Bank of The Universe

Chapter 309: Murong Dragon City! (One)

The monk of Tianxin and Tianguangming went out together and left Tiandi Bank. One person was going to find Murong Dragon City. One person was going to kill the old man who broke the contract.

  Li Xiandao asked Xiaoqi to give Tianguangming a simple contract, and Tianguangming got this simple contract.

   Kill an old man!

   An old man who is not a good man!

  Is this contract simple?

   Xiaoqi has selected the simplest contract among many contracts for him.

   Tianguangming also thinks it is very simple, an old man who can only be serious, why not be afraid?

   But they didn't think about it carefully. An old man, who is not very advanced, why can he stay alive?

  Some things are not just as simple as written on the contract.


  The monk of Tianxin left Tiandi Bank and went to Murong Dragon City according to the contract.

  He came to the Tianshan Mountains!

   Murong Dragon City is in the Tianshan Mountains.

   Monk Tianxin didn't know that Lord Donkey was here. He was just coming by himself, looking at the huge Tianshan Mountains, his eyes flashing, and said: "There are so many spirits here."

  The entire Tianshan Mountain Range is a huge treasure. There are many aura dragon veins, known as one hundred thousand true dragon arch guards. From the appearance, this place is much richer than other places.

   Monk Tianxin entered it from the foot of the mountain on one side, and went to Murong Dragon City according to the contract.

  In the entire Tianshan Mountains, many people are here to open caves and meditate silently. The aura here is too rich.

   Of course, these people only dare to open caves on the periphery of the mountains. A little deeper, there is a peerless demon, and they are found and cannot run away at all.

   There are also legends such as giants, big demon on the Tianshan Mountain, peerless masters who have been playing for nine days, etc., all of which are prohibitive.

  Tianxin monk walking in the Tianshan Mountains, he has a mild breath, white crescent moon robes, red lips and white teeth, a handsome monk.

   But in fact, the monk of Tianxin was more than 10,000 years old. He is now just rejuvenating, and living out the so-called ‘Second World’ physically and psychologically.

  The first life of the monk of Tianxin ended in the cave that was far away from the ground.

   After he entered Tiandi Qianzhuang and became Li Xiandao's men, the second life began.

   So he can't see the old at all.

   In the depths of the Tianshan Mountains, there is the largest mountain. The average person does not dare to set foot easily. There are no known beasts, and the monsters in the Tianchi are even more frightening.

   Ten thousand years ago, an emperor wanted to occupy the Tianshan Mountains as his family's settlement, but on that night, under heavy rain, the emperor was nailed to the Tianshan Mountains by a piece of wood.

   shocked the world!

   The emperor was very powerful, otherwise he would not dare to claim to occupy the Tianshan Mountains, but he was crucified in the Tianshan Mountains overnight.

   This has caused many people to be afraid of the Tianshan Mountains and not dare to occupy the Tianshan Mountains. Up to now, the Tianshan Mountains are unowned.

  On the Tianshan, others dare not go up, but Tianxin Monk is not afraid.

   He took the contract of Tiandi Qianzhuang and entered the depths. Then he saw Tianshan, a huge mountain covered with snow all year round. There was direct sunlight at the top of the mountain, and there was a famous Tianchi Lake on the top of the mountain.

   Monk Tianxin carefully looked at the contract and said, "Murong Dragon City is here!"

  The monk of Tianxin originally thought that Murong Dragon City was the elder of a big family. Taking away the 100 spiritual auras was for the practice of the younger generation of the family.

   But now it seems that Murong Dragon City does not have a so-called family. He lives deep in the Tianshan Mountains, so why hesitate not to pay the debt?

   The monk of Tianxin is very puzzled. With so many aura dragon veins on the Tianshan Mountain, aren't you paying off one hundred casually?

  Incomprehensible, Tianxin monk still set foot on Tianshan.

  The huge Tianshan Mountain is covered with snow all the year round, and there are countless peaks of different sizes above the Tianshan Mountain, which stand like a long sword.

   Above the highest mountain is Tianchi.

   That is also the main peak, known as the pillar of the Tianshan.

  Tianxin monk saw that Murong Dragon City was not on the main peak of Tianshan Mountain, but it was not far away, just on the side peak next to it.

  The monk of Tianxin hurried over, stepping on the snow without traces, white caps, covering the earth, the sky dome fell, looking around, Qianshan Muxue, as if the whole world looked like ice and snow.

  The size of Tianshan Mountain is also worthy of being the center of Hanyuetian.

   On the small mountain peak next to the main peak, there is a hut. In the ice and snow world, a different color is added.

  In front of this hut, an old man stood.

  An old man who looks like a dying year in a wind candle, leaning on a cane and raking his body, watching the coming of the monk of Tianxin.

   He was not surprised by the arrival of the monk of Tianxin.

  Coarse linen, white hair, but neatly combed, although the old man is late, he can still clean himself up.

   The monk of Tianxin was dressed in white like snow, perfectly integrated in this world, walking like a car, walking on the snow without traces, and came to the old man in the blink of an eye.

   one old and one young, one coarse linen, one brocade monk, looking at each other.

   "Murong Dragon City?" Tianxin monk asked.

  The old man nodded and said, "I am Murong Dragon City."

   "You know I'm coming?" Tianxin monk asked curiously.

   Murong Dragon City is facing the wind and Standing at the door, waiting for the monk of Tianxin.

   This has long been known that Tianxin monk is coming, otherwise there is no one around here, who is Murong Dragon City waiting for?

   "It is still three months until the contract between you and your world bank has expired. I have always remembered, and I also feel that you are coming to me, so I am waiting for you here." Murong Longcheng said truthfully.

  Tianxin monk was also relieved, and Murong Longcheng’s cultivation could not understand it for him, it must be better than himself, and it could be explained by early induction.

   "My host asked me to ask you, the contract is about to expire, are you still hesitating?" Tianxin monk asked honestly.

   He was not afraid of Murong Longcheng's unfathomable cultivation, but he felt that he was no worse than Murong Dragon City. He came from the world of money and wealth, and he even had a big cut in Murong Dragon City's status.

   Murong Longcheng sucked his mouth and said: "It is natural and proper to pay the debts. It is natural to observe the contract signed by myself."

   "But you are still hesitating!" Monk Tianxin took out the contract and said.

   Murong Longcheng looked at the contract and missed his eyes. This is the contract he signed 20,000 years ago, and the time passed quickly. .

   "People are constantly framing with time and experience, changing their own ideas, please enter the house, I also want to solve this matter." Murong Dragon City invited Tianxin monk to enter the house.

  Tianxin monk nodded and said: "I also hope that you can resolve this contract, rather than breach of contract, this will be good for all of us."

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