Two months after the invasion of the Tornian army, the sprouting of meadows began all at once.

It's a green land, so if I wanted small happiness with my people, I could have built a peaceful kingdom...

Mr. Lady and his team report back to me one after another on the situation in Madenium territory.

The military junta of the kingdom of Tornia seems to have punished the crime extremely heavily, but otherwise it seems to be exercising moderate rule.

He said there was no obstacle to the intelligence operations that were disputed by the pedestrians.

What bothers me is that we started building a small fort east of the fort. The distance is roughly 3 km, and if we try to get east of the street, we'll know soon enough. Seems like you wanted to make it a little closer, but you can see the thought of saying you don't really want to inspire us.

"Don't you make more of these telescopes and things? With this, we'll know how many surveillance soldiers are in the east fort."

"Sure would be handy. Let's make about ten of them and leave a few in this fort too"

If you mean for surveillance, it would be better to leave one at a time at the surveillance station on the ridge, and it would be necessary for the troops of Mr. Cuelet and his men, not to say ten, and it would seem better to make some more.

Knowing that the Tronian troops have moved their troops to the south, they will replace the personnel of the fort one by one.

Ultimately, I'd like to leave it to a squadron of heavily armed infantry and Mr. Cullet and the others.

The heavy infantry was an insufficient number for two platoons, but it would be sufficient to continue recruiting training in this fort.

The spear hasn't been used yet, but a stone bow and a long bow would suffice as a defenseman.

If we entrust the commander to someone, we can leave this fort, too.

I tried to ask Mr. and Mrs. Torrell, and he said his wife congratulated him.

Suddenly, on Mr. Zairas' recommendation, Mr. Baltz was to take turns with us with a detachment of knights.

Mr. and Mrs. Baltz are waving from the surveillance corridor above the stone walls to us on the Canator heading west on the street.

You must be answering that because Mu or the sister of the Enchantress Squad is waving at you. I waved goodbye at the end too because I couldn't see the two of them after the next bend.

"Torrell doesn't say he's a father in the summer either."

"Either way, you're going to be beautiful or beautiful."

Sadie laughed at my words, and Mr. Marian is holding his mouth and leaning down. The laughter is leaking from hand......

Did I say something strange?

"You didn't know the banter. I do admit that Torrell is a beautiful man..."

"You look like your wife. My husband always hid in my skirt when he found out he was coming to the royal palace."

You mean the strong side? But then I think I had a hard time with my daughter-in-law, but to say that my beautiful daughter-in-law had come would have been a gentle person. Besides, Mr. Torrell has a strong sense of justice, and I don't think his father gave him the long sword.

Does the child you are born with look like your father or your grandfather...... I wish I looked like a mother without difficulty.

With such a conversation, I hung for a day to cross the road and reach the fort at the foot.

Let's stay here for the night and have a drink with Mr. Torrell.

Since Mr. Builder was staying at the fort due to the receipt of the silver lump, he ordered lenses for farsighted glasses.

"I always have my doubts about this order. Because I don't need a frame, I don't understand that it's just a lens."

"I have an interesting use of lenses, but I can't teach them because they taste bad when they convert to military. I want to go like this for 20 years."

"If you can tell me about the future, that's enough. It must have been used in the founding of the Kingdom of Sylvania, so I can understand you saying that you don't want to spread the word in this situation."

It's convenient to observe enemies.

It is not a weapon that kills people directly, but it would also be possible depending on how you use it. I'd like to keep it a secret just for Sylvania if I could, but our next battle will be to intervene in a dispute between Tornia and Krabble.

If you give me a few of them, they should make it extraordinarily better to monitor the situation on the watchtower.

Besides, a trading ship would need it. Check if the opponent's ship is armed.

Avoiding a useless battle is likely to avoid losing sailors and loads.

Earlier the next day, we proceeded to our fort and proceeded to Canator.

When I went through the street and plugged it onto the mountain road, I saw a fort like a white castle in the northeast direction.

As we crossed the barracks through the narrow road, we saw a path to the east on the way.

Back in the day, it was just wasteland, but now it's a fine path because the wagons have made it back and forth many times and the soldiers have stepped on their feet.

Take the road to the right. Take the road to the fort. As you go up the hill, you can see the bouncing bridge of the fort.

Enter the hall of the fort and lower your dokalit hips to the usual chair.

As I sighed relieved, Mu brought a cup of tea for everyone along with the soldiers.

"It wasn't much of a threat to us. Weren't you exaggerating a little?

"I am just saying to the Kingdom of Tornia that I was grateful to have Mr Gartnen. Because we built the fence first, we made the ridge ours. When this puts the ridge at its border, it becomes extremely difficult to defend."

It has become almost impossible for the Kingdom of Tornia to know the situation of the Kingdom of Sylvania, but if you give it to your opponent even in part of the ridge, you will see that this side has less fighting power.

It doesn't feel like you missed it either.

You would say that the other side hated the loss of power to invade the two remaining kingdoms.

Besides, Mr. Gartnen seems to understand our superiority, so if we don't interfere in Madenium territory any longer, the state of mutual non-interference will last a long time.

"If so, the kingdom of Tornia will have three kingdoms in its hands, but do we not have to do anything?

"This will be enough. With two new battalions, you can protect East and West, and send reinforcements to Crabble."

Two squadrons should be able to be sent. Most importantly, if we build one more battalion in the second plan, we can send more massive reinforcements, and we can attack stone bridges across the important Nealezm's Raidel River on the barracks.

It is also in our best interest to say that we have a possible force.

It sounds funny to destroy the stone bridge itself instead of attacking heavy troops. Wouldn't Krabble's defense be comparable to two battalions by the Raidel River?

Let's take a closer look at the structure of the bridge as the invading forces of the Kingdom of Tornia move from Nielezm to Mandale.

Then you have to increase the amount of gunpowder you make.

I don't really want to make it, but given the maneuvers, it keeps increasing.

We have to think of something together with another means.

The summer is approaching and the report from Mr Lady is starting to be put aside for a little while.

Things must be changing.

Among other things, a somewhat disturbing report was that a number of luxurious carriages had entered the King's Capital from the Kingdom of Tornia.

A powerful nobleman must have been sent to become governor.

Because policing is pretty tough, the residents seem to be living peacefully on their own. They also waived the tax collection for a year, so it looks like the peasant bees have subsided.

"Just ask, and the residents will be happy. But is that really true?

"It also seems that the number of inhabitants seeking relief is rapidly decreasing to clerics of the denomination who guard the temple. The Royal Madenian Army has fled to the kingdom of Nealesm, so we are opening the garrison's pantry to practice."

Mr. Lady answers Sadie's question.

If that's the case, it's the Amer and Munch policy itself. After all, he seems to be doing quite a bit of research on post-occupation residential policy.

"Lord Radnen has asked me to report that Lord Banter has made the quantity requested of me. The other said he'd carry it in a wagon."

"Sounds like you should distribute the bomb early. If you're in a barrel, will you take me from here to the surveillance post to the east? You can rest assured that no one will use it there. When you have finished carrying them, write a note of caution that you should not enter the entrance, even with a pipe on fire."

"Sure, the quantity is the quantity. Copy that."

Saying so, I left the hall.

Mr. Lady knows perfectly well that if you don't keep the fire close, you'll feel safe. I just wanted to ask you to take care of it.

"You said something earlier in the spring about adding more bombs. You finally made it."

"This will reassure Mr. Baltz a little. I'll give you ten bombs for catapults on the east-west containment line, twenty in the fort at the foot, ten to Mr. Lady and ten to Mr. Zaylus for the rest."

"Sixty for convenience……. Are there limited opportunities to use it?"

"Without a few more catapults, territorial defense south of the Radell River is our job."

It's a few small buildings, but it's a fine territory. There's going to be some time, so it looks like we could do construction in a castle city style.

Thankfully, there are no shortfalls in funding.

Ten days later, Mr. Radnen brought me a telescope and an azimuthal magnet. Although there are 25 telescopes and 5 fewer magnets, this helps.

"The telescope is to be given to the surveillance post on the ridge and to the fort to the east. Isn't that a little much?

"I'll give them to the surveillance station and the ridge two at a time. You should also give Mr. Quellet five troops. If you give one to Mu, he'll have nine left. Why don't you take five of them and five azimuthal magnets and visit the Krabble Royal Palace?

"You're going to make it a souvenir, aren't you? King Krabble will be delighted. If you can, can you get me another one? It'll be a princess's souvenir."

They showed you the wolf nest holes and the flaming platforms, so you let them peek at you then?

Then you'll want it.

It's as simple as a toy, but you can still see the distance.

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