Bank of The Universe

Chapter 313: signing the contract! (Fives)


The door of the trading hall was pushed away by Li Xiandao, and a dull sound echoed.

He strode into the meteor, the first sentence was: "The contract can be signed, but some details need to be revised."

The uneasy Murong Dragon City was like a surprise in the sky. He smashed and dizzy. He hurriedly said: "No problem, details can be discussed."

Originally he thought that Li Xiandao would not agree to sign this contract, after all, it was the enemy of the fairy world.

Murong Dragon City made the same mistake as Li Xiandao just now. After hearing the fairy in the fairy world, the first reaction was that the opponent was very powerful, terrifying, terrible, and could not beat him.

Without understanding the situation, Murong Dragon City puts the other party high in his heart, and his psychological pressure will be very great.

He certainly did not know how difficult it was for the fairy to close down.

So he was very anxious. This is also the status quo of people in nine days and ten places. When he heard the name of the fairy, one or two became afraid.

In fact, these so-called fairies can be defeated.

No matter whether they use the first method to win the house, or use the second method to give birth, without exception, they are not the omnipotent fairy.

They are no different from those in Jiutian!

This is also the reason why they want the key to Xianmen so much.

Of course, these Li Xiandao knew that they had been unleashed by Xiao Qi, and Murong Dragon City didn't know yet. He still felt that the immortals were committing crimes and could not hold themselves. In his perception, the immortals were terrifying.

Li Xiandao sat down in his place, swept away his previous worries and tensions, and became extremely confident. He said: "The contract can be signed, but before that, I need to ask you, can you take ownership of the Tianshan Mountains? "

Murong Longcheng nodded and said, "I can call the shots. I am in Tianshan. I have a name called Tianshan Tombkeeper. I have developed Tianshan for 20,000 years. I recruited some orphans who have nowhere to go. , Some monsters guard the Tianshan Mountain, and I ordered that they would not resist."

Li Xiandao nodded with satisfaction, saying: "In this case, you are now at the expense of the loyalty of the Tianshan Mountains and you and everyone in the Tianshan Mountains in exchange for the support of my Tiandi Qianzhuang.

"Yes. In the future, I and the people on the Tianshan Mountain will be your men, and the Tianshan Mountains will be yours. The 100,000 aura dragon veins I cultivated will belong to you." Murong Dragon City firmly said.

As long as he can protect the Tianshan Mountains, these partners who accompany him day and night, and the keys that his brother gave to his Tianmen, he will be satisfied.

As for being a man?

It's good to talk about people, but not good to be minions.

But he doesn't care!

Tiandi Qianzhuang is very powerful and mysterious. He does not have the ambition and dignity of his brothers, so he is completely acceptable as a slave and as a servant.

"In the contract, there is one more item. Once you have violated my idea, then I can take your life at any time." Li Xiandao said coldly that he had to add this item.

Murong Dragon City breathed a stagnation, is this too cruel?

The future life and death will be pinned in the hands of Li Xiandao.

The average person will never agree.

Murong Dragon City considered it and agreed.

So he is not an ordinary person.

"I'm fine, and the people on the Tianshan Mountain are fine." Murong Longcheng gritted his teeth and agreed firmly.

"Okay, once the people on the Tianshan have problems, you are asked." Li Xiandao warned.

Murong Longcheng nodded and said, "I promise no problem."

"Xiaoqi, is the contract ready?" Li Xiandao shouted.

"Okay." Xiaoqi's sweet voice came and walked with the contract and handed it to Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao took the contract and handed it to Murong Longcheng, saying: "No problem, you sign the contract, and then take it out, let everyone on the Tianshan sign a letter, and pin your own soul in it, This is considered complete."

Murong Dragon City read it again and signed decisively. When the word was signed, his heart was inexplicably stable.

Immortals don't seem to be so terrible, there are people in the world.

It is a pity that he did not know that no one in Tiandi Qianzhuang is as powerful as him.

Li Xiandao looked at his signature and said with satisfaction: "Take it back and sign it for them, and then ask the monk Tianxin to bring back ten thousand Aura Dragon Veins."

Murong Longcheng complied with the contract and nodded: "I will prepare ten thousand aura dragon veins."

"Well, the 1,000 pieces in the Tianchi can not be moved. I only need 10,000 pieces of the best aura dragon veins." Li Xiandao said with satisfaction.

Finally Li Xiandao stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the key to Tianmen!"

Murong Dragon City took a deep breath, as if relieved, and seemed to be extremely reluctant, took out a key like a long sword from his body, and handed it to Li Xiandao.

"This is the key to the Tianmen. The material itself is very good. The fairy tools are constantly cut, which is very good and easy to use." Murong Longcheng Road.

Li Xiandao took it over, feeling cold, and there was a terrifying power in him that was asleep, and it seemed that he would be close to the Tianmen to recover.

"Very good, you go back." Li Xiandao nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his hand, Murong Longcheng's body immediately turned into smoke, disappeared.

In the trading hall of Tiandi Qianzhuang, only Li Xiandao and Xiaoqi are gone.

Li Xiandao handed the key to Tianqi to Xiaoqi and asked her to collect it.

"After the ten thousand Aura Dragon Veins come back, you can unblock the fifth peak. At that time, Tiandi Bank can freely travel into the void. As long as you have enough energy, you can fully travel in nine days and ten places." Xiaoqi said happy. .

"Thank you anyway. If you don't explain me, I will refuse this contract if I fail." Li Xiandao took off his mask and looked at Xiao Qi tenderly.

Xiao Qi's face was red with Li Xiandao's eyes, and Nuo Nuo said: "I am the steward of Tiandi Qianzhuang, shouldn't it be helpful to help the owner?"

Li Xiandao shook his head and said: "I don't like you calling me master, and I don't like the cold host-servant relationship we had before."

"Do you want to have another relationship?" Xiao Qi Xiao blushed, eyes blinked.

"Yes." Li Xiandao nodded Then you need to work harder, Tiandi Bank is still less than one-thousandth of the peak period, maybe one day you will disappear as the previous masters I won’t be related to such a person. "Xiaoqi gave Li Xiandao a positive response for the first time. Although he refused, he still encouraged Li Xiandao's confidence."

Li Xiandao said with a smile: "You are right, I must work hard to expand the world's money, and then let my little seven girl follow me with peace of mind."

"Bah, who's your little seven girl." Little seven turned blushing away and didn't want to continue chatting with Li Xiandao. Today, she gave Li Xiandao a little hope. She felt it was enough. While chatting, her face It's going to be red.

Li Xiandao looked at Xiao Qi Jiao as he left, smiled slightly, did not stop, at this moment, his heart finally settled down.

Although Xiao Qi never said he liked Li Xiandao, only today gave Li Xiandao a little hope.

But the girl's blush **** all words of joy.

This so-called fairy, who wants the key to Tianmen, has no door.

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