Bancheng Fengyue

: May the moonlight shine on you (2)

I don't know how long it took, the sweet darkness faded away little by little, and the refreshing and clean wind from the God Realm hit the face, flapping the black veil covering the eyes, rubbing the eyelashes itchyly, Xuan Yi couldn't help rubbing them.

Fu Cang's deep voice sounded above his head: "Are you awake?"

She suppressed her yawn with her sleeves, squinted her eyes and looked around, but saw that this place was a slender and extremely winding corridor in the air. It was midsummer in the upper realm, and the heavy wisteria flowers were falling in clusters, and the fragrance was overflowing. Outside the cloister is the most famous sea of ​​clouds in Tianwai, where countless rare fairy fish are raised, and huge fairy lotuses of various colors are looming in the misty clouds.

Fu Cang sat on the railing, supporting her with one hand, and even pinched a fishing rod with the other, slowly watching the fishing line fluctuating with the wind.

He can actually fish? Xuan Yi rounded his eyes.

As if aware of her surprise, a shy smile flashed across his face: "Father said that I was still impatient and careless in my actions, and advised me to learn to fish and sharpen my temper."

The wind felt very comfortable on his face, Xuan Yiwo stretched wantonly in his arms, while touching the wisteria flowers falling from the top of his head, he asked lazily, "Why did you come to Tiangong?"

Because she lived in Chunjun, she was only wearing a thin silk dress. The sea of ​​clouds was extremely bright, and the silk dress was reflected as if translucent. Fu Cang pulled away the crow green long gown, and wrapped her in his arms: "You slept for six days, and two days ago was the wedding of the Seventh Emperor of Heaven, and the wedding banquet is still ahead."

Wedding banquet? Xuan Yi subconsciously lowered his head to look at himself, so he released her so unkempt to attend the emperor's wedding banquet? !

She was so angry that she wanted to drill into Chunjun again: "I don't want to go out in this way."

Fu Cang laughed dumbly: "Don't go to the front, don't move, the fish will be scared away."

While speaking, an extremely huge golden carp jumped in the sea of ​​clouds, causing the clouds to rippling endlessly. Xuan Yi's attention was suddenly distorted: "Why is your golden carp here?"

Fu Cang's chin lightly bumped against her forehead: "It's our home."

She was engaged five years ago, and she still talks like this.

"Originally there were two pairs of golden carps in Chengjiang Lake. Later, when the Emperor of Heaven got married, my grandfather gave a pair as a congratulatory gift, and they were kept in the sea of ​​clouds outside the sky."

Seeing that she was very interested in the sea of ​​clouds outside the sky, he whispered to her about the extremely precious fish and rare animals kept there, and then he talked about the legend of a golden carp leaping over the dragon gate and turning into a dragon in very ancient times. Hearing a pleasantly surprised voice from the corridor: "Shenjun Fucang! Are you here too?"

Fu Cang turned his head, only to see a group of pink shadows happily approaching under the wisteria flowers, behind him were nine snow-white and huge long tails that were still unpredictable like clouds and mist. He immediately nodded in salute.

The ninth princess was the same as back then, when she saw him, her face was flushed, her tail drooped, and she said in a thin voice: "I met God Fucang in Qingqiu back then, and I will never forget it. Today I can meet again, and my heart is very happy." joy."

Fu Cang said calmly: "Princess Ninth, you are welcome."

The Ninth Princess covered her flushed cheeks, and her voice began to tremble: "I haven't seen you for many years, and the demeanor of the **** is even better than before... God Lord Fu Cang, if you smile at me like you did back then, I will cut off three tails as a gift this time." ..." The Shao family has a daughter

Before he finished speaking, he heard a low and soft voice suddenly sounded in front of Fu Cang: "So the three tail hairs last time were exchanged by Senior Brother Fu Cang's smile?"

The nine princesses were so pleasantly surprised when they first saw Fu Cang, they didn't notice that there were other goddesses beside him at all. When they looked closely, they saw a slender figure hidden in Fu Cang's luxurious crow green long robe, with long hair like a slender complexion. She was pale, with a black veil covering her eyes, although she couldn't see her real face, but her outline was clear and charming, she was a rare beauty.

The nine princesses quietly took two steps back, and hurriedly restrained the overly obvious expression of surprise on her face. A few years ago, she had heard that Fu Cang had made a marriage contract with Princess Xuanyi of the Zhuyin clan. The heartbroken goddesses guessed that Zhuyin Shi probably used the name of the savior to force the **** to surrender, but now the appearance of the two of them seems to be different from the rumors.

"I'm just joking." She laughed dryly and took a few steps back, "You two continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery, so I'll take my leave first."

Xuan Yi narrowed her eyes and watched the nine huge white tails of the nine princesses quickly disappear into the winding and slender corridor. After a while, she snorted arrogantly: "I look better than her in a rag."

She's still **** off about her slovenliness.

Fu Cang could only laugh or cry, seeing that her long hair was a little messy, he gently combed it with his fingers. She nestled quietly in his arms, pulling out the golden threads of the moiré on the neckline one by one, her delicate face leaned closer, exhaling a delicate fragrance, he couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed the tip of her nose.

But she heard her soft voice: "You kiss me, I don't have three dragon scales for you."

After she finished speaking, she sneered and laughed.

Very naughty. Fu Cang brushed her neatly combed long hair back, no longer thinking about fishing, gently holding her face with both hands, bowed his head again, and kissed her lips.


During the night of staying in Tiangong, Xuan Yi didn't sleep soundly. She always felt a dull pain in the skin under her ribs in her deep sleep. No relief either.

After being caught for the fifth time, Fu Cang finally held her hands still and lifted the silk clothes slightly, her ribs were all red from being scratched, and she was about to see blood.

He frowned, and was about to ask, but when he heard a "poof", the dragon princess on the bed suddenly turned into a huge black dragon, and then shrunk down in circles, into horned loaches about one foot long.

This scaleless loach lit up its belly, looked down at its ribs for a long time, and then said, "Oh, it seems to be growing dragon scales."

As soon as the words fell, I saw that the side of the tiny loach seemed to have been dotted with ink a few points, slowly forming a black and shiny dragon scale.

Ten years after Princess Dragon woke up, the first dragon scale grew without warning.

Still a little unbelievable, she tapped on it vigorously, stretched out a hand to stop her, and immediately grabbed her gently in her hand. Fu Cang held the tiny dragon **** with his palm, feeling the cold and soft feeling he hadn't seen for a long time. He first carefully touched the shiny dragon scale with his fingertips. In the human body, he suddenly felt a finger pressed against his head very lightly. Ruler of all worlds

The two rice-grained dragon horns on the once bald head finally looked decent now. Fu Cang stroked the two small coral-like dragon horns carefully, a smile appeared in his dark eyes, and the feel was still so good.

The little dragon **** with only one dragon scale stretched his body in his palm, and suddenly he burrowed into his neckline, curled up in a cold ball on his chest, and said slowly: "Just touch it for a while."

Fu Cang rubbed her tiny dragon horns, it seemed to be very comfortable, she let out a breath, pillowed his hair, and suddenly said: "Senior brother Fu Cang, why did you smile at the ninth princess last time?"

...And to mention this, she probably forgot the evil deed of pushing him out in the first place.

"You want to know?" he asked softly.

Xuan Yi nodded.

He didn't speak, and lightly scratched her bare belly twice with his fingertips, itching her to swim from the neckline to the cuffs, transforming back into a human body, and suddenly he grabbed her wrist, pulled it back, and pinched her waist. After counting, she almost cried with laughter, and Fu Cang said, "That's a good smile."

This guy is too bad, he can bully her vigorously when she is at her weakest, and when she comes back in the future, she must take revenge, Xuan Yi forcefully scratched his hand a few times.

There were still a few tears on her and he kissed them away. Recently, because she didn't have dragon scales, he was much more vicious than before, kissing and kissing, he couldn't help but kiss along his chin to the side of the ear, sucking a bruise on it.

"Does it hurt?" He touched the mark lightly and asked in a low voice.

She nodded vigorously again.

"Really?" He put his hand through the silk garment, caressing her heart, her skin was already hot.

Fake. Xuan Yi hooked his neck, opened his mouth and bit his ear.

After the noise of the carnival dissipated, when she seemed to be asleep, she heard Fu Cang talking to her, vaguely something like "Go back to Zhongshan". Yes, she has finally grown dragon scales, Qingyan and her father must be happy, then go back and have a look tomorrow. After reading it, she still wants to go to many places with him. By the way, she hasn't forgotten the brothels in the lower realm. She must find a chance to see how beautiful the oiran is. And also, the four seas he mentioned last time The fairy island is also very interesting, and she also wants to see it.

But if he is too busy, it would be interesting to just stay in Chunjunli and read a book, and then watch him exterminate scattered demons.

Xuan Yi fell asleep happily.

When she woke up again, she was already in the Longyang Pond on the top of Zhongshan Mountain. Her father Qingyan and Fu Cang were standing by the pool and didn't know what to say. Longlin, I will come to see you every day when I have time."

All right. Xuan Yi spit out a string of bubbles in the cold Dragon Breeding Pool, those pleasant trips can only wait later.

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