Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 330: Here come the land grabbers

  Chapter 330 Here comes the land grabber

  The radio is a big item. If you spend so much money to buy it, you must tell his wife. If you buy it behind her back, you will definitely not look good after knowing it. You will definitely be angry for a few days.

   Inform her in advance and discuss with her to persuade her to be better, she is not unreasonable.

   Now this is good, to avoid family conflicts.

   And the money picked up is easier to persuade, and she is more acceptable.

  Ye Yaodong told her to go back to sleep before going out to continue working.

  Lin Guangyuan was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear all afternoon. He kept talking about the interesting things that happened in the past few days.

   "If you have a loquat tree at home, you don't go back to pick it, and you still steal it from others. If someone catches you, whoever will redeem you will break your dog's legs."

   "My uncle told us to go!"

   "If I tell you to go, then go, if I tell you to eat shit, will you go?"

  Also diverted the firepower and confessed him, just saying good things to this kid in vain.

   "You keep it for yourself."

   "I'm itchy and looking for a beating."

  Ye Yaodong took the branch in his hand and shook it twice. Seeing this, Lin Guangyuan hurriedly dodged away, seeing a bucket of loquats next to him, and picked up two connected ones.

   "Why don't you wait until it's sunny for a few days before picking it? It rained a few days ago, so the loquats picked today are not tasty."

"I'm not thinking of coming here to pick you up when the weather clears up, so as not to trouble your little uncle. Since I'm here, I'll pick a bucket from the mountain. It will take a while for the bayberry to be picked up. I'll send it over and soak it for you by the way." Two altars of bayberry wine."

   "No, no, you keep the selling money for yourself, and you only count on selling some money when the results come out all year round, so you can't give it to us."

   "It's okay, we grow a lot, and our in-laws have a lot of children, so we can satisfy our hunger."

   "Those children don't have enough to eat, don't worry about it..."

  At night, as soon as Ye Yaodong woke up and put on his clothes, Lin Guangyuan woke up immediately. As soon as he sat up, he realized his sleeping position, with both legs stretched into the railing and touching the ground.

  The other two were poking their butts towards the wall like toads, and he couldn't help muttering, "I sleep in a mess every day, and I lay down well before going to bed..."

   "Shh, stop talking, get up."

   Fortunately, the weather is hot now, otherwise they would freeze to death, so he covered the two brothers with quilts before going out.

  Lin Guangyuan followed happily, "Uncle, do I need to bring anything?"

   "Just take you with you, don't cry when you get seasick, I won't send you back."

  He patted his chest and assured, "Don't worry, I won't get seasick."

   "It's not that you won't get dizzy if you say you won't get dizzy. Let's go, put those two buckets on the cart, lighten up, and put the bowls and chopsticks inside."

   "Okay~ Can I sit on it and push you?"

  Ye Yaodong gave him a disgusted look, "Respect the old and love the young, I will sit on it and push you."

  Lin Guangyuan laughed and said: "You are not old, little uncle, you are young and strong."

  Ye Yaodong rolled his eyes at him, "Hurry up, it's a bit of a grind..."

   "Wow, little uncle, there are so many headlights outside the pier, blinking..."

   "Are there a lot of people? Why do you all go to sea in the middle of the night, can't you go in the morning?"

   "Go in the morning and come back in the evening, won't you be so tired? You can sleep enough..."

   "Why are you talking so much? I didn't know you were so talkative before. It takes three hours to go back and forth in the morning and back in the afternoon. If you delay a little longer, it will only be enough to drag two nets and wool in a day to earn gas money?"

   "Ah, like this? Oh, you can drag two more nets at night."

   "Come here." Ye Yaodong put down the cart and waved to him.

   "Huh?" Lin Guangyuan trotted happily.

  Ye Yaodong pulled him in front of him and took his place, "Seeing that you are quite free, I will push the cart for you and give you strength."


   "Ah what, hurry up and work! Children should be more diligent."

"All right."

  When they arrived at the pier, Father Ye and the others were already waiting there, talking to someone they knew.

   "Why did you come here?"

   "Lin Guangyuan is too boring."

  Lin Guangyuan received the stares from the elder of his family, and stared at Ye Yaodong in disbelief. Where is he talking, he will do whatever he is asked to do.

   "Let's go."

   It was the first time for the three mountain people to take a boat. It was a bit novel.

   "Little uncle, many boats come out at night. The pier at night is much more lively than during the day. There is no pier in the village."

   "Everyone is running around for their livelihood, otherwise who wouldn't sleep in the middle of the night?"

   "Ah there are fish, there are fish..."

  A fish suddenly popped out of the water and jumped.

  Lin Guangyuan looked at the indifferent Ye Yaodong, and asked doubtfully, "Aren't you going to arrest him?"

   "What are you catching? It's not a school of fish? What's more, that one is stupid. Why catch it? It's a waste of time. I'll just catch the big, valuable fish."

   "Oh, this is not worth much?"


  Lin Guangyuan talked non-stop along the way, he was not seasick at all, nor was he in a state of listlessness, Ye Yaodong felt relieved, at first he was afraid that they would get seasick.

   But it didn't take long for him to feel relieved, and he realized that he had overestimated them.

  Just half an hour after leaving the shore, Lin's father and Lin's mother's complexion turned ugly, only Lin Guangyuan was still alive and kicking with excitement.

  He handed over the boat to his father, stepped forward and asked with concern: "Is it okay? There are no small islands nearby where you can dock..."

  Father Lin quickly waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay, let's bear with it and go through, don't delay things because of us."

   "It's okay, if you can't bear it, just say it."

  Mother Lin also held on and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's okay."

  Since they all said so, Ye Yaodong also went to the island as usual.

  Lin Guangyuan leaned over and said, "You guys are too useless, aren't you? I don't feel dizzy, just persevere, and I'll be there in a while."

  Ye Yaodong patted his head, "That's right, it's material for going to sea, and the basic requirements are up to standard."

  He grinned like a fool!

  Under the expectation of everyone, the fishing boat finally docked at the small island. Lin’s father and Lin’s mother also vomited, their faces were pale, and they were helped off the boat with sloppy steps. It felt like they had lost half their lives...

   "This... I got off the boat, I feel that my legs and feet are... still shaking..."

  Ye Yaodong laughed unkindly, "Some people get seasick like this, sit on the edge of the reef and rest for a while."

   "Wow, haha~ there are so many squid!" Lin Guangyuan just jumped off the boat, and excitedly took a flashlight to shine around.

   "This bucket is for you. When it's full, pour it into the sack."

   "Okay, now."

  He rushed out like a cannonball.

  Father Lin and Mother Lin looked at the squids on the half-naked beach, and couldn't sit still for a moment, and immediately stood up to pick them up.

   "Hey? Don't you sit and rest for a while?"

   "No, no, we're fine..."

  The two of them also took a sack from the bucket, and ran to pick it up full of energy.

  Ye Yaodong looked at their neat legs and feet, so he didn't care about them, and asked Ye's father to go into the water to fish, and he would continue to take the freshly made branches on the boat and throw them in.

  During the release process, Ah Zheng and Xiao Xiao also sailed over. Everyone greeted each other and then went about their own business.

  After Ye Yaodong finished throwing the branches, he landed on the island again.

  Father Lin and mother Lin lamented how much it was while picking it up...

   "If you pick this up for a day, how much will you have?"

   "I don't have to do anything all day, just pick it up on the island, and live here..."

   "It's better to be by the sea, don't worry about eating..."

   "No wonder twenty or thirty years ago, people who had nothing to eat ran to the beach..."

  The weather is getting hotter, and the sky is getting brighter and earlier every day. Before five o'clock, the sky is already turning white, and the birds in the forest are gradually moving.

  Not far away, Father Lin and Mother Lin were still squatting there to pick them up, but there were not many squid washed up on the sea surface, and they caught them all in sevens and eighties.

  Lin Guangyuan couldn't bear it any longer. He dangled there with a bucket and didn't pick it up seriously. He even went to the reef to pick up snails.

  At this time, Ah Zheng and Xiao Xiao also threw the branches to the other side of the island, and brought the boat over by the way.

   "Huh? Dongzi, you still brought your father-in-law and mother-in-law out today?"

  Ye Yaodong also shouted: "Isn't this just to let them pick up some of it back?"

   "Just leave half a bag for them to take home, and let them pick it up by themselves."

   "What's the matter, you can live longer if you work harder, have you put all the branches in?"

   "Okay, I'm thinking of coming here to have breakfast before I go to trawling, and come to catch squid in the afternoon."

   "Made, I really think about it, I still have to control your food and drink."

   "The matter of two extra pairs of chopsticks..."

  Ye Yaodong cursed and dragged the small half bag of squid he had caught to the beach, startling a sea of ​​birds a short distance away.

   "Little uncle, there are so many seabirds here..."

   "What did you find on the stone wall? Go to the boat and get a bowl, pry some sea oysters and cook noodles for me."

   "Okay, I still have clams I picked up here, as well as a lot of snails and mussels."

  Ye Yaodong flicked his forehead, "Don't do business."

   He grinned and followed behind.

   "The eldest nephew is also brought here as a laborer? You really know how to make the best use of everything."

   "He begged to come to work, and I mercifully brought him along."

   "There is another fishing boat coming over there." Ah Zheng said with a wary expression while looking into the distance.

  Everyone heard the words and looked towards the distant sea, only to see that the ship was getting closer and closer, and then wandered around the island.

   "The land grabbers are here, let the boat go over to have a look." Ye Yaodong frowned and called his father who was fishing for squid.

   Sometimes you have to rely on the strength of the number of people.

  Single power is weak and easy to be bullied. The reason why a big ship can bully a small boat is that there are many people on the big ship.

  The two boats started, one on the left and one on the right, outflanking the boat on the sea not far away.

  Lin Guangyuan was so excited, "Little uncle, are we going to fight? How many people are there?"

   "Why are you excited? Where are you thinking? I am a peace-loving person."

   "But they came to grab the territory."

   "Being polite before fighting, do you understand? If you really fight, you'll be the back of your back. Why are you getting so excited?"


   Hey, no!

   "We may have more people than him!"

  Ye Yaodong squinted at him, where did the violent kid come from?

  (end of this chapter)

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