"I taught it!" As

soon as Long Hongyan said this, Guan Jie's dangerous gaze did not retreat, but continued to ask.

"Your mother is insane, is there a lot of normal times

?" "How much ......

" "If there are too many words, how can you convince your mother?"

Guan Jie looked at Long Hongyan's eyes with a hint of banter, as if he already knew everything, making Long Hongyan feel that the blood in his whole body was coagulating.

"I said

it, and she believed it......" "She has long resented my dad for not being able to go out to make money, and she has long been tired of seeing my dad tutoring some children at home every day......"

"The money is small, the children are annoying, and they have to greet each other with a smile every day."

As Long Hongyan spoke, tears slowly flowed out of her eyes, and there was a trace of truth in her eyes when she looked at Guan Jie, and she was dissatisfied.

"Sometimes when my mother is not sober, the dead children will laugh at her...... But she

didn't know!" "I put up with this, the family was already in difficulty, but some time ago I suddenly didn't allow any make-up classes, and my father's economic income was much less.

"Only some parents will secretly send their children to my house for tutoring. "

For this reason, the two of them often quarrel and fight. "

You say, why did the policy become like this? Doesn't this cut off my family's livelihood? My father's behavior was caught, but he had to be fined

!" "Taking people's money is like killing my parents!"

"My family began to borrow money frequently and ...... to repay it"

"I can't stand such days."

Long Hongyan wiped a handful of tears and sobbed: "I was also excluded at school, they said that I was a poor ghost and a turtle...... I don't have any of those trendy things. "

I went home to talk to my mother, but every time, she would go to her father to quarrel......

" "I ......"

Guan Jie raised his hand to interrupt Long Hongyan to continue, his indifferent gaze was like a light that could illuminate the darkness of the world, and shot straight into the most gloomy place in Long Hongyan's heart.

"Banning out-of-school education and training, and additional tutoring, is a policy that is beneficial and fair to the whole society, and it is not that you can blame the policy for the loss of your family.

"How were your grades before?"

"It's okay, it's okay......" Long Hongyan hesitated: "Middle and lower, but after my father tutored me, I was basically in the middle and upper middle." "

What is the family background of the top student?" asked Guan Jie.

"Of course it's good!" Long

Hongyan was a little excited: "They all have their own tutors, and their studies must be good, and the last ones are either family affairs, or parents don't care about them......

" "This is the struggle between capital and civilians, which is called injustice."

"Educational involution is more beneficial to the rich and bad to the poor.

"There's no way to really use the exam to really select the brightest people.

"The excellence piled up with capital and time is essentially suppressing those who are talented and intelligent.

"Got it?"

Guan Jie smiled: "What your dad did was just for your little family."

"What you see above is long-term peace and stability, and you ...... Parents, as long as they see their children's grades improve and make progress, they don't care about other things at all.

"So, it's just the difference between the pattern and the long-term vision, and there's no need to blame the policy for killing your dad."

"Far away, let's talk about it again, your mother doesn't have a high diploma, how did you know that injecting alcohol would kill your father?"

Long Hongyan's eyes widened violently, and she looked at Guan Jie in a daze.

His nails clenched his flesh tightly, biting his lip and not daring to speak.

The needle hole on Long Xiangdong's arm was indeed left by the needle tube that Li Mei usually used to inject psychotropic drugs.

But the liquid inside was 95% alcohol, which was widely available outside.

What doesn't seem to be dangerous, but in the hands of a psychopath it exudes the greatest threat.


Li Mei does not have a high diploma and does not know how to surf the Internet.

How could she suddenly have the idea of injecting alcohol into Long Xiangdong?

95% of the alcohol, if nothing is added, injected into the blood vessels at a rate of 3-5 drops a minute, will cause small damage to the blood vessel walls, but there will be no alcohol poisoning.

However, if the speed is accelerated, it will cause damage to the vascular endothelial cells, significant pain and anesthesia in the flesh, followed by dehydration of the cells in the eye, and brittleness of the blood vessels.

"No, it's none of my business! I just told my mother that the soldiers of Mao occasionally inject vodka into their bodies......

" "Poof."

Guan Jie laughed, and raised his eyebrows at Long Hongyan with a vicious face.

"That's a very small number of alcohol addicts who inject themselves with a small amount of alcohol, but the side effect is burning pain at the injection site. "

Your mom gave your dad an injection of alcohol, and it's not like 3 to 5 drops a minute as I mentioned.

"It was injected in an instant.

"Your father's death is quite complicated, suffocation, cell dehydration, blood vessel rupture, alcohol poisoning......"

Long Hongyan trembled all over, her heart beating violently, as if she was going to tear her in half.

"I don't know...... I didn't know there were such serious consequences......"

She clasped her head in her hands, shaking and shaking, her face as pale as if it had been drained of blood.

"So to speak. Guan Jie stood up and patted his thigh, and lifted his teacup: "You call this intentional murder, do

you know?" "Instigated your mother to hurt your father to death, do you still want this inheritance?"

Guan Jie smiled at Long Hongyan shamefully: "Okay, it is estimated that Lao Ren doesn't know that there is such a thing, I will tell him, don't think about pretending to be pitiful and fooling him."

"I spent the rest of my life in prison and did some introspection. "

No!" Long Hongyan screamed, and the well-behaved pretending to be in the past was instantly broken.

Rebellious, crazy, and crazy emotions appeared in her: "You promised to help me win this lawsuit

!" "I still want to ask you to protect me! I am a minor! I can be irresponsible!"


Guan Jie continued to sit down with interest: "Can you afford to pay me?"

Before Long Hongyan could speak, he immediately stretched out a finger, shook it in front of the two, and said with a smile.

"Don't use Lao Ren to press me.

"I'm not a lawyer for justice.

"Lao Ren is not, his justice is just condescending sympathy, pity for the poor person who appears in front of him every time, there is a legal constraint, he can only sadly pronounce the result of every sentence.

"I'm different, I'm fighting for the good.

"I don't care about the things you want to hide, and I don't want to do things that go beyond the top.

Guan Jie's voice all revealed bad intentions.

The corners of his mouth drew an arc of unknown meaning.

"You, pay me.

"I'll help you overturn the case. "


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