Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 1001: Cannot be treated differently

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"Parents, how I have been strict with Jiahao and Jiahao over the past few years, you must also be in your eyes. You can be fair to me. Have I done anything wrong? This big bullying is over, come again If she didn't bully the little one, if Huahua didn't say it, I'm afraid she wouldn't know until she died. She was bullying the people in my house secretly."

"Huifang, you can't say that, this flower is not in your house, let's talk about it back then..."

"What do you mean by not being a person in my room, as long as she calls me Mom, then she will still be in my room."

"Okay, let's not talk about it, the boss called your wife back, Huifang, this is our elder..."

"Dad, this has nothing to do with you. It's normal for children to fight and make trouble. Whoever is the elder can do it. Can this not make people angry?"

"Don't get angry. In the future, let the children solve the children's affairs by themselves. Adults should never go to the mud anymore. If I see an adult come forward, don't say I don't give face."

"Then what if you are kidnapped?"

"The two in your room are so naughty, who dare to bully?"


"Go back quickly. It's been a day of trouble, and you're not hungry, right? Go home and cook."

"Hurry up, one by one, I don't know what to do every day, so I quickly make amends with my sister."


"What's the matter, the eyes are red from crying, Honghong, you hit them?"

"Hurry up and make up for it. I only know how to make trouble all day long."

Chen Xiaohong directly pulled her two sons, one in front of Luo Xiaohua.

"Huahua, I don't know what happened before. I just came back and heard people say that these two stinky boys in my house bullied Xiao Yu in your house. I'm really sorry!"

Looking at the visitor, Luo Xiaohua still had no expression.

This person is better than her aunt, and that is a protector who protects her to the extreme.

The old saying goes well, "It's not that a family doesn't enter the house." Since he and his eldest brother were married, she would not go unless she went to their house during the holidays.

This blog post, the two boys, who like to make troubles so much, is because she is used to them. Behind the bear children, there is a bear parent. The child is innocent by nature, and he becomes lawless in the later period because the adult has been instigating him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have such courage.

Moreover, her sister-in-law is still a smiling tiger, with a nice look on her face, she doesn't know how gloomy it is.

Can't look at other things, if you don't pay attention to saying the wrong thing, you can offend it immediately.

Therefore, Luo Xiaohua always hides as far away as possible.

"Sister Xiaohong, you don't need to pay for it. It's normal for these children to fight and fight. It's just that it's not right to be an elder to blend in. This is not an outsider. Why does the family make it so complicated? Besides, The children are all about the same size, maybe they played together again after fighting with their front feet. We all came here when we were young, so we can't understand this situation better."

"My sister is right, but let them say sorry?"

"That's not necessary, you should go back first, Xiao Yu, the thin-skinned tenderloin, was beaten down by his aunt, and I don't know whether to leave scars. This little child, I don't know how to get rid of it?"

"A dutiful son is born under the stick, this......"

"Hurry up, you are not ashamed, I am ashamed."

"Big brother, sister-in-law, are you eating here?"

"No, we still have things to work on. If you have guests in your room, don't worry about us."

"Go ahead and eat later. Mom and Dad are also here. When you go back, call your second brother by the way."

"If you want it, then I will come over, they will eat at home, there is still porridge cooked at noon, otherwise it will be sour."

This is the brother. There are still conflicts in front of the two families. They shout for dinner and they will still come.

In fact, Luo Xiaohua really sees a lot of situations like this.

"Auntie, I really don't hurt. When the grandma came over, I blocked it with the back basket."

Xiao Yu comforted her aunt, and stretched out her hand to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"Your sister-in-law is loving you, so she is not afraid of it. When she was a child, she fought with your uncle and second uncle. It was called a sturdy man, fighting two by one, holding a person by the collar with one hand, and the pants with the other. , Even if her hair is sore by someone, she can't find it wrong, and after she beats someone down, she will come to me to complain and ask me to tie her hair. At that time, she started yelling and said yes. My hands are too heavy and it hurts her deliberately."

"Ah, second aunt, was my sister so violent when she was a child?"

Luo Xiaoyu was directly shocked by Tang Xiaodi's words. Auntie is so beautiful, can she really fight two at once?

"What's this, I'll give it to you, your little aunt even beaten your little uncle when she was young."

"Really, tell me about it."

"Little girl film, why are you so curious?"

Seeing her little niece chasing her, Luo Xiaohua directly asked her to eat a stir-fried chestnut.

"I just want to hear it."

"Then listen well, but once, your little uncle, came to play with her. She was playing marbles at the time, but in the end your little uncle was there forever. Go down, push him directly to the ground, and then hit him directly with a small fist."

Thinking of the past, Tang Xiaodi couldn't help laughing.

"Also, once, your sister-in-law discovered that your sister-in-law had brought her oranges to eat, and directly caught a lot of caterpillars and threw them into his bag, and directly scared him to pee."


Xiao San, who was sitting outside the door, couldn't help it anymore. He screamed, really wondering that the woman's memory was so good.

"Don't say it, don't say it, my brother is sleepy, I will put him to sleep first."

"No, I still want to listen."

"Listen to me, go and bring me the three little guys in."

I have been tossing for a long My children have not even cared about it!

"I thought you had forgotten that you had children."

Wang Lu came in with Sambo and handed it to her daughter.

"You fed this, and I brought the two in again, and I drank a lot of water when I was too hungry."

"Drinking plenty of water is good for health and helps digestion."

As soon as he hugged his daughter, the guy began to pull clothes by himself.

"It's not the same when it's a little bit bigger. I'll find it myself."

Seeing her in a hurry, Luo Xiaohua quickly picked up her clothes.

"The little ones are always hungry faster than the big ones, but they don't eat as much as they are, because the monkeys hurriedly threw them away."

"It's the kind of eyes hungry, you feel hungry when you look at it, you can't eat much if you really can't eat it."

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