When Ye Yaodong handed them two boats as if offering treasures, and told them that they could float on the water, they stopped working.

   All of a sudden run away!

  Mother Ye gave him a white look, "What a mess, everyone has run away and you can peel it off."

   "It's not much, I'll peel it off."

   "People in their 20s have not grown up yet, and they are still fooling around with them..."

  Mother Ye went into the house and took a knife and a cutting board after muttering a sentence. She wanted to cut up all the bamboo shoots, then sprinkle some salt and cook them in a pot.

   After cooking, take it out and put it in the basket, put a heavy object on it, remove the water in the bamboo shoots, and then use it to dry.

  There is no refrigerator these days, so they can only store dried bamboo shoots in the sun. Otherwise, after cooking, put them in the refrigerator one by one and freeze them.

   "I'll dig a little more when I go up the mountain later, this one won't go bad if it's dried in the sun."

   "Understood, I will send A Yuan and Cheng Hu to look for it then."

  After peeling the bamboo shoots, Ye Yaodong handed over the branches to his wife to tie them up, and then called Lin Guangyuan to go up the mountain with Ye Chenghu, they are his good helpers!

   It's just that Ye Chengyang was left behind again, crying heartbreakingly at home. Fortunately, there were loquats and plums, and he was blocked before howling twice.

  In the afternoon, Ye Yaodong chopped off the branches and handed them over to his father. He really couldn't bear the urging of the two boys, so he had to take them to pick wild peaches first.

  As soon as the two children went up the mountain, after receiving instructions, they looked for Leisun everywhere. After packing the two sacks, they thought about picking the fruit after they had nothing to do.

   As a result, before I got to the front, I found someone watching. After wandering for a while, I had no choice but to return without success and went to torture him.

  Ye Yaodong couldn't bear it anymore, "It will be fine soon, what's the rush? Let's go..."

   "Third Uncle ~ Third Uncle ~ Where are you?"


   "It's A Haige and the others!"

  Lin Guangyuan and Ye Chenghu were pleasantly surprised in an instant, and they ran to the main road one after another, and responded loudly.

   After a while, the one-to-two team grew stronger.

  Ye Yaodong looked at the group of children behind him, "Run up the mountain as soon as school is over, you guys are so active, how do you know I'm on this mountain? Why don't you go to your father's place?"

   "No, it's not fun to follow my dad."

   "A Yuan said at noon that you were on this mountain."

   "Third uncle, you don't want to go back yet, do you?"

  Ye Chenghu said happily: "We are preparing to pick wild peaches, and you came in time."

   "Let's go~ Hurry up, or I'll have to go back to eat later."

  If two sheep are herded, so is a flock of sheep, Ye Yaodong doesn't care.

   "Hurry up, keep up with the big troops!"

  The people watching the fruit trees on the mountain saw them staring at them vigilantly. From within the sight range to out of the sight range, they never left.

   "Hmph... come back next time!"

   "The fruit is about to be harvested recently, and there are people watching from the mountain every day, don't think about it."

  Ye Yaodong led them to the two wild peach trees that Father Ye pointed out, and before he gave orders, the children behind him were already climbing up the trees.

  He had no choice but to spread the sack under the tree and continued, "Be careful, don't break the branches, it will come again next year."

   "Third Uncle, I thought you would tell us to be careful not to fall."

   "Isn't it better to fall? You don't have to go to school if your hands are broken and your feet are limping."

   "Hahaha~ makes sense!" Lin Guangyuan laughed loudly, "Ye Chenghai, do you want to give it a try? If you succeed, you can play at home for many days."

   "Get out!"

  The wild peaches were very hard, and they threw each of them into the sack like a ball, hitting Ye Yaodong from time to time.

   "Ye Chenghai, I have to suspect that you are avenging your own personal revenge. It is justifiable for you to hit my chest, but it is too much for you to hit my forehead!"

   "Ahahaha, I'm sorry, third uncle, I didn't mean it!"

   "Whoever hits me again will come down to support the sack and replace it with me. If I don't hit you, you will be full of bags."

   "Third uncle, I really didn't mean it, you have to trust me."

  Ye Yaodong looked at him threateningly.

   Next, the accuracy of each head will be much better.

  Because it is unowned, everyone picked it very happily and played to their heart's content, without having to worry about running away at any time.

   "Don't pick them all up, pick off the red buttocks, and come back to the rest in a few days, or you won't be able to eat them all, and let them go bad."


  They haven't played enough yet.

   "It's almost done, it's time to go back."

  Under his repeated urging, one by one reluctantly came down from the tree. Not only the boy was naughty, but the three girls in the family were also very naughty.

  Ye Yaodong shook the sack, feeling that he weighed more than 20 catties, "I picked so much, can you finish it?"

   "We can take it to school to eat!"

   "Be careful if you eat too much and become thinner!"

   "Just bring a newspaper~"

   "Do you have a newspaper at home?"

   "You have!" Ye Chenghai said as a matter of course.


   "Then I will use leaves."

  Ye Yaodong smirked, "Use the leaves to wipe all over the buttocks, the more you wipe, the dirtier it gets."

   "You control me~ I can still scrape with bamboo! Use straw!"

   "I don't care about you. It doesn't matter to me if you use your fingers. Go fast, you'll be chattering, you haven't walked a few steps, and there's a lot to talk about..."

   "Going back so soon..."


  Just went up the mountain to play and soon came down again, everyone was reluctant to go, holding the flowers and plants on the side of the road while walking, Ye Yaodong urged like a duck.

  After returning home, he found that his elder brother and second brother had also learned to be smart in the afternoon. Not only did they bring back several bundles of branches, but they also brought back two sacks of bamboo shoots.

   "Ah! Dad, you also pulled out bamboo shoots?"

   Mrs. Ye hit his calf with the bamboo shoot in her hand, and the bamboo shoot in her hand broke in two.

   "Your father said he didn't see you on the mountain, so I thought you were taken away by wolves."

   "Hey, we went to find the third uncle! We picked a lot of wild peaches!"

   "You might as well be your third uncle's son."

   "That won't work!" Ye Yaodong and Ye Chenghai refused in unison.

   "Third Uncle cheated on me all day long!"

   "You are too stupid, I despise you!"

  Ye Chenghai rolled his eyes straight, seeing Ye Mu pouring wild peaches in the washbasin, he also hurried back to the house to get the washbasin.

  The whole family poured out a washbasin and divided it up. Mother Ye took the rest to wash, wiped it clean and sprinkled some salt before bringing it out.

  Pure natural wild peaches, no pesticides, no genetically modified, absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, nourished by the heaven and the earth, rich in nutrition, women eat beautiful looks, men eat majestic and mighty.

  Although the taste is slightly sour, it has a combination of salt on the surface, and you can feel the sweetness after chewing a few more times, especially when you bite in, the heart inside is red, and the peach pit is not stained with peach flesh.

   After eating, the peach pits are clean and there is no meat on them. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder feel very comfortable!

  The pulp near the peach pit is even sweeter.


   "It's just too small."

   "Wild peaches are always small."

  There are many people in the family, and each person catches a few, and it will bottom out after a while.

  Lin Xiuqing also knew that they were eating wild peaches in the house, but unfortunately she couldn't eat them.

  Ye Yaodong also brought in a soup bowl of fruits, including wild peaches, loquats, and plums, which were placed in front of her.

   "What do you want to eat?"

   "I can't eat it!"

   "It's okay, I'll show you what it tastes like by the way."

  Lin Xiuqing looked at him speechlessly, "Go out and eat."

"I ate quite a lot of peaches just now, and plums are a bit of a deal, so let's start with loquats? Loquats are quite sweet, but it's a pity that when you give birth, loquats will soon be out of season, and the loquats at that time are not good..." He peeled off talking to himself.

  Lin Xiuqing looked at him dumbfounded, and kicked him, "Fuck off, you know I can't eat it, and you brought it to me to eat on purpose."

Ye Yaodong grinned, brought the peeled loquat to the tip of her nose with a smile, and gave her a sniff, "I can't eat it, but it's good to smell it. Look, the orange one is peeled to the end. It must be sweet." !"

   "Fart, it rained yesterday, so it must not be sweet!"

   "Not necessarily!"

  She changed the subject and said, "Have you **** all the branches? You still have time to eat here."

   "I took it back in the morning, my mother is almost tied up, and I will go to work after dinner."

   "Fortunately, it rained last night, so we couldn't go out to sea, or we would waste a day. The sun was strong during the day yesterday, and the sandworms dried up."

"It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. I don't know if there will be rain at night. Anyway, it's good to get everything done before going to bed. In the next few days, let's see how the squid harvest is. If there are more, I will save some to dry." It would be better for you to eat some squid during the confinement period, and you will have to have a ligation when you are out of the confinement period, and you have to make up for it."

"No, you can sell it for money. I eat delicious food every day. It's either fish or shrimp, or pig's feet stewed with soybeans, pork liver and pork loin. That's enough. Don't keep the sea cucumbers, I eat them. Distressed, the old lady didn't even eat a bite."

   "Forget it."

  Ye Yaodong ate a loquat and stopped moving, just teased her for a while, put the fruit aside, and started kissing his daughter again.

   Milky and milky, meaty.

   But Ye Xiaoxi was a little uncooperative, frowning and turned to the other side.

   "She just slept, don't touch her, you haven't shaved clean, it will pierce her."

  He touched his chin, it seemed to be a little prickly.

   "Okay, then I'll go to work, finish work early and go to bed early."

   "Take that bowl of fruit away."

   "It's okay, it's good to smell the fruity smell, the room smells like milk."

   Speaking of this, he stretched out his hand with a smirk, "Is the milk full today, do you want to help you? Otherwise, my mother will be here at night, and I can't help you."

  Lin Xiuqing slapped his hand off, and said angrily, "Your daughter fell asleep just after breastfeeding, and she isn't rising."

   "But I feel quite big!"

  Lin Xiuqing glared at him and ignored him.

   "It's a pity, if you need to call me, I'll be there for you."

   "Get to work."

"All right."

  Ye Yaodong kissed her on the face and Ye Xiaoxi's forehead before going out.

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