Back to Zero

Chapter 22: Pinned to chess

Mo Qingge wanted to stay and salute, after all, among these people, he was the only one who had no place. Even in the Xian Accord, he had never lived with so many palace nobles at the same time.

"Don't get up and lie down." Jun Liyuan stopped him aloud, turned his head and said to Jun Liche, "He has suffered a little injury and is temporarily recuperating in my house. It is inconvenient to move around. Don't mind. "

"No. I'm not an outsider, and Master Mo doesn't have to be so polite." Jun Liche smiled. Mo Qingge was injured and ran to Prince Yi's Mansion to recuperate. He didn't think it was that simple. Seeing Mo Qingge's tightly wrapped hands, Jun Liche frowned slightly. It seems that the injury is indeed unclear, and the place of injury is very important, which also explains why Ling Qiyang and Jun Lixuan will come to Prince Yi's Mansion today.

Jun Liyuan had a crush on Mo Qingge, which Jun Liche had seen before. It's just that Jun Liyuan didn't show more concern, and he didn't ask too much. He believed that feelings should go with the flow, just like Jun Lixuan and Ling Qiyang did.

"Why didn't you come back to enter the palace?" Jun Liyuan asked. It stands to reason that Jun Liche should first meet his father before coming.

"It's okay to be late, you can't go past your brother's house without entering. Besides, I'm still thinking about the strange thing in your army. How? Is it solved?" Jun Liche asked. The time he will enter Beijing is uncertain, so there is no need to rush for it. But the situation on Jun Liyuan's side worries him even more.

"It has been resolved, thanks to Qi Yang," Jun Liyuan said.

"It seems that I was right to tell Lixuan." Jun Liche smiled.

"I haven't had time to send someone to tell you about this. In fact, it was the father who sent Qiyang to the barracks." Jun Lixuan said.

"Father?" Jun Liche was also quite surprised. He has been busy at the border for a while, and things in Jingli are not absolutely important, and he has not been involved. He originally thought that Jun Lixuan would secretly find an opportunity to bring Ling Qiyang in, but he didn't want it to be his father's intention.

"That's it..." Jun Lixuan told Jun Liche carefully about the course of the matter and the results of the investigation, as well as the preparation of the medicine. It's just that the part of saving Mo Qingge is omitted, he thinks this matter will be more appropriate for Jun Liyuan. Thinking about it, there should be more things Jun Liyuan wanted to investigate. This is not what he should be involved in.

After all, think from another angle. If it was Ling Qiyang's matter, he would only like to know it himself, even his brothers would not want to tell.

After listening to what happened, Jun Liche frowned slightly and said, "Speaking of the people in the south, I remembered one thing. Half a month ago, I got news when I was still in the north. The people under my hand said, look. I arrived at a stranger who entered and exited the Fifth Prince's Mansion. Although that person was dressed as a Ye nationality, his hair and nails were purple. Moreover, this person often wrapped himself very tightly, so he didn't see his appearance too clearly."

"The way this person enters the Fifth Prince's Mansion is also very strange. They all turn in and out from the back wall without going through the door. When I heard the news, I thought it was a doorman of the Fifth Prince's Mansion, and didn't think much about it now. Speaking of the south, it's a bit suspicious." Jun Liche paused, and then said, "My people haven't seen this person again recently. I don't know if they are hiding."

Jun Lixuan frowned and thought, if Jun Liche's suspicion is true, then it can be determined that the corpse thread gu has something to do with it.

"He came and went over the wall, even if we went to inform the emperor and asked him to search for this person, the fifth child would not recognize him. After all, no one saw the two of them face-to-face contact. It must be the same reason that the person did not go through the door. If we can't find anything, it won't be so easy if we want to look through the account and search again." Jun Liyuan said. It is not wise to inform the emperor without full assurance.

"The third brother is right. If this matter is really done by the fifth child, naturally there is a surefire way." Jun Lixuan said, "We can only stop and keep watching."

Jun Liche nodded, "I will make people stare."

Jun Liyuan glanced at Mo Qingge who was hesitant to speak, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mo Qingge hesitated for a moment, shook his head with the corners of his mouth, and said: "It's nothing, just lying tired."

"Then get up and sit for a while." Jun Liyuan walked over and lifted him up to sit on the couch.

Mo Qingge lowered his head, seemingly embarrassed.

"Qiyang, what do you think?" Jun Lixuan looked at him, but Ling Qiyang kept silent, so Jun Lixuan couldn't help asking.

Ling Qiyang looked at the crowd and said, "If it is like the sixth brother said, that person's hair and nails are purple, he should have made the corpse thread gu."

"Confirm?" Jun Lixuan didn't doubt Ling Qiyang's judgment, but just wanted to know why he believed so.

"There are many Gu Masters in the south, and they are very mysterious, but the better they are at making Gu, the more powerful they will be backlashed by Gu. Most of the general Gu Masters are thin and have bloodshot eyes. As their abilities increase, they show signs of poisoning. The more obvious. As Six Brother said, he should already be a high-level Gu master. This kind of person himself is also highly poisonous, so he has to keep himself tight, on the one hand not wanting to be seen, on the other hand, I'm worried about hurting people by mistake and causing trouble." Ling Qiyang said, "Necroline Gu can only be done by advanced Gu masters, and such Gu masters are rare. Most of them are poisoned to death by the poison halfway through training. So that person should be. A person who raises and lays Gu."

As for how to judge Gu Master, his master had taught him a long time ago. As for the others, he remembered it through the hands of the master.

Jun Liyuan nodded, "Since we can't do anything with the fifth child now, let's take good care of this person. As long as you understand the whereabouts of this person, you won't be afraid that the fifth person will come up with tricks."

"Can the medicine ball you gave me defend yourself in the mass grave?" Jun Lixuan looked at Ling Qiyang.

Ling Qiyang smiled and said, "Would you like to hang on that smell?"

"As long as it is given by you, I can take it with you." Jun Lixuan said without blushing.

Ling Qiyang lightly touched Jun Lixuan's leg under the table and whispered: "Nonsense."

Jun Lixuan grabbed his hand and smiled without saying a word.

Ling Qiyang, who had red ears, coughed lightly, pretending to say calmly, "I will go back and study it to see if there is a better way."

"Then trouble brother Qing." Jun Liyuan said.

"Three brothers are polite." After thinking about it, Ling Qiyang said again, "Actually, if that person is really in the fifth prince's mansion, then the fifth prince's situation should be more dangerous than ours."

"How do you say?" Jun Liche asked curiously.

"The purpose of Gu masters raising Gu is to control others, do things for themselves, and achieve their own wishes. If the fifth prince is the master of that Gu master, then according to the habits of the Gu masters, you should consider your own safety. That is. What is a better way to save life and achieve the goal more easily than using Gu to control the death and life of the master? If the Gu master is the master and the fifth prince is only under pressure from him, then he has more reason to use Gu to control the fifth prince I want to come. Jun Chengxi seems to have an extra helper, but he also dug his grave.

"That's true." Jun Liche relaxed.

"Looking at the appearance of the old fifth, everything seems to be normal." Jun Liyuan said.

"Whether it is or not, you can tell with a try with Mo Yuer. Even if he doesn't have Gu, he will be chronically poisoned if he has been in contact with that Gu master for a long time. Either way, it must be harmful to the body." Ling Qiyang drank. After a sip of tea, the fragrant tea made him feel much more relaxed.

"Mo Yu'er? Does it still have this ability?" When it came to that little thing, Jun Liche smiled.

"Medicine cat itself is medicine and poison. Medicine can detoxify and detox, and poison can also attack poison, so if something is abnormal, it will react." Ling Qiyang laughed, "but that little thing doesn't like it. The smell of Gu, so it will burrow on people when it smells it, not at people."

"That's fine, if there is a problem, it won't lead to doubt." Jun Lixuan said.

"Well, I will take that little thing with me when the time comes. The fifth child will not think too much." Jun Liche liked Mo Yuer very much, and he also liked small pets. Everyone in this palace knew about it, so he took Mo Yuer with him. Yuer, it is normal.

"Then make it so first." Jun Liyuan said, and for the time being, he will do it according to this plan.

As soon as a few people finished speaking, they heard a loud noise outside.

"Princess side, you can't go in, the prince is discussing business, don't let anyone disturb." The young man at the door dutifully stopped.

"Knowing that the prince is working hard, my concubine and concubine Zhao happened to come over to have a look, and brought ginseng soup. Just to relieve the prince's fatigue." Helian side concubine smiled.

Prince Yi has two side concubines, and he has some time to enter the mansion. According to Emperor Yanxi's intention, if one of the two gives birth to a son first, he will become a concubine. The two of them have always been at odds with each other, and now they must have a common purpose in coming together. However, Yeguo has always had a low birth rate, and the two of them don't know when they will have a child. Even if they have a child, whether they can give birth safely. People with discerning eyes knew that, in fact, Emperor Yanxi didn't regard them as candidates for the concubine Yi Wang. Let King Yi accept the two into the mansion, but it is just a trade-off.

The young man stopped in front of the door and said respectfully: "Two side concubines, the prince has already ordered not to be disturbed. Isn't this a small life for you? And the two side concubines enter the prince’s yard without order, it is already illegal. . If you insist on going in, wouldn’t it make the prince angry?"

Concubine Zhao frowned, and asked carefully: "The prince is really busy?"

"How dare you lie to you?" Xiao Si lowered his head and said with a cautious expression.

Concubine Helian pulled her a bit and said, "Sister, don't listen to him. How long has the prince come to our yard? No matter how busy he is, he must rest. To me, the prince is clearly fascinated by Hu Meizi. , Keep people in their own courtyard, so they don’t have time to talk to us."

Compared to Concubine Zhao, she dare to say a lot.

Concubine Zhao's brows furrowed tighter. There was a man in the prince's yard and she also heard some gossips. This time she followed along to see if it was true. But if she really wants to provoke the prince, she is also unwilling.

In the room, Jun Liche smiled so deeply, he looked at his third brother and then at Mo Qingge. He stood up and said: "I won't get involved with the third brother's family affairs. I will go ahead and go to the palace to meet my father. Lord Mo takes care and don't hurt again."

Mo Qingge nodded awkwardly, not knowing what to say. He could hear the words outside clearly. He thought about entering the Palace of Yi, and the people outside were sure to talk about it. After all, he was just an actress. But forgot that there was a side concubine in Prince Yi's mansion, so his existence would be even more embarrassing.

"Lixuan, you and Qi Yang will wait for a while, and I will send Li Che out." Jun Liyuan's face was calm, obviously angry because of the two women outside.

Jun Lixuan nodded and said nothing.

The door opened. When the two side concubines saw the calm-faced Lord Yi, their hearts were shocked. Seeing that the sixth prince came out again, it was more like confirming that Jun Liyuan was talking about business, rather than raising concubines.

"Prince." The two saluted together.

Jun Liche didn't exempt the two of them at all, and said coldly, "Who allowed you to come in?"

The concubine Helian, who had a loud voice, didn't dare to gasp, and only whispered aside: "I followed my sister to see you."

When Concubine Zhao heard that, Helian actually pushed the blame on herself, and immediately said: "It's the rumor that sister Helian misheard, and she has to pull her concubine to find out. The concubine has not seen the prince for many days, so she missed it, so So followed."

"Rumors?" Jun Liyuan's tone became even colder, and the people in his mansion had no respect and rumors, that he was the master of discipline.

Concubine Helian hid behind, so Concubine Zhao had to say, "Recently, there has been a rumor in the mansion that you want to take a concubine. It's just that it's temporarily kept in your yard without talking to the emperor."

"Presumptuous. As a side concubine, when you hear this kind of rumors, you don't know how to be restrained, but you have gone beyond the rules to come here, what style?!" Jun Liyuan said sharply.

"The concubine knew it was wrong." The two concubines knelt down immediately. From entering the house to now, although Jun Liyuan is not close to them, he has never been angry. I am afraid that I am really angry now.

"Check, who is preaching this kind of thing in the mansion. If you find out, you will be rewarded with fifty sticks and sold to the border as slaves." Jun Liyuan ordered.

"Yes!" Xiaosi and the housekeeper who had just arrived immediately responded and went down to check.

"You two, can't do your duty as a concubine, trust the rumors and confuse the palace, this king will be the emperor Bingming. You return to the hospital and wait for it to be sent. Without my handwriting, you will not leave the hospital for half a step."

"The prince, the concubine is wrong, please let the prince spare the concubine, and the concubine will never dare anymore." Hearing Jun Liyuan's hair down, Zhao Bianfei knelt down immediately, crying with tears streaming down her face.

The dumbfounded Concubine Helian finally recovered, crawled over on her knees, and cried: "My lord, for the sake of my concubine serving you for so long, please spare my concubine, please, prince ."

Jun Liyuan looked at the two people on the ground begging for mercy without expression, and said coldly: "There is indeed a person living in the king's courtyard."

When these words came out, the two side concubines were all taken aback, but after the words, they would rather Jun Liyuan never said anything.

Jun Liyuan said: "But he is a man. If you go in today and meet him. This king can send you away with a divorce letter. I have discipline, and as a concubine, I will not get the prince. Meeting other men when you agree, it is all unfaithful and unclean, and you can stop. Now that this is the case, this prince doesn't want to say more, so please do it for yourself."

After speaking, Jun Liyuan waved his hand, and a few people came up and pulled the two side concubines down.

As the crying and begging went away, Jun Liyuan sighed long.

"Third brother, don't worry, the emperor will have a decision." said Jun Liche, who watched the complete farce.

"It's okay. I didn't mean to them. If it weren't for the father's insistence, I wouldn't let them enter the mansion." Jun Liyuan shook his head and walked out with Jun Liche.

"In the royal family, some things must be compromised." Jun Liche comforted his third brother, "This kind of balance using marriage as a bargaining chip has always been everywhere. If the third brother does not take this responsibility, then take it. It’s either me or Lixuan."

In fact, what kind of status the prince will contain the status of the courtier, the emperor has a long-term plan, can not be refuted. Although they are also the sons of the emperor, they are also chess pieces in the hands of the emperor. The three of them understand this truth, so they have to support each other.

Jun Liyuan lowered his eyes and said nothing.

"The third brother is planning for me and Lixuan, we know in our hearts. At the beginning, I and the seventh old man were still young and couldn't do anything for the third brother. Now the seventh is married, and the third brother can put the burden on his shoulders. Now." Jun Liche said with a light smile.

Jun Liyuan looked at him and smiled pretentiously, "My brother, don't talk about it."

"Yeah." Jun Liche nodded.

As he approached the door, Jun Liyuan spoke again: "Help me find out how Mo Qingge was injured. He didn't want to say, and I didn't want to force him."

Jun Liche smiled and said, "Yes, I must have someone check it as soon as possible."

Jun Liyuan patted him on the shoulder.

"The courtier will leave first." Jun Liche saluted.

Jun Liyuan nodded, "Go. Be careful on the way."

Jun Liche left Prince Yi Mansion under the protection of the Shadow Guard. Until he couldn't see the shadow of Jun Liche, Jun Liyuan turned and returned to the house. Now, he just needs to wait for the result.


Here comes an update. I wish you a happy Double Eleven and leave the group as soon as possible.

Seeing a lot of people mentioning Daddy Ling, you can rest assured that Daddy Ling's matter will be clearly written, and you can look forward to it. A certain pupil is not spoiled anymore.

Received the editor's notice, this article is scheduled to enter V on Wednesday (13th), and three chapters will be updated that day.

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Took a day off tomorrow, a pupil wants to save three chapters, please understand.

Thanks again and see you on Wednesday.

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