The table in the fort's hall is filled with visiting men and old bandits.

I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get a decent meal when I went with this flow, but it came out pretty good. Even so, it doesn't seem like a liquor dish at all because it's BBQ or pizzamodoki bread.

In the meantime, I just ate it and decided to see how everyone was doing appropriately.

Mr. Zairas is drinking wine with Mr. Wyle like a cup of tea, and Mr. Torrell has a bright red face. I pour wine on my visitors fluttering with such a face, but it looks like I'm about to fall.

"Lord Banter. May I have a word? I would like to cool my liquor at night with the wind if I could..."

It was Mr. Ablett who came to me. Next door, Mr. Dornean greets me with a small head down.

"Right. Let the drinkers take care of this place to cool down a little."

No one seems to care if the three of us leave the hall. I drink about that much.

When we went outside, we sat down on a terraced table set in the hall. The conscripts must have spotted us immediately and asked the ladies.

A beautiful lady brought me a cup of tea.

"The plan of the Radel River was able to obtain the endorsement of King Torresti. We've established an office in the King's Capital in Crabble. Are you sure you want to start in three months?

"I'm sorry I left the steps to you. That's enough for us. Miners think about 20 families in the family..."

"At the very least, we want 50 pairs out. Miners in three countries are desirable to be identical. It's a joint venture."

I guess I'll add a little more from 50 pairs. Do you decide to recruit from Wang Du for now? Those who were in the business of royal aristocratic opponents should have fewer jobs.

"By the way, King Cardina Capital has lost many of its civilians to the Madenium invasion. Crabble, besides, does Torresti have an educational institution?

"Most aristocrats gain some knowledge by tutoring. For those who want to learn more, the Academy for drilling is conducted using part of the Royal Palace. Perhaps every kingdom has a similar facility?

"It also exists in my kingdom. You should be studying history, math, music, etc. I'm one of those people who studied history."

Mr. Dornean connected his words to those of Mr. Ablett.

There seems to be an institution that trains scholars. This is convenient.

"Is it possible to send someone proficient in sturdy mathematics of the ankle to my country? I'd like five at a time if I could?

"If you tell me what the relationship between the mathematician and Lord Banter will be, I think you can appeal to the king."

"Do you incorporate math into battle?

What Mr. Dornean said would be necessary in the simulation world, but that should not be a little further. You will need a discipline called statistics.

"Actually, I'm thinking about making a map. I understand the general relationship between towns, fortifications, streets, etc., but this does not allow for large-scale construction.

For example, if we were to build an aqueduct from the Raidel River to irrigate agricultural land, how could we proceed with the construction and calculate its duration and cost? "

The two of you seem surprised by my words.

You certainly wouldn't think that math had anything to do with the civil engineering business. But I've heard people on TV say they couldn't have made a pyramid without advanced math.

"More, precise maps… and what the King used to say. You have a few young people who are fluent in math and sturdy in body. Let's do something about it. It's up to Mr. Banter to decide if they can use it."

"The same goes for me. The hydrophobic from the Label River has gone up many times in plans, but we all have a history of abandoning the budget to carry out that plan without a scrutiny. It'll probably be a long-term plan. It seems to be a good place to work for a good second son, a third son."

Apparently you agree with me.

The question is, to the extent of this world's geometry, did it develop in aristocratic taste?

At least I want you to know Pitagoras' theorem position.

The next day, it was a really sunny morning.

No one will complain about the weather.

Mu, who ran in a carriage early in the morning, delivered my costume, but it must be a black sneak outfit.

Put on a proper outfit for now and usually stick the knife in your back into your belt.

There was also a mask, but I wouldn't go wearing this just right. I folded it up nicely in my hip bag and left it in.

Look at my friends. Yeah, Mu is a sneaky outfit, too. He wears a mask with a knife made to look like me on his back.

Somehow the atmosphere awaits the appearance of the attraction. Or does it feel like a cosplay tournament?

The Zairas, who had been drinking so much, are also dressed in the outfit of righteous allies. Looking at it with envy are Mr. Wyle and his visiting samurai.

From those ready, the knight carries them to the ceremony by carriage.

We got rocked by a carriage and left the fort behind. We'll be able to get to the ceremony in less than three hours.

Take the street and take the path north, and you'll see a white castle on the ridge.

There are scaffolds because they are still under construction, and the roof and tower are not in shape, but you can imagine what they look like on your back.

"Her Majesty the Queen of that kingdom of Sylvania deserves to live there. Greed would have been a little bigger."

"That's enough. There is nothing in Wang Du. Artenham and Mictus won't get any bigger soon."

There will be no immediate development, but there is ample prospect for the future.

The problem is that not flying out of the surroundings can attract aggression from other countries.

It would be nice if the alliance of the three kingdoms to combat it proceeded in a joint undertaking.

Looking sideways at Fort Aldes, the carriage moves on.

There are several large tents built, so I guess that is today's ceremony.

Some of your daughters are already walking in pure white costumes.

I'm drinking wine, but I'm worried about stains on my costume.

As I descend the carriage, I mix with those people to watch what happens.

I decided to get to the table jiggly so I wouldn't get dirty and enjoy the pipe till time.

Our two daughters are in a dress, checking our notes.

"You're Mr. Banter. Please move to seat number one over there. Mr. Torti will guide you, so don't move too much."

It was Mr. Fina and Mailey.

Moving on as I was told, it was Mr. Zaylus in the second seat, and Mr. Baltz in the third.

Don't feel like giving a ceremony with some flow work. Is this what I'm supposed to do if I don't have it once in my life?

In front of us is a small, roofless chapel. In front of it were red carpets laid east and west, and carpets were also laid north and south in such a way as to intersect the carpet laid on the side from just before this seat.

Participants gather continuously to begin sitting on a bench placed to the left and right of a carpet stretching north and south. It looks like Mr. O'Brie is guiding us.

A former aristocratic boy and girl, Mr. Fine's men, show up with a jewelry box in noble attire. Behind it followed Mr. Emilda, who was wrapped in cleric clothing.

Will it finally begin?

Soon, on the other side of the table, there were Her Majesty the Queen and Jill, as well as female soldiers dressed in Cathedral Knights costumes where they found them. You're someone who feels a little poached. Somehow the atmosphere is good at cooking.

"At last. I get nervous when it's my turn. I'm waiting for my prey."

Am I a prey? I'm putting the deluxe crown on my head today, so I guess Marian and the others are worried about dropping it and watching it somewhere.

Looking back, Mr. Zairas and Mr. Baltz are laughing with a face that is still about to blow out.

Mr. Torti, dressed in cleric clothes, came before us and lowered his head.

"Follow me. The center is the queens. You two. The Zairus and the others will follow. Mr. Mue and Mr. Mailey will be down at the end of the carpet, so you will follow the two instructions to move left and right. … Now stand up."

I wonder how many pairs there are? It sounded so loud.

He looked at us with a satisfied look, but he said, "Well, please," and started moving toward the chapel.

Slowly walk out on the carpet with Her Majesty's left arm along my right arm.

Line up on a carpet laid east and west, right in front of the chapel by Her Majesty the Queen and me. Behind our steps, Mr. Zaylus and his men lined up with each other.

Mr. Emilda, dressed in brand new cleric clothing, is as dignified as he can see. I can't imagine it from what I usually say and do. I guess I can still change who I am depending on the venue.

We bow our heads deeply, too, as Emilda gratefully turns to us.

What we saw in our eyes with our heads up was Emilda's face smiling with merciful eyes.

Turning to the altar decorated with green trees at the front, prayers are offered.

God's name was something I didn't know, but apparently four gods in a groundwater fire wind. I see. Polytheism.

It was a short prayer of about five minutes, but when I reported our marriage to four gods, they would come down to us from the chapel.

"4 On behalf of God, I hereby approve your marriage. Exchange each other's pledge rings as a testament, and make this day's pledge permanent."

With this, the traditional events of the Kingdom of Sylvania begin. It's like the customs of our world, but as a memorial, there will be no problem.

Sounds like us at first.

Mr. Emilda opens the box that Mr. Torti brought.

What I took out of it was a non-decorative circlet made of silver.

"Master Banter will have royal status from today on. Help Her Majesty rule forever."

Say that and let me lower my head and I'll put a circlet on my head.

Undecorative circlet, but it looks like I want to see the tight hoop (Kinko) that was on Sun Wukong's head... There's no such thing as teaching Her Majesty a strange spell.

It looks like it, but it must have become more deluxe than Her Majesty's usual circlet. Undecorative, looks like a bowl of gold at first glance. This would keep you on your head without worrying about it somehow.

Then when we put the silver ring that was given to us into each other's drug fingers, we let him hold the hand with the ring on, and Mr. Emilda accompanied him with his own hand, offering us a short prayer.

When we hit each other down, we walk behind us with Mr. Torti.

There are a lot of them. It's going to take a while.

It's easy, but in a harsh atmosphere, we're getting married.

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