"If so, could Sylvania's presence also be our walls………"

"Quite ready for that. Yes. The problem will be when the Kingdom of Warham invades the South. Mistaken measures could lead to a war that has crossed the peripheral kingdoms."

Looking at my face funny. I got hold of the information...

"What are you so afraid of?

"Yolem's technical skills………. When it comes to dealing with the Warham kingdom with it, we won't be safe either. The person to whom Warham was headed when he merged us..."

"Are you saying that we will be the kingdom of Tornia? So the king cares. So, do you have a chance?

"There are measures, but we have to increase our strength before that. That said, it takes time to align the elite."

When Mr. Gartnen took the wine from the table, he poured it into the cup at his discretion and also into my cup.

"Sure, I can't do it right away. After all, are you going to be a horseback riding unit?

"In the Battle of the Wastelands, you will………"

Plenty of poured cups are a little hard to get my hands on. Still, I started drinking chicks, but Mr. Gartnen's neighbor's squire seemed to enjoy our conversation with a little grace.

"I heard you turned down our ambassador exchange?

"I want you to look at this fort and see what's going on. We decided to live here. The royal palace of the Wang capital is burned down in the Battle of Madenium. Because I want to make people's lives a priority over building a new royal palace."

"Sure, it will. Many will accompany them if they become ambassadors. I guess such a place would be the royal palace and its related facilities...... But thanks for letting me use the letter of the Kingdom of Sylvania. They say the deal with Nielezm's Stone Bridge swelled more than tenfold at the same time as the ambassadorial exchange."

The Krabble kingdom has thrived in commerce. The buying and selling of goods gained in overseas trade must have been where they wanted to be.

"I don't know if I'll even go with the ambassador, but can you handle permitting merchants to come and go?

"Right...... Would it be good in the Old King's Capital? Since the nobility has been solemnly cleansed, it seems that the nobility hall remains a lot. I think multiple merchants can work together if they are using it instead of a warehouse."

"Who's in charge of the old king's capital?

"I will be Mr. Zairas, head of the Knights of the Diocese"

"I hear you are a knight of pure poverty. If Lord Zaylus is in charge, the merchants will be able to do business fairly."

If the distribution of crops takes place, that will enrich the diet. Each other's inhabitants would love to talk about it.

"Now, that concludes the apparent story. Later, you could make and send a letter guaranteeing the identities of the merchants heading out to Wang Du. From here on out, I want to talk about you and Lord Banter."

"Is this information on the Warham Kingdom I have?

He looks bitter and drinks wine. So you're saying it's a picture star?

"At least, there doesn't seem to be anybody around King Warham who praises or consults the king. There were a lot of troops, but it's also a problem not to leave."

"You watch it end in a teenager."

If King One Man falls, the next King will reflect on it. If it's a national government that stays stuck in its shell, the neighborhood can feel safe.

"I think he was probably in command at the Royal Palace in the Kingdom of Warham. It was a very high morale unit, but the movement was extremely dull..."

"Relative to that, Lord Banter would say that he was able to move quickly... Isn't Lord Banter supposed to have less than a battalion gestures?

"I got reinforcements from Crabble and Torresty. If you cross a battalion with a horseback squad and a lightweight infantry, it's not hard to get two battalions in your hand."

He looks at me with a funny expression.

I took a new small liquor bottle out of my hip bag and poured it into the wine cup and it also put it in my cup......

Give it a drink, it's whiskey!

I feel like I would get pretty sick if I cracked it with wine and drank it.

"Can you bind so hard...... As much as I envy you. I want to deepen my friendship just as much as my kingdom of Tornia, but I have had a few skirmishes. I won't be going soon. Few will be able to understand Lord Banter's lack of strength. With excessive force, it makes no sense to want to use it."

"Soldiers were taught to be vicious."

"You've been blessed with a good teacher. If it's out there, I want you to tell me."

"I was also taught to play a winning battle. When asked how he could win, he said it was about knowing his enemies well…………"

He snorts at my words.

The military story is interesting, but can Mr. Gartnen understand it? I think it's pretty heterogeneous to the military of this world.

"Lord Banter seems to have come from a far eastern country. I've heard of mercenaries who used to escort caravans."

"Is the product silk?

He answered my question by nodding. After all, this neighborhood is going to be the western world I know. If so, a kingdom like China, a great power, would exist in the far east.

I feel like I'm going to be bouncing around looking for new trading routes.

Three people came back to the room where we were talking about that.

Mr. Gartnen's wife is Nico's face, but has something good happened to her?

"Master Heideln was safe. He said he could pray for the development of our kingdom in the cathedral without going back to Tornia."

"What is it! So you're telling me you were able to get out of here safely... Your Highness will be pleased."

"He told me in advance that Lord Banter's hand had guided him on the escape. I owe Sylvania a great deal."

"Uh-huh... You owe me big time. I'll have to report it as soon as I get home. So, how'd it go?

"Exactly, there was a cathedral. We cannot build a cathedral of such magnitude in the hands of fire. It is a building that corresponds to the sanctuary of the new Order."

It's just a place of prayer for free......

When people see it, will it be a cathedral? In that case, my faith is going to suck.

When the correspondents came into the room, they told me that they were ready for a welcome dinner at the fort at the foot.

Already, it looks like Mr. Zaylus and the others are here. We've decided to move in with the three of them.

Mr. Gartnen and the others arrived in a large carriage, so we'll take them with us.

After all, there seems to be a problem with Her Majesty riding the carnels.

I was surprised to see you open your mouth. Then he rushed us into the carriage...

"Lord Banter. You must be royal and dignified."

"Oh, even if you expect too much..."

Your wife is smiling at such a conversation.

Hmm? Why is there a knight in this carriage who is a serviceman? It is Mr. Zairas' word that it is normal to ride a knighthood.

After all, the knight watching me next to your wife wanted to see us.

At the foot of the fort there will be Mr. and Mrs. Torrell, so I'm sure it will help.

We are both former nobles, so we can entrust you with all the welcome dinner dishes, the progression. You can leave it to Mr. Marian, but he's still going to be doing it with the Enchantress Squad Out. When that happens, I also feel that the colour of the ceremony within the military is likely to be stronger.

It is a gratifying story that Mr Torrell was married by a claible nobleman. The same goes for Jill in terms of nobility, because if I leave it to Zairas and the others, it feels like I'm going to start barbecueing outdoors.

Hands on a dish that comes out in peace, sipping alcohol.

At the end of the feast, when Mr. Gartnen and his men tried to pull up into the fort room, they approached the three walking out of the hall and down the aisle, calling out to the knights disguised as squire.

"Did you enjoy it? The Prince."

The knight stops surprised and turns to Mr. Gartnen.

"After all, have you been spotted…………"

"I am the first prince of the kingdom of Tornia, His Royal Highness the Muses."

Your wife lowered her head to me to reveal her knighthood.

"This time, you couldn't introduce the Princess of Sylvania. I will definitely introduce you next time."

In my words, three faces turn to joy.

"I would love to hear from you. Our royal palace is welcome."

Well, how much information has passed to Tornia?

I have to think about it a little bit. The royalty itself is in a position to visit a kingdom with little national traffic. Maybe it's good to think that you want friendship with us.

The next day, as I dropped off the carriage leaving the fort at the foot, I gathered in the living room of the fort.

Drink the tea and unload your shoulders for safely sending out your neighbor's VIP.

"After all, what was Lord Gartnen's purpose?

"There would have been a knight disguised as a squire. Looks like the purpose was to show him us. That said, we could also have a trade treaty meeting. Can you offer me one of the old aristocratic halls in Wang Du? A merchant from the kingdom of tornia wants to open a shop."

"That would do anything. I hope I find it right. So, what kind of guy is that knight?

"I am the next king of the kingdom of Tornia. Even if the east is a big country, you won't be insulted. We need to improve the base of the ridge to prepare for the future."

Knowing the identity of the knight who had refrained like a squire without saying anything, Mr. Torrell and his men seem to have no voice.

Prepare the ridge just in case. At least it will not be invaded while the earlier prince is in power. But then I don't know.

Once we've enriched our internal affairs and equipped ourselves, we'll have as much national power as possible with nearly ten battalions of troops.

Even if our governance is successful, I think it would be a big deal if we could have three battalions at all times. That's due to the differences in the total population of the kingdom, so it's hard to say, but weapons and equipment are also important to make up for it.

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