Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 43: they all have to follow

  Chapter 43 They all have to follow

  Second sister-in-law Ye was stopped by Father Ye's words, and Ye Yaohua also stared at her, so she turned off the fire unwillingly.

  She felt that her man did a lot, and Ye Yaodong didn't do much, and he always enjoyed his success. For a long time, she was quite unconvinced.

  Now they have confiscated the money they earned from going overseas with their family, but he went to do it alone, and kept the money he earned. No matter how he thought about it, he felt uncomfortable, and always felt that he had done too much.

Father Ye saw that the second daughter-in-law had died down, and glared at Ye Yaodong, "Did you hear that? Don't go out and fool around with me. We are building a house at home. You have to go to the house every day to help me with the work, otherwise, when I come back, Hearing that you ran away again, I will break your dog legs."

   "Understood, long-winded."

"I tell you so much every day, and it's also for your own good. People in their 20s are not three-year-olds, and they have to help with the housework. When you marry a wife and have children, you have to have a sense of responsibility and a family outlook." ..." Mother Ye couldn't help but started nagging again.

  Ye Yaodong suddenly felt dizzy. After he came back, he also helped with the work of Taohai. It was not the same as before, but his parents' understanding of him was still the same as before, subconsciously ignoring that he had changed.

   It's normal to hang out with friends. If you can't be reborn, you won't have friends anymore, right? What's more, his friends are also very nice and daring.

  I can only continue to express slowly.

   "Okay... I know I know I know... I will work hard, mother, you should cook quickly, my father is going to starve to death!"

   "You bastard, you are going to starve to death, can you talk?" Father Ye became angry when he heard his words.

   " want me to starve to death, I'm starving to death... you eat, I'll go first!"

   "It's time to eat, where are you going to die?"

   "I'll go to A Guang's house to eat, and save some rice for the family..."

  Ye Yaodong walked out as he spoke, his voice gradually faded away, and father Ye's curse sounded again in the room, talking about how Ye Yaodong was so out of tune...

  The smiling face when I first entered the room is gone, it seems to be everyone's illusion.

  Ye Yaodong was playing with his friends, and he wasn't disrespectful. After eating enough, seeing that the sky was getting dark, he headed home early.

   "Why are you smoking and drinking again?"

   "Is it very strong? I just drank two glasses."

  He raised his arm and smelled it. The smell of smoke on his body seemed to be quite heavy. Even his fingers still had the smell of seafood, which he didn't wash off.

   "I'll go wash again."

   After taking a shower again, he entered the room.

  Lin Xiuqing couldn't wait and asked, "Can the boat be rented tomorrow?"

   "It can be rented, but you need to pay more. The old lady of Aunt Aguang's family knows that we have caught more than 7,000 catties of mackerel with her fishing net today. In the afternoon, I will go directly to Aguang's house and ask him to add more money."

  She frowned, "Why is it still like this? How much will I add to her?"

"Ah Guang said that his aunt and uncle are very easy to talk to, but the old lady is a bit difficult, and she said that she can rent it to us tomorrow, but it will cost five yuan, and the two days will add up to ten yuan, and let us pay her eight yuan. money, or they wouldn’t rent it to us.”

She sat up in surprise, "Ah, five yuan, why don't you grab it? Someone else's house drags the Internet for a day, and they only earn a dozen yuan, and they still need gas money. If you rent it for a month, you can't ask for 150 yuan? How much do workers earn a month? They don’t have to do anything while lying down.”

   "What's more, you are just going to wash the sea, and today you are lucky enough to encounter a school of mackerel fish. You are crazy and only spent five yuan to rent a boat to wash the sea, and the gas cost is still a few cents."

  He couldn't tell her that he rented a boat to overcome the fear in his heart, otherwise, whoever would be foolish enough to spend money renting a boat to explore the sea would be unlucky enough to pay for the boat and fuel.

  People in this era are very frugal, so they are reluctant to spend this money, and they are even reluctant to spend money on food.

"Hush~" Ye Yaodong saw the two children turned over by the quarrel, lying crookedly, and whispered: "We are also at a loss. Before, we only talked about renting a boat, but didn't say about renting a net. The old lady was also aggressive. Very well, it’s not easy for us to argue with the old man, anyway, we have earned a lot, so we can just pay it out of the money from selling the goods, let’s share a little bit among each of us.”

  Have tasted the sweetness, everyone really wants to go again tomorrow, even Chen Wei and Fatty are excited to say that they will join them tomorrow and go together.

   are all friends, and they are too embarrassed to refuse.

   "Are there more people going tomorrow?"

  Her attention was immediately diverted, and her brows furrowed even tighter.

   I won’t talk about money or not for the time being. After all, I have earned 1600, and I can accept ten yuan from it. But if there are too many people, if there is a big purchase, the money will be less?

   "Hey~ They heard that we caught more than 7,000 catties of mackerel today, and they all patted their thighs and regretted not going with them, saying that they must go with us tomorrow."

  Actually, they are also quite reluctant to have two more people to share a share of the pie, but well, we are friends for many years, and I really can’t say no to it, and they are also lucky today, it is impossible to meet every day.

  Since we all want to go, we can only take them all with us. We can’t turn our faces over something that is uncertain. It’s still the same sentence, it would be great if we had our own boat.

   "Why are they embarrassed? Seeing that you are earning money, they want to come over to share a piece of the pie..."

"Oh, don't talk about it. If you want to follow, just follow. Wherever you can haul any valuable seafood around, you have to go to a farther sea area. With so many people, it may not be enough for the boat fee and fuel fee. Get some It’s okay to eat seafood. Let’s go to the isolated island to have a look, and if we still encounter any big ones, we’ll just play by ear.”

  However, such opportunities are rare, and they are hard to come by. He has no hope, and it would be nice if he could find something.

   "You men are like this, what kind of friendship do you need to pay attention to..."

  Women talk a lot, so they worry about things that don’t show up first, and he doesn’t have golden fingers. If he had any, he would secretly make money by himself, make a fortune in silence, and don’t tell outsiders.

  Seeing his wife nagging endlessly, Ye Yaodong simply blocked her mouth with his actions.

   "Don't come, your legs were weak yesterday..."

   "Fuck, who do you look down on?"

  Youth is capital, not to mention a man's self-esteem does not allow him to shrink back!

  Although the tide does not recede until the afternoon, after all, we rented a boat at a high price, and everyone is enthusiastic. We must not wait until the tide ebbs in the afternoon like yesterday before going out.

  Ye Yaodong had just woken up early in the morning, and everyone came to his house to wait.

  Amid everyone's urging, he picked up a few mouthfuls of porridge casually, poured it in when it was not hot, then took the tools that Lin Xiuqing had put away for him in advance, and followed everyone excitedly to the pier.

  Fatty also consciously went to buy diesel as soon as he arrived at the pier.

  (end of this chapter)

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