Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 191: Ambergris (add two more to the lord of the good fortune clock god)

  Chapter 191 Ambergris (Add more 2 for the lord of the good fortune bell god)

   Li Laoer was also full of anger and didn't let it go, so he also vented his anger and cursed, "I'm trying to get me, it's none of your business, is the sea your home?"

As he said that, he stretched out his long-handled hand to catch the net as if he was going to catch it, but after a while, the piece of floating object was a little far away from his boat, and he stretched out his long-handled hand to catch the net, but he was barely able to catch it. .

  But how could Father Ye let him succeed? They were the ones who discovered it first, so why should they fish it for him? It's obviously doing something wrong, and people are fighting for their breath. Even if it's rubbish, they can't let it go.

  Although the handle of his fishing net is too short to reach the guy's net, he can paddle to speed up the flow of water and make the floating object float faster, preventing Li Laoer from succeeding.

   Li Lao Er tried to fish it, and he almost caught it, but he touched the edge of the net he was fishing for, only a little bit, but was drifted away by the ups and downs of the waves.

  He was so angry that he yelled and cursed, and moved his footsteps a little further, letting his body stick out of the boat a little more, and continued to fish again.

  Father Ye kept paddling the water surface at a faster speed, making it impossible for him to reach it.

  Ye Yaodong felt relieved instantly, if they couldn't get it, neither could he.

"No wonder your yellowfin tuna fell into the sea. You are not born with such luck. The money is sent to you, and you can't handle it. It may be that you are usually too wicked, or you forgot to accumulate virtue in your previous life. God can't see it." Eye, don't let you get flustered."

  His mouth was so bad that he lost a few words. Who told him to find trouble for nothing, Mad, they were the first to discover a broken thing, and he actually wanted to cut off his beard.

   "Grass mud horse, you are wicked, I will not let you succeed."

  Unable to catch it, Li Lao Er also became angry and slapped the surface of the water, going against the direction of the current, not letting the floating object float towards their boat.

  But his ideas are doomed to fail. One is going with the current and the other is against the current. It must be that going with the current has the upper hand. After all, there are still waves in the sea to fuel the flames.

  The floating object directly skipped his hand to catch the net, and continued to float forward...

Ye Yaodong continued to sarcastically, "The top-quality yellowfin tuna fell into the sea and became angry from embarrassment. Beating your wife is not enough, and you have to blame others. Do you think you are a man? It's a pity that you caught that fish. What a waste. Then But it can be sold for a few hundred yuan, if I am sure to vomit blood, I can't be so calm and still grab a piece of broken wood with others..."

  Li Laoer was left with yellowfin tuna, and he said that it was a pity that he was a few hundred yuan. Every sentence exposed his scars and poked his heart. The more he listened, the more uncomfortable he felt.

   "Shut up and shut up."

   After paddling there for a long time, I managed to let this floating object go down the current and slowly float towards them.

  Father Ye didn't care about Li's second child cursing there, he saw the opportunity, and as soon as he could barely reach it, he tried his best to reach out and scooped it up.

   "Got it!"

  He picked up the net with his hands full of joy.

   This is no longer a matter of curiosity, but a matter of fighting for breath.

   After catching the flotsam, both father and son were overjoyed, and Ye Yaodong stopped scolding.

   Er Er Li slapped the surface of the water angrily, feeling that nothing he did today would go well, so he scolded his wife again: "It's all your prodigal wife, it's bad luck, and I'm not going to do anything well..."

  The woman glared at him unconvinced, but she didn't dare to speak back. She was really scared of being beaten just now.

  Ye Yaodong didn't bother to listen to their scolding, and all his attention was focused on the floating object that Ye's father had just fished.

   This is a grayish-white waxy drift with a strong fishy smell.

  Father Ye frowned, "What is this? It smells a bit fishy."

  Ye Yaodong put on his gloves, stretched out his hand and took it out of the net, but his hand sank suddenly, almost falling into the boat.

  He thought it would be very light. After all, it was floating on the water, and he didn't use much strength to pick it up, but he didn't expect it to sink for a while.

   "Don't look at it floating on the sea, it's a bit heavy to start with, and it doesn't look like wood, it looks like stone but it's not stone."

   "Well, I have been unprepared, I thought it would not be very heavy."

  Ye Yaodong got closer and smelled the strong stench, flipping the things in his hands back and forth, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

   Could it be that thing?

   Father Ye saw his eyes glowing, thinking he recognized him, "You recognize it? What is this?"

  After Ye Yaodong guessed what this thing was, he turned his back to the next boat to prevent them from seeing it, and motioned to Father Ye to go to the cabin to talk.

   Li Lao Er has been leaning on the side of the boat and watching the father and son, always feeling that they look weird, feeling like that thing is some kind of treasure?

   Actually going into the cabin?

  He hurriedly called to them, "Wait, what did you just pick up?"

  Both father and son didn't even look at him.

  Elder Li endured his depression, "Did you hear what I said?"

   was ignored again.

   Now Li's second child is even more uncomfortable, isn't that a treasure?

  If it’s garbage, they should have thrown it away, right?

   He craned his neck in pain to watch, but he couldn't see or hear anything.

  As soon as he arrived in the cabin, Father Ye couldn't wait to ask, what treasure is it that the third child should hide in the cabin?

  Ye Yaodong happily held the smelly waxy substance in his hand, flipped through it back and forth, and sniffed it from time to time. After guessing that it should be that thing, he didn't feel the smell anymore.

   This is a super big baby!

   And it's still light gray! Value is second only to white.

  The corners of his mouth widened, and he whispered, "Father, don't be surprised when I tell you, this should be ambergris!"

  Father Ye opened his mouth wide in shock, his pupils constricted, ambergris? !

  His hands were slightly trembling and stretched out to hold the piece of ambergris. Looking left and right, he couldn't believe that they actually picked up a piece of ambergris?

   And it's still such a big piece!

   I was almost robbed just now!

so close…

   Ambergris is actually the excrement of sperm whales. Sperm whales belong to the toothed whale suborder Sperm whale family.

In ancient times, ambergris was used as a spice or medicine in the court, and it was also enjoyed by the royal family. The ancients believed that it was the saliva that the "dragon" in the sea drools when it dripped into the sea water and solidified. Over time, it became "ambergris".

  After research, it was discovered that it was the excrement of sperm whales.

  The ambergris discharged into the sea is initially light black, and under the action of sea water, it gradually turns gray, light gray, and finally white.

  The ambergris taken from the intestines of a newly dead sperm whale is light black and has no value. It must be floated and soaked in seawater for decades to gain a high status.

  Similar to a waxy substance, the density is lighter than water and will not sink.

  Some pieces of ambergris are soaked in seawater for more than a hundred years, and they will become the most expensive white ambergris.

  The lowest value is brown, because it has only been soaked in seawater for more than ten years.

  The one in his hand is light gray and off-white, and the quality is considered top-grade.

  White ambergris is priceless.

   This trip has ups and downs, but I really made a lot of money!

  The new ship is off to a good start, booming.

  Father Ye held the ambergris back and forth in surprise, no wonder the youngest said that he was going to come in the cabin just now.

   "Father, this piece is quite big, it weighs more than 20 catties. How much do you think this thing is worth?"


   This is going to stump Father Ye!

  He knows about ambergris, and he also knows that it is expensive, but he really doesn't know the exact price. He has never encountered it in half his life, only heard of it.

   Such a rare thing, and it’s such a big piece, how does he know how much it can sell for? He has never sold it, and he has never seen it before, otherwise he would not be unrecognizable.

"I do not know."

  Ye Yaodong just knows that this thing is calculated by gram, and the price is different according to the quality. The price of the lowest quality is also more expensive than gold, but the current price is hard to estimate...

   "Put it away first, and talk about it later. Dad, keep your mouth shut. Don't tell anyone when you go back, including mother. Mother always loves to save face and loves to shout. This thing is too expensive. If it gets out, the whole family will not be able to live safely."

   It is impossible to sell it, so I will keep it for collection.

Father Ye's joyful expression was instantly put away. He understood how powerful this thing was, and said in a deep voice: "I know, take it back and hide it, and tell your wife to be tight-lipped. It's best not to say what it is. Just tell her not to go out and talk."

  It is impossible to hide such a large thing from the person next to the pillow, so we have to not tell what it is.

  Ye Yaodong nodded, "Let's send the two outsiders away first, so as not to stare at us."

   "Well, there are still remaining row hooks that have not been confiscated."

   After listening to everyone's suggestions, I temporarily reworked and revised the plot of this chapter, which has been greatly changed.

Excuse me



  (end of this chapter)

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