Bandit, Be Ambitious! To Accomplish Kingdom Revival!

Let's take advantage of the SA-159 map.

Triangle sail ships may be difficult to navigate.

I taught him to go on the wind as well, but he seems to be building small ships and encouraging them to train in manoeuvring.

In a way, it's a way of knocking on a stone bridge, but I don't know it well either. I don't know what the risk is, so I want you to be well trained.

When that happens, the task at hand will be to call the quarters of the people sent by the two kingdoms. I guess we'll still be remodeling the guest building in the fort.

I was wondering if you would put up with two rooms on the ground floor, a kitchen and two upstairs. I think a couple of couples and a couple of squires would be enough, but could you supervise it for Mr. Marian?

Ask someone else to do my job as much as possible, and I've been on maps and glittering days.

Sadie and the others will be interested to hear how you look at the map, but at that time I'm going to teach you to be a kitten.

Whatever the case, this is the first map ever made by surveys, including in neighbouring countries. Given how useful this can be, we can immerse ourselves in a sense of superiority.

Map from the eastern ridge of Sylvania to the town of Yotern, but just right for the first waterway construction. From the Reden River through the village of Altenham, head south to the west of the eastern fortress where the Tundan soldiers open, and end up pouring waterways into the Leidel River.

You could build some adjustment ponds along the way. If it works, the fish might come up from the Raidell River.

If the high and low differences are successfully adjusted, the flow will not be as fast, and the water intake will be able to use a weir (shear) for the water wheel in the northern part of the town of Yotern. The water volume adjustment would allow some control of the height of the water surface by making the main stream water outlet V-shaped.

Draw some rough pictures to wrap up your thoughts. Even in explaining it to the masonry, it must be easy to understand if you have a painting.

"Sounds like something elaborate inside, right?

"Whoever governs water can also rule the country. I've heard such stories in my country. It looks elaborate, but this kind of construction was everywhere."

If I had gone to the suburbs for a moment, the countryside would have spread.

I don't know if it's a properly designed one, but it must have been used a long time ago. Easy concrete weirs, water gates, and waterways……. Those must have been something that paddies couldn't do without.

There are no paddies here, but I don't think the opening of the wasteland will start without water.

"Can I make the people of Sylvania happy?

"Not if you can, but if you can. Already Sadie reigns as the first queen of this country. We must think that we can eat every day thanks to farmers cultivating fields, miners mining silver and cats raising sheep. We need to make it easier for them to work so that their lives can get a little better."

Besides, we have to make it a kingdom where there is no war. In case it happens, I guess it would be a problem as a governor if it seemed to affect their lives.

I'm thinking about how that works, but you're not going to do what you think inside.

Looks like Mr. Marian is taking Sadie out for a walk with Chris and the others.

Maybe I'll take care of the flower beds I made around the fort square. She is relieved to find a feminine hobby.

Chris also started walking a lot, so the fortified mobile infantry seems to adore him.

I'm afraid he doesn't come to me very often, but he has a habit of raising his children separately early among royalty.

Probably a habit to avoid the total annihilation of the royal family, but I don't feel like I have an emotional education problem.

Mr. Lady appeared at the thought of the pipe.

I think I know a little bit about the situation in the Kingdom of Warham.

When I gave Mr Lady, who sat over the table, a cup of wine and poured a little into his cup as well, I decided to listen to his report.

"The grain in the Kingdom of Warham seems to be more unproductive than usual. This is two consecutive years of inaction, but there are treasures brought out by the Divine Empire, so you can buy food from merchants for a few years."

"Again, maybe the peasants' impossible conscription snuck in. Still need to bring the soldiers back to the countryside?

"We are looking for more conscripts. Not at all……………………."

It seems that the Kingdom of Tornia shifted its focus on internal affairs, while the Kingdom of Warham ran for further reinforcement.

Isn't the ratio of Tice Road soldiers to the total number of nationals pretty high? If you raise too many troops, the treasury will collapse.

"Looks like we should build a fence under the surveillance post on the west ridge."

"We have already built a fence at a distance where arrows reach west of the ridge. It's a pretty steep ridge, so it'll be easy to protect."

"What about the Tunda soldiers south of Trentas?

"It's currently about two squadrons in strength. The heavy-duty infantry guards the western fort and the barracks, so it will add up to one battalion size, two squadrons of King's Capital mobile infantry and two squadrons of horseback riding units. You won't get pulled out first."

The tip part of the ridge also includes the territory and fortifications of Torresti, which stretched out to the north. Looks like we can attack the Royal Warham Army trying to get up the ridge from behind.

So far, it looks like a lot of bullshit, but I have to keep purchasing information.

"Are pedestrians crossing the border?

"It looks like several families are doing business. We are not accompanied, but we have heard that payment is good."

I suppose it is said that the distribution of wealth has gone quite a bit.

I'm just wondering what the conquered Libram looks like. It doesn't seem to make much of a difference in treatment, so there's a possibility of civil unrest.

"If possible, also get information from the pedestrians about the old empire of God and the kingdom of Jolem. If the kingdom of Warlem were to target the kingdom of Yolem, it would be quite troublesome."

Mr. Lady nods at my words.

I guess I'm already working with your son. The relationship with the surrounding pedestrians seems to be going well.

"I was surprised at the rather high demand for goat cheese that Lord Banter taught me. We are the ones who are judging you, so you can purchase a lot of information with it. That's quite a demand for yarn, too. We can't produce grain in the northern villages, but we live more steadily than we did in the hunting days."

Looks like we're getting a little more livestock. It would be unique to a cat tribe that knows the beast's habits well.

Initially, I thought that I would have to give the subsidy every year, but they were able to live without it more than they did last year.

He's sending me two platoons of troops, so naturally I don't receive taxes, but I'm just hoping to incorporate them into the same tax system in the future.

Well, ten years would be good as it is now. Nearly two-thirds of the cats are still hunting.

"By the way, is the example field working out?

"It's a hiding field, isn't it? I'm growing a little tall pasture, but are you going to scale it up?

"I want to grow another plant in a few years. It's close to the groceries, but the back length is exactly the same as Mr. Lady's. I can eat fruit, but that would be good for the fun of the people who grow it. You can even drink."

It seems like we can camouflage in such an industry.

We need to find the mulberry seedlings early. I was wondering if I could do something if I cut off the branches and soak them in the water...

"I heard the mu chose the silver coin pattern?

"Yeah, Sadie and Emilda said it was a good painting, too. Where I used to be, there were buildings and flowers.

"But we cats seem to see it differently. Using the plan chosen by the clan for the most expensive currency in circulation in the kingdom…"

At the end of the day I couldn't hear it in a small voice, but Mr. Lady seems happy.

A 10L copper coin is supposed to draw wheat ears using flowers that bear fruits similar to apples from the village of Mictus.

Don't think it's a good idea that our kingdom coins are flower series.

When he lowered his head to me again, Mr. Lady left the hall.

Well, let's look at the map again.

Now that we have a rough route, we need to think about the adjustment pond along the way.

It is also important to consider extending the branch line from the adjustment pond. Fish will be grown in ponds, and with the amount of water in the waterway, a water wheel for powder production is likely to be provided.

As autumn passes, a survey team will be called in to check the situation.

Apparently, surveys are being carried out from Wang Du focusing on the north.

"I think it's time to do the construction based on the map. Construction also requires surveying. I'm currently doing surveys with two units, but I'm going to turn one unit to the construction team. I'm going to have the surveys replaced in about a month."

"We would be more helpful. Parents are annoyed to have their daughters……………………"

You're a good parent! Makes my life boring when I hobby for work.

After all, it would be kind to want people to live in the crowd.

Then isn't it too small in that garden?

"Let's do something about the house for everyone. That's all I'm doing for the price. Where's the better place?

"Then it's the old king's capital. It's fine in a long house, but I'm thinking about living in the same compartment as much as possible. Besides, it would be helpful if the former court painters were with you."

If that's what you're saying, you can ask Mr. Zairas.

A third of the Wang capital is the old aristocratic district. We divert a lot of buildings that don't meet the war, but we still have land and extra buildings.

The construction is scheduled for next spring and promises to have one unit dispatched to Fort Aldes. So that Mr. Zairas can use his dormitory's good offices. I'll get Marian to work on the documents later.

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