wife a good life and give the child good conditions?

Yu Dan was a little worried. She didn't know why she was fooled by Luo Xiaohua and followed them.

She also knows who Yang Gao is, and she is afraid that he will be unwilling to find his parents, even if parents are patriarchal, but after all, they are also her own biological parents. They are hurt.

Xiao San was thinking, originally planned to spend a few days happy little life with his wife, but he didn't want to have an extra light bulb now, how can he play freely?

I am afraid that the happiest person in this car is Li Jinhua. Today, he and the patriarch ordered cotton and signed a five-year contract.

Li Jinhua is a discerning person. She knows that life will get better and better in the future. Everyone will improve in terms of living materials. Not only clothes but also quilts, everyone will definitely buy new ones. , They will be able to make a fortune, and now they are looking for supply.

"By the way, Sister Hua, can you make down jackets?"

If she remembers correctly, there will be a heavy snowfall in this southern city next winter, and it will be the first heavy snowfall in history. The blood on this road can be as deep as knees.

If they can quickly make more clothes now, then they will be prepared.

The most important thing is that everyone has something to keep warm, so they won't be frozen to death.

Originally, Luo Xiaohua didn't think of this problem, but when he heard Li Jinhua talking about making cotton-padded clothes, he thought of it. In that year, many people in Nancheng froze to death.

Even if she can't change this, she can prevent trouble before it happens, and save some.

Cotton clothes can keep warm, but compared to down jackets, it is still a lot worse. If you can make more down jackets, then there will not be so many people who will be frozen to death.

"What is a down jacket? Why have I never heard of it?"

After hearing what Luo Xiaohua said, Li Jinhua thought about it for a while, and then asked helplessly.

"I also accidentally heard other people say this down jacket. It is said that the clothes are especially warm. If it is produced, many people will buy it in winter."

"Don't say you bought it. I don't know what that down jacket is. Where can I sell it?"

"Down jackets are made of feathers, usually duck down. If you can do it, we will provide duck down and you will be responsible for the production. I will teach you the specific production methods."

"You want to make a down jacket, I will help you!"

Xiao San was a little angry. He owns a garment factory, and his daughter-in-law is thinking of others.

"Your factory in is simply too far to dissolve near fire."

After Xiao San listened to the words of his wife and Li Jinhua, he couldn't help but squinted his eyes. It seemed that he had guessed right. The wife was born again. However, seeing her energetic now, he too I am happy for her in my heart.

It's impossible to set the plan in a short while, so today I just figured it out.

Not to mention the fabrics of duck down and clothes, this production line has to be re-made.

However, it is still early, as long as they work hard they can change a lot of things.

After learning about his daughter-in-law's ideas, Xiao San also plans to build a department store that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. At that time, not only can he solicit business for himself, but if it really snows, he can also provide everyone with a shelter.

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