Bank of The Universe

Chapter 311: The powerful Tianchi old man! (three)

Murong Dragon City sat in front of Li Xiandao and looked around. This feeling was strange and familiar.

The owner of Tianzhuang Qianzhuang changed 20,000 years ago. The hero with arrogant temperament was replaced by the gentle temperament in front of him. The temperament was strong. Sitting there, the body was straight and as calm as the mountains.

The temperament and gas field are completely different from the previous one.

The handling of things will be very different.

Murong Dragon City quickly began to adjust his speech.

"I want to start a deal with Tiandi Bank." Murong Longcheng said.

"What deal?" Li Xiandao asked.

"I give Tianshan to you. The entire resources of Tianshan are yours, including me and your men, and you are the leader of the horse." Murong Longcheng is powerful.

Li Xiandao frowned. When he heard such good conditions, his first reaction was not joy, but his heart sank.

This condition is so good that Li Xiandao is so excited.

However, since Murong Dragon City has come up with such high conditions, it will definitely demand higher.

Li Xiandao looked at Murong Dragon City calmly, without a little excitement.

Murong Longcheng looked at Li Xiandao so calmly, and his heart sank. This owner is completely different from his predecessor. If the predecessor heard this condition, without saying a word, he agreed directly.

But Li Xiandao calmly said: "What are your conditions?"

Murong Longcheng said honestly: "Tianshan and I, including all the other people, will be responsible for all the troubles."

Li Xiandao knew that it was not that simple, everything was in trouble, and the ghost knew how much trouble.

Moreover, the repair of Murong Dragon City is not much seen by Li Xiandao. He is so powerful that he can’t solve the trouble. He wants to find a world bank to protect himself. One can imagine how powerful their enemies are?

However, Li Xiandao did not refuse, and continued to ask calmly: "You have to tell me carefully about the ins and outs of the matter, not so vague, if so, then there is no need to continue talking about this transaction."

Murong Longcheng sighed and knew Li Xiandao was not easy to fool, said obediently: "I tell you everything."

Li Xiandao and Xiao Qi listened respectfully.

"Don't you know that you have heard of Tianchi old man?" Murong Longcheng asked.

Li Xiandao shook his head, he did not know.

Xiao Qi knew the old Tianchi and said, "The old Tianchi, the master of the peerless in Jiutian, is very powerful. It is said that he has surpassed the fairy in Jiutian."

Li Xiandao looked at Xiaoqi in surprise and surpassed the fairy in nine days. This was really amazing.

"Not the story, but the fact!" Murong Dragon City proudly said.

"Do you know the old man in Tianchi?" Li Xiandao asked.

"Senior Tianchi is my brother. We learn art and apprenticeship together. He started first, and then I started, and lived together for thousands of years." Murong Longcheng remembered.

Li Xiandao nodded and said, "Continue."

"My elder brother Tianchi is very talented. He reached the peak early in nine days, and then successfully broke through the realm of the fairy, soaring into the fairy world." Murong Longcheng said of his brother, very proud.

"However, he hasn't been in the realm for a few years since he went to Immortal Realm." Murong Longcheng remarked, regretting.

"Why, many people want to fly into the fairy world, he went and came back, for what?" Li Xiandao asked puzzled.

"I also asked him why, and Brother said that the fairy world has changed its taste. It is not as beautiful as he thought. It is not a pure land on earth, but a purgatory on earth." Murong Dragon City said truthfully.

"What's behind?" Li Xiandao continued to ask.

"My brother judged the fairy world and went to the realm without permission, causing the fury of the fairy realm, and what made the fairy realm more angry is that the sword **** who rose at the same time with my brother, opened the killing ring in the fairy realm, and the blood of the fairy was killed and escaped. Entering the lower realm." Murong Longcheng whispered.

Li Xiandao narrowed his eyes, he heard a familiar name.

Sword God!

Li Xiandao knew that the time of the sword **** was too short. He killed each person with one sword at the peak. In the fairy world, he killed the Quartet and was eventually killed.

This is the same as Murong Dragon City said, except that he said that the sword **** fled to the lower realm.

Li Xiandao thought hard, looked at Murong Dragon City and wanted to continue listening.

"Sword God fled to the lower realm, the immortal people in the immortal realm were furious, and began to go down the realm, chasing and killing the sword god, my senior brother Tianchi went to help the sword god. With the help of a group of friends, they arranged a big battle group After sacrificing a lot of people, all the descendants were killed in one fell swoop." Murong Longcheng said, and he couldn't help being excited.

"You just said that a group of practitioners in Jiutian arranged a large array of immortal exterminations. After sacrificing a lot of people, they successfully killed all the immortals from Jiutian?" Li Xiandao shocked.

Xiao Qi also looked at Murong Dragon City in surprise, which was incredible.

Just like in the ten places, there are nine days of people crossing the border, but no one in the ten places can kill them. Instead, they force the ten avenues to train cross-border law enforcers.

But in nine days, a group of practitioners united and killed all the immortals with their backhands.

Li Xiandao can only say, awesome!

"It's shocking, isn't it?" Murong Longcheng looked at Li Xiandao proudly, which was the leader of his most admired brother in his life.

Li Xiandao nodded and said, "What's behind?"

"Naturally, Xianjie was completely furious. He wanted to wash the blood for nine days, and my brother at that moment, alone, closed the Xianmen, and cut off the passage between Nine Heavens, Ten Earths and Xianjie." Murong Dragon City said.

"Xianmen closed?" Xiao Qi couldn't help it, surprised.

"Yes, the immortal gate is closed. The fairy in the nine heavens can't easily lower the realm. They want to lower the realm, they have to pay a huge price, and they can easily fall. So in the past 30,000 years, few people in the realm of the realm have been lowered. Development, these are the credit of my brother." Murong Longcheng proudly said You have said so much credit for the elderly of Tianchi, but what does this have to do with the trouble you have? Asked Li Xiandao.

Of course, Li Xiandao also admired the old Tianchi and the sword god.

Anyone who dares to fight against the upper realm in the lower realm is an amazing hero.

Not to mention the sword **** and the elderly Tianchi and a group of friends joined together to pit a large group of immortals, and the elderly Tianchi turned off the immortal gate, so that the immortals could not easily reach the lower bound.


But what does this have to do with Murong Dragon City?

Murong Dragon City sighed for a long time and said, "After closing the Tianmen, my brother left his life there, only a trace of the remnant soul returned to Tianshan, explained me something, and gave me the same thing."

"What?" Li Xiandao asked with a narrowed look.

"The key to Tianmen!" Murong Longcheng said in a deep voice.

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