Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 688: This home has nothing to do with you

"Father, all children are not filial and fail to serve you."

In the dimly lit room, the skinny old man opened his muddy eyes. He wanted to see the person in front of him, but he couldn't see clearly. He had to lift his skinny hand and touch his son. .

"San'er...You are back, I thought I would never see you in my life."

The old tears burst, telling of the longing for his son and the feeling of helplessness about the imminent death of his life.

Although birth, old age, sickness and death are things that people must face, when a person still has regrets in his heart, he will have a lot of dissatisfaction and nostalgia for this world.

"Father, don't say anything stupid, I have found the best doctor for you to come and help you."

"It's useless, it's useless, my father has reached the end of his life, and now I can look at you again, and I am satisfied."

Listening to this poking heart, Sun Jian really felt that every word punishes his heart, making him uncomfortable.

"Father, don't say anything stupid, wait for me to call you the genius doctor."

Regardless of the old man's retention, Sun Jian got out of her hand and ran out quickly, and he was in the courtyard and saw everyone.

Immediately stretched out his hand, trying to pull Luo Xiaohua into the house.

Xiao San immediately stepped forward and stood in front of him.

Although for him from the future, this kind of pull gesture can actually be regarded as a handshake, but he always feels a little uncomfortable in his heart.

And Luo Xiaohua didn't mean anything to this, and on the contrary gave Xiao San angrily.

"Excuse me, Miss Luo, please help my dad to take a look."

When she got out of the car, Luo Xiaohua already took a medicine box. Although she didn’t need it, she still had to pack it. If you don't fit the dress of this profession, you still won't get the trust of others.

Take the doctor as an example. If you look white and clean, and let you have any abilities, it will make people feel that you are not as good as the grade-age technology.

For this reason, Luo Xiaohua configured such a thing for herself.

However, even so, her identity still makes people feel suspicious.

"Wait, the third child, don't think that if you let your daughter-in-law show our father, you can get it..."

"Second brother, what are you talking about? My daughter-in-law, she is a doctor, a benefactor of my wife and children, because of her good skills, she saved the three of them, mother and son. Otherwise, I wouldn’t know how to do it today. Bring her here."

"I said, the third uncle, if you want to go home and divide the family property, my sister-in-law won’t say anything, but you don’t know where to find a doctor, just like her, don’t tell us Dad is cured, I'm afraid I will send him to heaven directly!"

"Sister-in-law, what I said is absolutely true. Her medical skills are really good. She has cured me from years of fatigue."

"It's a mule or a horse. You won't know if you pull it out for a walk, why don't you let me try it?"

If this old man really did what Sun Jian said, isn't it a dead horse as a living horse doctor? What's so critical about it.

I really don't understand what this family thinks, is there any hidden meaning in it?

If this is the case, it would be terrifying.

This old lady looked so honest, it would be terrifying if she was such a vicious person.

In order to find out what the facts are, Luo Xiaohua squinted her eyes slightly, and then looked at the old lady.

It's a pity that she didn't know why, she couldn't enter the old lady's consciousness.

Maybe it's not a person of the world!

Since it didn't work, Luo Xiaohua didn't force it anymore, but waited for Sun Jian.

"My mouth is hairless and I can't do things well. Just like her, if I can heal the patient, I will write the name upside down."

"I said what you guys say, how can you call me someone like me? I'm not a bad person. I'm afraid it's better than you. I don't know how many times it is better!"

"Better than me? At least I won't pretend to be scammed outside. My father-in-law’s illness, several doctors said that it was not saved, you even pretended to be a genius doctor and said that it can be cured. You really think that we are that kind of ignorance. Villager, then you are wrong."

"Pretending to be a genius doctor? When did I say that I am a genius doctor?"

Luo Xiaohua was really shocked by what the other party said. Isn't this woman suffering from paranoia?

"Isn't it? My third uncle just said..."

"Sister-in-law, I never said that she is a genius doctor, I just said..."

"What to say, hurry up, this family has nothing to do with you."


The words of the old lady not only shocked Luo Xiaohua and the others, but also made Qun Jian uncomfortable.

"Mother-in-law, Dad, it's not that we didn't treat him for this illness, but the doctor said there was no cure."

"I know you are filial, because he doesn't enjoy this blessing."

"Mother, sister-in-law, eldest brother, let your benefactors go and show Dad, if we can cure it, we can treat it if we don't have it, I can count as this wish."

"Don't mind, you blame me, it's because I haven't been home for many years, my mother has resentment in her heart."

Luo Xiaohua also said that he did not understand the attitude of this family.

Normally, someone comes to watch for free, and there is no need to stop others at the door, let alone someone brought back by his own son.

Luo Xiaohua smiled at him, then looked at the person in front of him.

"Your tongue is yellow, your eyes are cloudy, and your hair is dull. Recently, you should lose your appetite and don't want to eat, and you often have dry mouth and tongue. Even drinking water doesn't work?"

"And you have also seen the doctor. Not only did it not get better, but it got worse and worse. Recently, the hair has fallen off in bunches and bunches."

"And you, I feel itchy and unbearable recently. Although it doesn't hurt, I feel uncomfortable."

"Old ladies fall asleep easily these days, but they always have nightmares, especially before dawn, and are often awakened by nightmares."

"You have recently cracked and stinky feet, and you are worried like a dead snake. After drinking several doses of medicine, you can't use it ~ but recently you can't get off the ground with pain."

Looking at the people in front of him, Luo Xiaohua pointed out all the things that happened to them recently.

When they met their shocked eyes, Luo Xiaohua knew that she was right.

"Don't think we will believe you when you say that."

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Sun family, don't look at the honest and innocent, she is the most treacherous and cunning.

"Then you can take a pill I made myself, and you will be able to solve your illness immediately."

Luo Xiaohua said to the fourth Luo family, because his feet were cracked and stinky, it was spread for hundreds of miles. Then, no daughter from any family would like to have a blind date with him, let alone marry him, just sit with him. Together, they can smell bad for a long time. "

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