Bank of The Universe

Chapter 321: Erotic! (six)

Ma Qing was pierced with a sword by Li Xiandao and then nailed to the ground.

His eyes widened, and he looked at the sky in disbelief at the last moment.

Before death, people still have some sober memories. A few seconds before the complete death, Ma Qing stared at the sky and his eyes were completely ignorant.

"Your...Master..." Ma Qing's lips shuddered, and he said nothing.

But Tianguangming understood what this meant.

He smiled and said, "I said, you are going to die. My master can kill you with a sword of anger through thousands of mountains and waters."

"I... is... immortal... people!" Ma Qing's last words, extremely reconciled.

He is a fairy!

The supreme fairy!

An immortal can suppress 100,000 years in nine days and ten years!

Even if he loses his spirit, is it not a sword that he can kill?

Ma Qing thought that there might be millions of ways to die, but he never thought that one day, he would be nailed to death with a sword in nine days.

"Fairy?" Tianguangming chuckled. He didn't have the awe of other people in the heavens and the earth. In Tianguangming's heart, no powerful fairy could match his master.

Own master is the most powerful.

"My master, killing the fairy, it's easy." Tian Guangming proudly separated from Ma Qing's men and stumbled out of the contract.

"You have breached the contract. My Tiandi Bank will act according to the rules. No one is as big as the rules, so you have to die." Tian Guangming said firmly.

"Tiandi Qianzhuang..." Ma Qing was speechless. In the end, he still remembered the scene when he signed the contract.

At that time, the owner of Tiandi Qianzhuang was not so powerful?

It looks arrogant and arrogant.

Did he die in the hands of such a person?

Ma Qing's breathing stopped and his eyes were still, and he died completely.


Suddenly, there was heavy rain falling down the sky, falling into the pit, and then the cold wind blew, coldly struck, and the roaring sound seemed like a mourning.

This is heaven and earth commemorating the fall of a fairy.

The heavy rain in the thousands of miles is so heavy that many people get wet.

More people are ignorant and do not know anything, why it suddenly rains.

It was just blue and white.

Those who know the inside are watching in shock.

A fairy, just died like this?

Among the crowd of onlookers, many people are staring at Tianguangming, and now he is so weak that it is definitely a good opportunity to start.

For example, the Ma family.

They and Ma Qing can be described as both glorious and harmless.

After Ma Qing died, they were furious and rushed out to kill Tian Guangming to avenge Ma Qing.

Tian Guangming looked at the dozen or so people who rushed out around him, most of them were entering the realm of celestial beings for the first time. Under normal circumstances, it would be no problem for him to destroy them all.

But now, he is a waste.

A badly wounded man.

All he can do is stand still and wait for the master's rescue.

Tian Guangming believes that the master must be reluctant to die by himself.

Li Xiandao was reluctant to die in the light of the sky. Although he was close to cultivation, his loyalty was still very high, and it was worth saving him.


A blood-red light burst out, flashing around, Huang Jiuer came, she directly rushed to kill two people with the power of Phoenix.

"Don't be afraid, brother Tianguangming, your donkey brother came to rescue you." Lord Donkey also rushed over, and the donkey hooves slammed into the chest. He directly smashed the heads of the two Ma's disciples into his chest and died completely.

Tian Guangming looked at Master Donkey gratefully and said, "Thank you brother."

After that, Tian Guangming frowned at Huang Jiuer. On her body, Tian Guangming always felt a familiar familiarity.

This feeling made Tianguang instinctively disgust.

This is a very contradictory thing.

Feeling intimate, but disgusting myself.

Tian Guangming suddenly fixed his eyes, and immediately guessed the reason.

Goddess of Light!

Only the goddess of light can give him these two very different feelings.

Huang Jiuer quickly resolved the Ma Lai criminals, none of them were her enemies, and all were killed.

Huang Jiuer was so horrible, and also shocked the people who were watching around, one by two dispersed.

Huang Jiuer turned to look at Tianguangming.

Her face was cold, and she felt the same as Tian Guangming.

Instinct intimacy.

Physical disgust.

Without reminding the goddess of light, Huang Jiuer knew that the person in front of him was the one he wanted to beat.

Huang Jiuer couldn't help but take a step forward.

Tian Guangming stepped back quickly, a look of fear appeared on his face, and reached out: "That... I am a patient, a severely injured person, and speak a little morally."

Tian Guangming knew that Huang Jiu'er was coming towards himself, there must be no good, so he was afraid.

He was seriously injured, half dead, and only hanged in one breath. If he was beaten by Huang Jiuer again, he would not have to rescue him. He dug a hole and buried himself here.

Can also be a companion with the fairy.

"Huh, I'm waiting for your good day, I hope you get better soon." Huang Jiuer snorted coldly, saying blessings, but it scared Tianguangming's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys to ache.

I don't know if he was beaten by Ma Qing or was scared by Huang Jiu'er.

"Master Donkey, bring Tianguangming to the Tianshan Mountain." Li Xiandao's voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

"Observe the master!" Lord Donkey immediately carried Tianguang on his back and ran quickly to the Tianshan Mountain.

Huang Jiuer sighed helplessly and said, "You have seen it too. It's half dead, I can't get started."

"Due, why didn't he get beaten to death?" A disturbed voice sounded from the goddess of light.

After the fusion, Huang Jiuer took charge of the initiative on weekdays, but the goddess of light also recovered from time to time, brushing a sense of presence.

Just now Tianguangming's breath made her wake up. I wanted Huang Jiuer to teach him a day of light, but looking at Tianguangming's miserable appearance, the goddess of light did not mention this matter.

"The next time I beat him fiercely, and got my divine personality, it was so weak that it was just a shame on my goddess' face." The goddess of light said angrily.

Huang Jiu'er nodded and said, "When he is ready, I will seriously injure him and let him continue to lie down."

Tian Guangming still does not know his tragic fate in the future, he was carried by the donkey lord, and galloped fast.

When Lord Donkey passed by Qingling, he shouted to a beautiful and moving woman beside Qingling: "Phoenix Dragonfinch, you come with me and see my master. Under the witness of the master, you will be my wife in the future Well, I’m good to you, not let you be petted, let you be my wife."

The phoenix dragon bird's face was iron blue, and the silver teeth bite secretly, "Serki donkey!!!"

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