Bank of The Universe

Chapter 327: Master Beichen shot! (six)

After the North King killed An Yun, he took a deep breath and was afraid, "Fortunately, he didn't bring Tianyi's real water together, otherwise I will be injured now."

On that day, Yizheng Water was very corrosive, that is, Anyun judged the wrong situation and thought that he could stabilize the victory and turn a drop of Tianyizhen Water into a river. Isn’t this a matter of finding his own death.

Really when his [Avenue of the Avenue] is vegetarian?

Lord Bei Jing looked at the other disciples of Hundian Dao Dao, his eyes flashed sharply, and said, "You should also go with your master brother."

The disciples of Hundian Dao looked at each other, especially a few of them were immeasurable, and they were very angry.

"You killed Brother, give me your life." They yelled, did not run away, but rushed up, thinking that the North King was definitely weak.

After finishing the fight with their master brother, although he was lucky enough to win the master brother, he must have suffered a lot.


There is also a revival in the most powerful function of the Grand Avenue Aquarius.

His ability to continue fighting is no problem.

"Let me come!" But Qiubai didn't plan to let the royal prince Gong Yu of the north border take action. She stepped out and came in front of the grand prince of the north border, said lightly.

The North King said with a smile: "Be careful."

Qiubai nodded and said, "I have always been very powerful, but I have no chance to show it."

Qiubai may not be as powerful as the Lord of the North, but she is definitely not weak. These days, she has been practicing in the World Library of the World Bank to improve herself.

Up to now, Qiu Bai has accumulated a lot.


She looks like a ghost, shuttles through the forest, and runs fast, dealing with these heavenly disciples.

The North Realm silently pressed Qiubai.


The Tianshan Mountains are now in full battle, and countless people are fighting.

But it was the disciples of the major forces who had broken in.

Especially the moon angel Usuna, she has the moon wheel in hand, plus the hard work of this period, and the long tooth rice that Li Xiandao had eaten so much, broke through the infinite realm in one fell swoop, and the moon angel’s The fusion of the divine personality is faster, and the strength is incredible.

Now the angel of the moon has reached more than half of the fit with the divine personality, which means that the speed of her strength increase has been recognized by the divine personality.

The moon is on hand. Unlike the other angels, Moon Angel does not stand alone, but takes the initiative to attack, such as a killer, quickly slashing the enemy.

After killing people, quickly escape, Moon Angel does not greedy the name, nor does he want to be a hero. She is hidden in the shadows, hidden in the moonlight, and the danger level is much higher than other people.

Others are silently waiting for others to come to the door before they start the killing ring, but the Moon Angel is different. She took the initiative to attack. In the Tianshan Mountains, she met a foreign person and immediately beheaded.

Many people were killed by her without approaching the area guarded by Moon Angel.

With the fairy tool in hand, coupled with the immeasurable cultivation of the infinite reality of the moon angel, who can stop her?

When the Lord of the North Realm killed only a few people or dozens of them, the Moon Angel had already killed thousands.

And this number is still soaring, even if it is in infinite realm, under the moon angel's moon wheel, it can not escape the end of beheaded.

This scene was seen by Young Master Beichen.

A few miles away, Beichen saw a crescent-like cold awn crossed in front of him. Several human heads were scattered all over the floor, and blood was flowing all over the floor. The woman holding a crescent-shaped fairy was suddenly away.

Master Beichen's eyes flashed sharply and shouted, "You killed so many of our major forces, do you still want to escape?"


Young Master Beichen shot, he could no longer sit back and ignore, and assembled these great forces to let them test the strength of Tianshan together. Only then were so many people killed, morale plummeted, he had to stand up and kill this Woman, boost morale.

So Young Master Beichen shouted angrily, his body suddenly shot out, pointed out, and suddenly saw a huge and terrifying light sweeping the mountains.


The terrifying momentum, like the end of the world, forced the moon angel to retreat quickly, the body turned, avoiding the blow, and looked dignifiedly around.

The finger just pointed out. There was a fragment of the wall all around, the dark ground was not grassy, ​​and the trees were all turned to ashes.

A huge abyss with a length of more than ten miles, a black hole, which could not be seen at the end, blocked the way of Angel Moon.

Master Beichen came slowly, staring at Moon Angel with cold eyes, his face was cold, and there was no trace of pity and love for jade. He would not give up his pursuit because of the beauty of the woman.

"You killed too many people, now I'll kill you." Young Master Beichen said coldly, his whole body was like a thunder, and banged loudly.

The moon angel wore a white veil, wearing a thin soft armor, covering the key parts, the green silk danced with the wind, holding a round of silver moon in his hand, said: "You want to kill me, no."

"No way, just try it and you will know." Master Beichen's eyes flashed sharply, striding out in one step, and immediately punched out.


In the punch of Young Master Beichen, dozens of star giant ghost images appeared behind him in an instant.

Big star punch!

This is the fist in the fairy world, even if the young master Beichen is an immortal, he will practice this fist. Now the punch is huge, covering the moon angel, making her face change.

Young Master Beichen's momentum is too strong. He is the pinnacle of the infinite realm in the true sense, and he can even kill people in the next realm.

Today, the Moon Angel is personally shot to let others continue to test the cards of the Tianshan Mountains.

So he will never allow the Moon Angel to continue to kill people with impunity.

Moon Angel knew that Master Beichen was very powerful, so she didn't leave her hand, and instantly inspired the power of the moon wheel, and then her body kept flashing, and the crystal-like body was repeatedly tempered.

The true air flowed into the lunar wheel, rising into the moon angel's body continuously.


The Moon Angel was ruthless, and the Lunar Wheel suddenly exploded into a huge cold mountain, which shredded Master Beichen's blow accurately.


The light continued to spread, and the roaring sound spread all around, making people extremely shocked. The Moon Angel could not help but take a step back.

This step made Moon Angel frown, and she knew she would not be the opponent of Young Master Beichen.


The Moon Angel immediately wanted to fly Young Master Beichen sneered and did not follow.


"Qin Ku, the tenth person of the Qin family, will come to meet a girl for a while."

This blow is like walking on the moon and star, very terrifying, the moon angel will not retreat, and will definitely be injured.

The Moon Angel was shocked. She heard the name Qin Ku, and she knew it was not good. She quickly backed away and was forced by Qin Ku to Master Beichen.

"This time, you have nowhere to run, you will definitely die." Young Master Beichen said confidently.

Suddenly the Moon Angel smiled and said, "You can call people, can I not call them?"

Young Master Beichen frowned, and immediately turned his head to look behind him, his pupil shrunk.

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