Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 560: 2 people need 1 quilt

"Mom, go to sleep first!"

Seeing that it was too early, Luo Xiaohua also urged her mother to rest.

There are two beds in the outer room, and they put them together. It is no problem for four women to sleep in one bed.

The night before, there were Grandpa and them, but they were sitting and sleeping.

But now, I don't know why, my mother won't go to bed?

"Mom, sit here and chat with Huahua for a while, I'll go to the bathroom."

The restrooms in the hospital are universal, they are in the innermost part of the corridor.

When Xiao San went out, Zhu Huifang sat next to her daughter.

"Isn't Xiao San very busy? Let him go back to sleep, as long as we are here."

He hesitated for a while, and then spoke.

"Mom, are you hiding something from me?"

Luo Xiaohua can't brainless things. That's too much trouble. It's better to do more when you have that time.

"It's okay, you cover the quilt at night, I'll go to bed first."

As a result, after two steps, Zhu Huifang turned around and returned.

"Um... that... you just gave birth to a child, don't sleep together for at least forty days."

Under the dim light, Zhu Huifang's face turned red, which made Luo Xiaohua, the party involved, feel a little bit dumbfounded.

"Mom, I know. Besides, if I haven't recovered well, he won't do anything to me?"

Hearing what her daughter said, Zhu Huifang went back to the room outside.

Anyway, there is only a wall apart, and if the grandsons cry, she can hear them too.

However, such a small child usually does not make trouble. After at least five days, at this time, they are all eating and sleeping. When you open your eyes, it is also because of peeing or pulling papa.

"What did your mother tell you?"

After returning, Xiao San first patted the clothes on his body, and then rubbed the exposed skin. After not feeling cold, he got into the quilt.

"My mother asked you to go back to sleep, are you going?"

When she said this, Luo Xiaohua winked at her husband mischievously.

"Two people need a quilt. It's nothing to go to sleep this time. I'll be there where the wife is."

He stretched out his hand and took the daughter-in-law directly into his arms.

There used to be no daughter-in-law, so it doesn't matter if he sleeps alone. Now that he has a daughter-in-law, he can sleep with two people. Why does he want to sleep alone?

"Now one bite and one daughter-in-law, when I am old and yellow, I think you still have such a rarity about me?"

"Also rare, no matter what you become, I am rare."

Because there are children around, and there are still a few people outside, the husband and wife don't say anything anymore, and the two cuddled up to sleep.

It could also be because Luo Xiaohua really felt a little chill after giving birth to the baby, and she leaned on her husband unconsciously.

After discovering her movements, Xiao San directly wrapped her with both hands and feet.

"We will go home when we wait."

No matter how he makes the ward, it is still not convenient to live in.

Not to mention, Luo Xiaohua really wanted to go home as soon as Xiao San said this.

However, after the doctor examined her the next day, she broke this idea.

"Your incision is too big. You have to live for a few more days. When the wound is almost healed, we have to draw the stitches."

Dr. Su's gentle words did not make Luo Xiaohua feel warm, but a little scared.

In the previous life, when she gave birth to a girl, she was not good at giving birth, and then the doctor made an incision on her.

As a result, the wound became inflamed, the entire lower body was swollen, and it was very difficult to walk.

Later, when she was able to be discharged from the hospital, she went to pull the string, and the pain was so painful that it was really more painful than having a baby.

That thread seems to be pulled out of the flesh.

"Aunt Su, can you not pull the string?"

Luo Xiaohua said in a crying voice, as long as she thinks of the scene, she feels a little scared.

"The thread must be drawn, you can rest assured that it doesn't hurt..."

Luo Xiaohua didn't listen to what was said later.

Only Xiao San was helping her remember, holding her hands tightly with both hands.

After the doctor left, Xiao San looked at his wife seriously.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, Dr. Su said, she will draw the thread for you, she will be very light."

The thread cannot be directly dissolved in the skin, so when the wound is healing, it must be taken out. If you don’t smoke, you are afraid of bacterial infection. Therefore, for the sake of the safety of his wife, he is also trying to persuade him.

"But, I'm still scared!"

Everyone knows the truth, it just depends on whether it can be put into action.

"Don't be afraid, I will accompany you then."

Anyway, giving birth to a child, such a terrible thing, he walked with her, not so bad once.

"Are you not afraid of it?"

Suddenly, Luo Xiaohua suddenly thought of a piece of news she had seen before.

It seems because the wife is afraid of having children, and then she insists on her husband's company.

As a result, after seeing such a horrible scene, he could no longer stand up, as long as two people were together, that picture would appear in his mind.

Others are even more terrifying, and even let her husband see how they are born.

Luo Xiaohua disagrees with this, and she thinks it's okay with her company.

After all, when a child was born, apart from the cold medical equipment, there were strange doctors.

If a husband is there to cheer up, he will be more courageous.

But now, she doesn't know what her man thinks about this matter.

"There is no time when I can't stand up!"

"If you want to try, that's okay, but you must be responsible for helping me put out the fire."

His daughter-in-law just likes to set fire to fire instead of putting out fire.

Especially in this extraordinary he doesn't intend to burn himself.

"Then what kind of thoughts do you have, don't you feel terrible?"

When giving birth, she didn't dare to eat anything because she was prone to incontinence.

It's just that when she was alive, she didn't know if she had done any detrimental behavior. At that time, she was so painful that she had the energy to look at other things.

"No fear, only fear and distress."

If she hadn't seen the daughter-in-law and the childbirth with her own eyes, she would have never imagined that having a child would be so dangerous?

It was precisely because he had seen it with his own eyes that he had to sigh. A woman is so powerful. She usually shed tears from a small wound and when she gave birth, she was like a superman.

And his wife, too, was crying with pain before, but she cooperated with the doctor well when she was born. As a result, the stitches were drawn and she started crying again.

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