Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 548: Disrupted

"It's okay, you're busy with you, come back when you have time."

Seeing the army and the navy being so busy, Wang Lu felt that fortunately she didn't let him accompany him around, otherwise, what should he do?

"Okay, but Aunt Wang, how long do you plan to stay here? When I finish my work, I will take you out for a stroll?"

Damn boss, he is with his wife and children at home, he is as tired as a dog here.

Originally, when Wang Lu came over, Xiao San called him and asked him to take his mother-in-law to walk around, see the scenery of the East City, and taste the food of the East City.

As a result, things are getting more and more day by day, let alone going out, he eats every day has become a problem, today there is something wrong here or where, he feels that the doppelganger is useless.

"No need, you can do your own job, and you have Uncle Lin with you."

He is so busy, why is she embarrassed to let him go out to play with him.

Therefore, even if Wang Lu heard what the Army and the Navy had said, she didn't have to agree, and waved her hand to let him be busy.

There are indeed too many things at hand, so the army and navy left unceremoniously. Before leaving, they even praised them.

"Aunt Wang, it's really beautiful. If you stand with your sister-in-law, others will definitely say that you are sisters."

Women who are pregnant, do not gain weight, and their body does not deform. That is really one in ten million. After most women become pregnant, they will gain weight and deform their body.

Luo Xiaohua was at the village flower level before, but when she became pregnant, everything was different. Especially in the late pregnancy, the feet begin to swell, let alone other parts of the body.

As for Wang Lu, not only is her figure well maintained, her skin is even more enviable, and coupled with this look, if she really wants to stand with her daughter, she will definitely be called a sister.

"Hurry up, your mouth is so likable, and quickly bring a girlfriend to show you Aunt Wang."

There is no woman who doesn't like praise, and the words of the Army and the Navy made Wang Lu amused.


"Wow... the little boss is so handsome!"

As soon as the army and navy left, the girls in the shop couldn't help making exclamation sounds.

Although some have been in classes here for more than a year, there is still very little contact with the boss.

Now that I have been in close contact with him, seeing his model-like figure, one by one is really exhilarated, and his heart is upset by him.

"The smell of the little boss is so fragrant, the faint fragrance of perfume, and the faint smell of tobacco, it smells really good."

"You softly..."

Several girls were talking there, and Yu Haiyan walked over and gave a slight hint.

"Haiyan, you just face to face with the little boss, did you smell the perfume on his body and what brand it is? It smells good? I will also buy a bottle for my fiance in a hurry."

Everyone is a salesman, and they are usually well-informed. Coupled with the fact that free love is popular now, they are not so difficult to talk about emotional matters. On the contrary, they don't feel much about this kind of problem.

"I did not notice."

Haiyan's face turned red slightly, and the army and the navy were standing in front of her just now, making her very nervous, and paying attention to what perfume he used.

She even paid attention to what clothes he wore today and what hairstyle he combed.

"Hey, what a pity, it smells so good, it feels very Man!"

"Ali, you are like this, don't be seen by your fiance, he will definitely be jealous."

A beautiful woman in a black uniform next to her smiled directly.

"Fart, he won't. My fiance is just an elm bump and doesn't know anything about fun. Compared with your man, that's a far cry."

Ali looked at herself at the same time, she was envious in her heart.

At this level, they are all female salespersons. On Valentine's Day, there are boyfriends and husbands, but she is the only one who can receive flowers, which makes them really envious.

Although everyone's conditions are not particularly good, but if you can find a romantic one, you must be in a beautiful mood!

"Don't envy me. I also envy you that a man can make money. You ride a bicycle to pick you up every day. Look at my house, which is sweet in your mouth. It's usually windy and rainy. Do you see if he has been here."

Several women discussed with each other there, and Yu Haiyan went back to her post. She was a boyfriend without a boyfriend and couldn't talk to them.

"Girl, do you have a boyfriend?"

People came and went, and when they were free, Wang Lu stopped Yu Haiyan.

This haircut is really a bit boring, five or six hours have passed, and it hasn't been done yet. Fortunately, the Army and the Navy gave her some snacks and melon seeds to pass the time.

"Aunt Wang, you ask me? Not yet."

Although she was constantly busy, Wang Lu occasionally helped her out, and the two became so familiar with each other. When she learned that she was older than her mother, Yu Haiyan gave her a good day. The title has also changed from sister to aunt.

In fact, this was what Wang Lu asked her to call. It would be weird if she and the Army and the Navy were married, one was called her aunt and the other her sister.

"I think you are not young anymore. If there is something suitable, I will help you take a look, don't you think it is?"

Upon hearing Wang Lu's words, Yu Haiyan's mind thought of the Lu Haijun, the man who was polite and polite.

"Don't refuse first, I'm just connecting a line to build a bridge, and it depends on your own success."

It was originally. The main thing about marriage is to look at two people.

The army and navy who sneezed twice in a row, rubbed their noses with their hands.

Xiao San on the other side couldn't help frowning.

"Don't look at the file when you sneeze, turn your head away."

He seemed to have seen his good brother, just sitting on the chair and sneezing, and the spitting stars flew up to the file like this.

"I said you are annoying, and I am not a three-year-old child. Besides, how many spitting stars can be in a sneeze, and when you come back, all those spitting stars are dry."

"You dislike my spit star, don't you and sister-in-law need to kiss?"

The army and the navy said with a crackle, finally venting the dissatisfaction in their hearts.

After listening to his words, Xiao San's face was almost constipated.

"Originally, I waited until my daughter-in-law was out of confinement. It seems that I have to accompany my wife and children."

"You must report it, I'm not allowed!"

He has a wife and children, and he has nothing.

"I want to take leave, take a year off, and I also want to get married and have children."

The army and the navy made a voice of resistance, but unfortunately, the resistance was invalid and was rejected by Xiao San.

"How can such an unreasonable man want a woman?"

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