Bandit, Be Ambitious! To Accomplish Kingdom Revival!

SA-198, how far does kingdom building go?

Mr. Zairas and Mr. Uyle remind me of brandy every day these days, but this is all......

"I heard there were four tars. I thought sending one tar would stop the noise?

"Forgive me for all this, even on Your Majesty's orders. The more it ages, the better it will taste."

"Then I wish I could say so..."

Sadie is drinking tea while saying bumps. I told him well, but apparently he can't wait till then.

Shall we get some old wine and start practicing the distillery a little early?

"Why don't you practice a little faster? Mr. Builder came to me with a troubled face."

It would be troublesome if you came to Marian as well. Maybe I should make a few tars.

"Okay. Ask Mr. Builder for about ten talls of old wine. Give it to Lady and she'll make it in about a month. I want you to tell your descendants this as an industry in the northern village."

"It's a medium-sized industry. Taxes should be good for 20%. But it also leads to the revitalization of Sylvania's entire industry. Let's make it tax free for three years."

Still, it must be a tax in favor of the Cats. You still don't have enough work to feed your bloated population in the thousands, do you?

I hope the silkworm cocoon arrives soon...

The unfortunate news came from Crabble.

After all, they couldn't find the cocoon. Still, on the 10th, next year, when I head east, I'm assuming that they will fulfill my wish everywhere. My head goes down with the insolent people.

"You can't seem to find it inside, can you?

"Next season, we're heading further east."

"Seems so easy to find, there will be another problem as well. You just have to wait slow. If you still can't find it, it's our turn!

Looks like we haven't given up yet. I'm even trying to bury a bone here.

That won't happen for at least ten years.

Wouldn't it be possible if I didn't get close to forty? If it isn't after Teagel can have his own thoughts, he's going to be swallowed up by the surrounding kingdoms in an instant.

"More than that, this is the second year. It seems that the election of new diocesan knights and knights has begun as soon as possible."

"Is it that popular? And the kingdom of Warham seems to be rich this year."

"That would be the problem...... If I did, I wouldn't be the kind of guy who'd come craving justice."

Shall we be the Knights of Wandering and tour the poor villages of every country? At least the area around Wang Capital seems to be safer for all countries.

But the poor villages on the border may still be affected by the war. Is it justice to help a village like that?

This looks like you should negate with the ambassadors.

The water pumping system for irrigation on the west ridge was to be managed by using the Archimedes pump in multiple stages. I taught you the principle, but it becomes the job of a bunch of freaks to design it and let the craftsmen make it.

They will have nearly 20 windmills lined up, so it will be a spectacular view.

Now, what's left is the Great Wall to the west and the canal.

Early on, the Great Wall alone wants to do something about it.

"Hardelia was surprised to see the Great Wall to the west. It seems to be more robust than expected."

"Unlike Tornia, we don't have a massive force. If you make it sturdy, it could break through when it's called Isa. As long as it's comforting to have a ridge behind it."

In a way, it could be described as complete. There are several gates on the street across the ridge, so it is possible to reinforce them immediately. Beyond that, there's a fort at the foot.

"There are still three battalions of troops, but with Tunda soldiers and militia organizations, it would be enough, as Banter said. With three platoons of cats, the situation in the surrounding countries is close to being lost. And the Ardennes are their garden."

"For once, now we can see the completion. That's a long way to go..."

Without answering my words, I took a bottle of wine and a cup of silver from the shelf by the fireplace and put it on the table.

He slowly pours the wine and gives me one cup too.

"It's a really long way to go. But... Isn't there still a way to go? Let's start by raising Chris and Teaguel and working to improve the lives of the people of the kingdom."

"Can't you see the end is the creation of the country?

Nicole smiled at my words and snarled cock at my cup to match my cup.

"Bye. It never ends. Think carefully these days about what rebuilding the kingdom is. The more I think about it, the more I see the end and never come."

"I guess that's what you call the development of the kingdom. Still, it's impossible to do everything. After all, we need to be clear about our goals."

I think what Sadie said is true. If the kingdom stagnates, it's going to lose some power, isn't it?

Nevertheless, it would not be possible to develop anywhere. Besides, I think there's a limit somewhere.

It would also be necessary to let Chris and the others study to break it.

In that case, it might be necessary to have a school to develop human resources in charge of the future kingdom.

In good health, the finances of the Kingdom of Sylvania are abundant enough.

"What do you think? Want to grow a bearer of the future kingdom?

"Hmm? There are children of Zaylus and Torrell, and Mu will be a mother next year,"

"That's the problem. We need to develop people who can help our children. We're still short on talent, so the future will be pretty serious."

I suppose the nobles would argue for office, but Sylvania doesn't have nobility. Although it is gratifying to say that there are no people to umbrella vested interests, there is also a shortage of people to identify who can be entrusted with the role.

"Sure, there was a fuss when we founded the country. That's a good memory, too. Banter's idea is to secure the next generation of talent early. If you're not a nobleman......, you mean build a school?

"We can leave the training of the soldiers to Mr. Zairas, so it will be easy to deal with generations to come. But when it comes to governance, it doesn't either."

I have to think a lot about the law, finances, politics. Politics would be fine if Sadie taught Chris and the people who would be his brains, but it should also be possible to have another person deal with the law and the finances and about the people's lives.

If you learn engineering, it seems possible to change generations of freaks.

"I can't go to the old King's Capital. In the future, it is possible to entrust part of the judicial power to them……."

"Perhaps it is better to judge the people for their indignation. Mr. Zaylus said he was having a lot of conjugal and neighborhood fights."

Such positions are for one generation only. It would also be difficult to put in a cross spear if you are letting him be in charge of it in a capability doctrine.

In that case, we're going to have a trial staircase. You should talk to Mr. Zairas about this once.

"So, where do you make it?

"What about around Yotern...... A certain scale would be necessary. Besides, it looks like you can use McLamb well."

Mr. McLamb is the mayor of the town, and the secretary of agriculture and forestry, I presume. Besides, do you want me to concurrently be the dean of the school?

Don't get worried about running away at night. Even if there's nothing wrong with him personally, we'll have to find someone who can help him.

"If so, I think you should talk to Marian."

"I see……" he said, leaving the hall after finishing his cup of tea.

Are you going to paint with Mu properly?

They came in a lot of buildup, and they also started lining up the aisle upstairs. I think it's time to dispose of the old one.

The problem is, the teachers.

The clergy is teaching the children of towns and villages letters and arithmetic, but it will be more advanced than that, and it will be a question of how long.

For now, even with five years as our goal, there will be a large number of people out there before the age of 20. Naturally, it seems early to be trusted by the surroundings, so you'll be getting even more advanced teaching with someone.

Sure, that's what it was like to be an intern?

Five years in college and three years as an intern would probably grow a lot of talent.

Why don't you ask each country for the subjects you teach and the teachers who teach them?

"He wants us to send teachers over from national schools?

"Law, Finance, Governance. Can't you handle that around the judiciary?

Ambassadors from all over the country were worried about my words.

I don't even know. Every kingdom can be governed differently. In extreme stories, they range from flogging to amputation of wrists, even if it's a burglar's sentence.

"We're not looking at the integrity of the law in Sylvania, are we?

Mr. Hardelia asked just in case, but I can think of that too. But I don't have a hair on my mind right now.

"No way. You all know that the noble hierarchy of Sylvania is gone. So the problem is the lack of human resources. I'm doing it with trial and error now, but I'm worried about the future as it is."

"I know a little bit about it. You're trying to develop talent that you can use early. If you're a nobleman, you'll be educated for the future to a certain extent, but I'm sure it's a problem."

Mr. Caliban looks funny and nods at the left and right ambassadors.

Tornia and Torresti ambassadors are also nodding because they seem to understand Sylvania's internal affairs a little bit.

"But wouldn't sending a good teacher to Sylvania lead to losses in every country?

"Before, I asked you to send a stranger. This time, we want people who are dissatisfied in schools across countries."

Ms. Hardelia finally laughed out to see if my answer to Ms. Hardelia's question was interesting.

"Ho ho ho... I have my own thoughts, but I can't help it in the kingdom where the basement was created...... And it's not like there are no teachers moaning. That's what I'm saying."

If we find out that it's possible to make a difficult idea come true in Sylvania in an existing kingdom, we might be able to name it after ourselves.

It would also be possible to incorporate it into one's own country if it had a proven track record that too novel an idea was valid even in the surrounding kingdoms. Such a teacher should also be able to give preferential treatment when he returns to the kingdom.

When we're talking about Mr. Hardelia, it still seems like we can secure some of it.

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