Bank of The Universe

Chapter 302: There really are no more drops! (One)

On the mountain behind the hall, Li Xiandao walked up and passed Zhao Wuji's tomb. Li Xiandao knocked on the tombstone and said, "Brother, come and learn."

Zhao Wuji did not follow Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao persevered and continued to knock on the tombstone.

Boom Boom Boom!

A helpless sigh came from the coffin under the tombstone.

"Come on!" Zhao Wuji still came out. After all, he lived on the site of Li Xiandao and still had to give some face.


A spear pierced the sky like a meteor and flew out of it, falling in front of Li Xiandao.

This is the rhythm of Dongtian Realm!

This shot was very fierce, but when it hit Li Xiandao, he couldn't explode its might.

Because behind Li Xiandao, there are ten big caves and ten big worlds, which broke out and resisted this blow.

Mud bull into the sea!

This hit on Li Xiandao really didn't make any waves, all of them were resisted by Li Xiandao's ten holes.

"You are now showing the rhythm of Daodong's realm of heaven, which is of little use to me." Li Xiandao said truthfully.

Zhao Wuji said: "You are really a pervert!"

He was taking a shot, shaking it fiercely, the body of the gun turned into thousands of gun shadows, and every blow seemed to be true.

In fact, every blow is true.

This shaking, thousands of guns, if people who ask about the realm come, it must be empty and confusing.

However, Zhao Wuji does not engage in these bells and whistles. There are so many guns and shadows that I will not let you guess. All are true.

This is Dao Yun of infinite realm!

The avenue is boundless, that's all.

Li Xiandao stared unblinkingly, and the wisdom in it was blinking, carefully thinking, constantly comprehending, and then hugged the moon with both hands, and ran directly past.


This blow, such as the collision of the sea and the smelt, stimulated a tremendous enthusiasm. Li Xiandao's blow with ten terrifying forces suddenly burst out, making it unreachable.

Zhao Wuji never thought that Li Xiandao's Shididongtian was so terrifying. This impact was the bombardment of ten great worlds, hitting his gun shadow.

Any marksmanship can't resist the collision of Shididongtian, and Zhao Wuji's body was blown out by Li Xiandao.

"You pervert!!!" Zhao Wuji screamed and got up to wipe off the dust on his body. Although he is a dead man, can't he be insulted like this?

You are the top ten realms of heaven, and I exerted the power of immeasurable realm, but in a blink of an eye, I was blown away.

What the hell?

Isn't the infinite realm as good as the top ten?

"The Dao Yun that you just did was very inspiring to me, you can continue to show it." Li Xiandao had a trace of excitement on his face, but because of the mask, Zhao Wuji couldn't see it, he just thought Li Xiandao was mocking Yourself.

"I will let you see today how powerful the gun **** really is." Zhao Wuji dropped his ruthless words and promoted his cultivation practice and Dao Yun to the infinite peak.

He didn't believe it. With his infinite strength, he couldn't win the Li Xiandao, which now has only ten big holes?

Li Xiandao looked at him and took the initiative to attack, saying: "Then give all your strength, beat me fiercely."


Zhao Wuji's boxing skills, identity, and Taoism were all exhibited. The power was huge. Dao Yun of unlimited realm swayed wildly. A long gun danced, and the tigers grew like a real dragon. The momentum was huge, and the dragon entered the sea.

Then he was cramped by Li Xiandao [the third prince].

Li Xiandao used Zhao Wuji's power, Dao Yun, and body methods to sharpen his ten earth caves, making the ten earth caves round and smooth, and his punches, feet, and elbows were all a cave. Power broke out.

Such horror made Zhao Wuji's sharp gun unable to continue, weak and weak, and completely defeated.

Li Xiandao's double fists are like thunder, thumping down, that is the huge power generated after the collision between the earth and the earth.


Zhao Wuji's beaten body was blurred, and he stepped back several tens of meters before stopping his body.

"Stop!" Li Xiandao wanted to continue, but Zhao Wuji raised his hand, gritted his teeth, and shouted firmly.

Incessantly, he is about to die out.

Li Xiandao stopped and frowned, "Come on, the avenue you just swayed was very inspiring to me, and now my ten earth caves are working much more normally, but they have not yet reached the point of being round, continue to cheer, let My ten earth caves are rounded."

The ten earth caves are round and round, that is when Li Xiandao breaks through the boundless realm.

"You forgive me!" Zhao Wuji pointed at his body and said miserably: "I am old and I have been dead for more than 10,000 years. Now I am relying on this soul, I can't really fight To win you, unless you use more power than the infinite realm, but that is pressing you with realm and cultivation."

"You are now hitting me with a boundless state of mind, and you are also using state and cultivation to suppress me." Li Xiandao said honestly.

"You are so high that you can't hold you back in a big realm. Do I need a face in raising the realm?" Zhao Wuji has no good airway, he is also a Don't be dignified?

"Not coming?" Li Xiandao frowned.

"Not coming, I admit defeat, you are better than me, go to the sword god." Zhao Wuji immediately enthusiastically promoted.

"That sword **** is suitable for you, you all use swords, you can have a good exchange on this, I will not participate, I will continue to lie down." Zhao Wuji finished lying in the coffin decisively, motionless .

Li Xiandao left with regret, and went to look for the sword god.

Sword God first heard that you can use the power and Tao Yun of infinite realm, and she was very happy. This time you can educate Li Xiandao.

But the result was that he was severely educated by Li Xiandao, defeated one after another, and the spirit of the sword **** he burst burst.

No matter what sword trick or Dao Yun he uses, Li Xiandao can perfectly replicate it, and then blend it to become his own Dao Yun, counterattack to the sword god.

This time Li Xiandao was well-behaved, and he didn't use ten earth holes to strike the sword **** from the beginning, lest he lie directly in the coffin like a gun god.

Until Li Xiandao became familiar with Jianshen's avenues of immeasurable realm, he exploded directly into the sky and sent him off.

"You..." Jian Shen looked at Li Xiandao in shock.

"What am I?" Li Xiandao innocently spread his hands.

"You have such terrifying power, why don't you use it early?" Sword God sighed.

"It has been used for a long time, and you will not fight me so hard." Li Xiandao said truthfully.

Sword God only felt a sip of old blood in his heart, depressed to die.

"Let's go, I'm going to find the Taoist." Li Xiandao waved his hand and said goodbye to the sword god.

After seeing Li Xiandao, the Taoist shivered and said, "I really don't have a drop of Tao Yun."

"I don't want you Daoyun in the realm of heaven, I want Daoyun in the infinite realm." Li Xiandao said softly.

Taoist face stiffened!

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