Bandit, Be Ambitious! To Accomplish Kingdom Revival!

SA-146, that sounds tragic, but I can't get my hands on it.

"I had the abdominal proposal so that it wouldn't happen. We knew that in some cases the denomination might be dismantled."

I let everyone hear what I said about Mr. Emilda in the winter.

Everyone was watching and hearing about building the Archdiocese of Ardenne as a new church.

"Does scripture serve as a new guiding principle, not authoritarianism..."

"The monastery will help for that. Looks like quite a few clerics escaped from the Divine Empire. If religion needs a denominational temple, why did they flee? It's understandable to say that I would be prepared to die for a religious New Year, but I think I know how to escape the scene. Their religious minds don't always need a temple."

As I hold my mouth and take out the pipe and light a fire on the stove in the corner of the room, Mr. Marian and Mu are changing everyone's tea.

I think you need a little time to think about it.

Return to your seat and have tea again.

The pipe smoke slowly stretched towards the ceiling.

"That basilica of nothing is the heart of religion…… and you live long lives. Good thing you didn't have to lose your life in a battle against the Madenian kingdom."

"If Master Emilda has any intention, the Krabble Royal Palace will be fine."

"It would be similar or stopping by about Torresti's royal palace. There are no years in which troubles with the Divine Empire did not occur. You'll think about it when your headache clears..."

"But even for Mr. Emilda, I haven't specified the plan yet. I want the rest of you to shut up."

"Right...... If that story spreads, it's going to make a fuss."

In the meantime, you may only know that there is such a back.

I'm throwing a round at Mr. Emilda, but Mr. Emilda seems to be able to get the support of the three kingdoms.

"We're ready to go. If it's a blow, we can all go together."

"Right. If Mr. Zairas will lead the way, no problem. Will you set me up early tomorrow morning? However, the direction of attack and retreat should be this way."

The place that pointed to the map in the middle of the table is an attack from the south. I know it's a little impossible, but I hope it draws Warham's suspicion.

It would also be convenient for all horseback riding units to wear Cathedral Knights outfits. The name of the Knights of the Archdiocese of Ardennes will be passed on to the Kingdom of Warham, but I'm sure you've never seen him before.

"Is this also a measure?

"For once, it will. Don't give me the name of the Knights of the Diocese. If you do that, you'll be part of a horseback squad that took a blow away."

Again with my words, everyone is nodding over the map of the table.

"Are we waiting here?

"The speed of a motorized infantry will not even be half that of a horseback cavalry. It's only a unit that specializes in building fast moves and interceptions, so it's a little further ahead."

I gave you an instant answer to Sadie's words that don't seem funny, but you're in an extra bad mood.

"When was our turn?

"We don't have the positive movement of the enemy we originally expected, so it won't be for a while. It will be soon and after next spring, won't it? Until then, it's going to be a job to deal with the refugees."

I'm glad Mu didn't bring the horses for an inspection around Fort Aldes. Because Kanatru isn't that fast, you wouldn't even think about riding Kanatru and attacking him. Otherwise, it's not funny! So you're going to follow Mr. Zairas?

"You can leave the placement and attack procedure to the banter. We're going out before dawn tomorrow. We need to contact the troops as soon as possible. The assembly will be good outside the south gate. I'd like to ask for an easy meal."

Listening to Mr. Zairas, his aunt, a representative of the militia unit, is nodding. It's a bigger shape than Mr. Marian. I was surprised when I first saw it, but I was convinced by the first meal I received. You're so good at cooking that you need to work hard so you don't get metaphorical.

That story just came to a paragraph, and the troop leaders left the command post.

The ones left behind are Sadie and Marianne.

Mu poured me wine in a small cup. Enjoying the pipe again, Mr. Marian is also taking out the little pipe.

"At last. With light infantry, that's what the battle starts with. I don't think it's right to just attack the horseback squad... but it's not funny."

"Why don't you come back to the Krabble Royal Palace once? It's a problem that I haven't seen Princess Chris in a month, and the King would like to know what's going on here."

"Well...... That would be nice if there was no change. Whether it's good for me and Marian, you can borrow a detachment from Sandra!

I'm making my eyes shine on Marian's words.

Surely a situation report would be necessary. If I could, I wouldn't have to go home until I got settled.

Make a brief note of the situation and give it to Sadie to put down. If I could, I would know a lot more since Mr. Lady arrived, but that would be good next time.

The next day, when I woke up, Sadie wasn't next door.

Must have left already? You're a daughter-in-law who doesn't know to wait at all. I like the aggressive part. I guess Mr. Marian couldn't contain it.

Heading to the command post, the horseback riders are missing. He said he was leaving early in the morning. I guess we're going fast in the wilderness by now.

After a simple meal, I noticed something horrible when I was drinking tea.

"Mu. Mr. Jill must have gone out with him. I wonder what happened to your son."

"An aunt with meals was carrying it on her back. Let me hold you later, too!

Did you leave me? Grate your chest.

That's Jill's character. I was worried I might be driving a horse with it on my back.

Looking at the map, a telecommuter comes in.

The report came from a fort west of the street. He says the west of the street is overflowing with refugees, so I guess the evacuees from the Divine Empire have finally walked here.

"Like giving soup. Tell them we'll transport the food as soon as possible. Send me food for two cars, Sephie. One battalion is stationed, so food will be delivered on a regular basis, but I don't care if the evacuees think otherwise."

"Got it."

I immediately took my seat and left the command post.

Now we know how long you've been evacuated. It seems that the total population of the Divine Empire does not reach 200,000 because there were several towns and villages that originally felt like castle towns.

How much remained and how much was slaughtered...... The number of refugees will roughly grasp it.

In the evening, Sadie and the others arrived from the Krabble Royal Palace.

The news must come tomorrow from the royal palace in Crabble.

I am relieved that you left the battlefield, but the report by Mr Zairas, who came after that, was quite serious.

"A little, we came a long way and it was late, but that was to defy the enemy from the refugees trying to escape to Yolem. They're slaughtering the refugees. That's up to you."

"Again, is the enemy a horseback riding squad………"

"Yes, there will be one battalion. Since there seems to be other light infantry, the two battalions are located east of the Divine Empire. I think I saw smoke in the direction of Yolem, so I closed the exit in the direction of Yolem, just like Banter said."

The enemy's horseback cavalry weapon appears to be a spear. Plus, they let the arrows bathe a few times, so they would have made a little mistake.

"Rest tomorrow. We'll have you out again the day after tomorrow!

"Copy that. Morale is high. I can do enough."

Mr. Zairas and the others will leave the command post. Morale can't ignore fatigue. I want you to get some rest. The battle hasn't even begun yet.

However, there is also a problem that depends on the allowance for residents.

I would be in trouble if I didn't have people to cultivate later...

Wait, are we going to let the farmers of the Kingdom of Warham cultivate the land without the tillers? Is that the reward for those who deployed north of the Kingdom of Crabble?

You still need to sort things out. Quick, it would help if Mr. Lady came.

Two days later, Sadie and the others seemed to be able to meet Chris safely. You just have to play with Chris for a while.

On that night, a little relieved, Mr. Lady showed up at the command post.

I'm a little horrified by how Mr. Lady is doing, which is no different than usual. I just finished drinking the tea that Mu made me look delicious, and the report on the situation of the Divine Empire and the Kingdom of Warham begins.

"There are roughly two battalions of troops within the Kingdom of Warham. We have one battalion in the Wang capital, two squadron horseback squadrons in the east and west near 200 meters (30 km) behind the southern border."

It appears to be the size of a squadron near 10 m (1.5 km) from the border, placing the inhabitants east-west for a long time. It still seemed like a shame.

"It doesn't look like expropriation. One young person is exempt from taxes this year. If two people are offered, they will say one silver coin a month, so it seems that the villagers have sent it out. There were reports of pedestrians entering numerous villages."

Apparently, the invasion of the Divine Empire used surrender soldiers from Libram. The attack on the government and the restraint on Yolem are with the troops of the surrender soldiers.

Two battalions on Torresti's side. Two battalions behind the Government Attack Squad. They leave about one battalion in the Kingdom of Libram.

"The battle of the surrender soldiers is radical, isn't it? I kill depending on allowances. Still, there seems to be some kind of landmark, and we know for sure there are people who can avoid damage from the attacking forces."

"How much, are you likely to stay?

"You won't have 30% left on that one. The temple was lit with fire, and there are many people trying to escape, but troops are also deployed along the border…"

Are you telling me that the Empire of God has already perished? Wait, what happened to the mercenaries in one battalion?

"What about mercenaries?

"Apparently, I turned around. It was halved in the first battle, but now it's a mercenary unit in the Kingdom of Warham."

Some of the priests would have been magicians. Has anyone challenged a battle similar to such a roach sickle? It also seems to me that he abandoned the doctrine and fled at first sight...

"Then the attack on Yotern is likely to begin soon."

"I don't even seem to have to wait until next spring. It would be more realistic to see that a battalion headed to Yotern has already opened its doors."

If there was little resistance from the government, you must be happy to get two new squadrons. The Yotern invasion will be a good two battalions if mercenaries are combined with surrender forces. It's a question of whether Yotern can crush one battalion as it stands, no matter how many battlegrounds it opens.

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