Bank of The Universe

Chapter 338: The prestige of the emperor! (four)

The beautiful Tianchi was dazzling, and some people expressed emotion: "This is like the beauty of the fairyland falling in the world, making people yearn for."

Tong Tian Dao Zhang Jiao snorted: "It will be ours from now on, no need to envy, after today, Tianchi is no longer a separate beauty, but our common beauty."

When this remark came out, many people were excited. Looking at the beauty around them, many people began to look forward to it. When that time came with their favorite woman, what a beautiful picture?

People from all major forces came here one after another, all around Tianchi, all seated.

"We are all here, what about your master?" An old man, Sen, smiled coldly, with a strong murderous intent, and looked around at Li Xiandao's men, with a bad look.

Suddenly, a long whistle sounded, coming from far and near, quickly, and then a huge body like a mountain crashed and smashed beside Tianshan Tianchi.

The body more than three meters high, with a purple body all over it, is extremely powerful, and a thick blood burst, flooding the world, breathing and breathing, like a thunder shaking and a blasting explosion.

"Are you looking for my master?" Titan Giant's urn urn airway, stepped out, landed in the central venue of the event, looked around, locked the speaking old man.

The old man was breathless and felt terrible pressure, quickly spreading, shaking, and even with a large group of people having difficulty breathing.

The strength of the Titan Giant is unpredictable and horrifying.

Everyone present frowned and watched. Was this Mawei?

The power of the Titan giant, even the elders of the major powers, are all serious.

"Give us a dismounted horse as soon as we come, is it really when we are scared?" Hun Tian Dao snorted coldly, staring at the Titan without fear.

Even if the Titan giant's momentum is strong, the leader level people will not be afraid, because their strength is not weak, and the major forces have dispatched so many masters.

"My master is on the way, please don't be restless, whoever dares to blame, beware of you." The Titan Giant said coldly, especially after watching the teachings of the mixed heavens and keeping this person in mind.

"Haosheng domineering!" An old man from Qing's family patted the table and snarled, very upset.

"This is my host's Tianshan. You are just a group of uninvited guests. You will solve this matter today. Do you still want to continue to provoke my host?" A cold atmosphere filled the audience. The snow was cold and the temperature was low. , This breath diffused, let the temperature drop a little bit more suddenly.

"Who is here to pretend to be a ghost?" Qing's old man said angrily.

"You want me to come out?" The cold breath grew bigger and bigger.

It seems that a scary monster is about to break out of the ground. Everyone looks at each other, not knowing what happened.

But it feels dangerous.

"Get out of here, what is hiding in the dark?" The old man of the Qing family yelled angrily, rising suddenly into the Nine Heavens, looking around.


But in the next second, a huge roar shattered his momentum. In these incredible eyes, a giant python with a scale of 100 feet appeared under the beautiful Tianchi. The scales were hard, the fangs were sharp, and the body was green and green. Seeing it is highly toxic.

A giant python has its own ability to turn against the sky, and now has the ability to be highly toxic. This terrifying momentum is oppressing the audience.


Poisonous pythons emerged from the Tianchi. They were huge and stood upright, overlooking everyone, and their pupils were cold.

This oppression made everyone feel incredible, staring at the poisonous python, all dumbfounded.

Especially the old man in Beijia looked serious and whispered: "This poisonous python and this Titan giant, I may not be able to resist."

The people of the Bei family looked at Bei Lao in horror. But they knew that this old man was so powerful that he could approach the emperor infinitely, would he say such a thing?

What surprised them even more was that after the emergence of the poisonous python, a person came in the endless snow.

A man in white was approaching, and the snow fell on him without any damage. He jumped away gently and continued to fall on the ground.

Sheng Xue in white, with a mask and unparalleled momentum, stepped out in one step.


The earth suddenly shook. This is not a simple earthquake, but the ground pulse is beating.

This jump seemed to jump in the hearts of everyone present.

Everyone's heart beat together.

Many of the leaders of the ranks of the great powers changed wildly, staring at Li Xiandao in disbelief.

"This...I was beating with it?" The Master Taoist Taoist covered his heart and dared not place a channel.

"Is this person the Lord of the Tianshan Mountain?" An elder who could not be seen from the world watched in shock, and a heart kept sinking.

"Supreme Master, this person has already touched the realm of the emperor." Bei Lao muttered from the Bei family, his body trembling, and he couldn't believe it.

His heart was beating with Li Xiandao's pace.

He is infinitely close to the emperor.


Li Xiandao stepped out in the second step, as if the earth was alive, beating violently.

And the hearts of other people are still beating.

People with low strength even spit out blood, and the heart is about to explode.

Li Xiandao stepped in from the far and near.

Puff puff!

At this moment, all the people below the epic realm of the major forces burst their hearts.

In this step, Li Xiandao died of hundreds of people, all of which burst their hearts, could not bear the pressure, and died suddenly.

All major bishops, elders, and retired elders are going crazy.


The elder Bei of the Bei family stood up in angrily, staring at Li Xiandao and shouting. He is now very sure that the master of the Tianshan is an emperor.

The power of the emperor is reflected at this moment.

For people with low strength, the ability to suppress is very terrible.

The fourth step of Li Xiandao came, with a bang, above the Tianshan Mountains, snowflakes flew and the avenue came, which was terrifying.

The emperor stepped on the road, this avenue of heaven and earth, can be mobilized by the emperor.

Now Li Xiandao is oppressed by the Emperor's Avenue.


The epic realm could not be resisted, and all began to spur blood and fell to the ground, dying.

Li Xiandao stepped into the crowd in four steps and stood hand in hand. He said: "From now on, the Tianshan Mountains, the major forces are not allowed to intervene, who will intervene, who will die."

The domineering words, with the straight back of Li Xiandao, everyone looked at an invincible fairy.

"From now on, who agrees and who opposes?" Li Xiandao looked around and asked.

No one dared to object.

The old man of the Beijia raised his hand and firmly said: "I am against the Beijia!"

"Why object?" Li Xiandao asked indifferently.

"You are an emperor, and my north family also has an emperor." Bei Lao shouted.

Li Xiandao looked at the edge of the sky, and an emperor carrying a avenue came from the cloud, imposing and sweeping the Tianshan Mountains.

"Since you're here, let's become the soul of death under the sword of my emperor." Li Xiandao is also polite, and points to the sword, pointing to the sky.


The sky and earth shuddered suddenly, a ray of sword gas mixed with countless snowflakes, one after another, fluttering and falling, with a bang, the sword gas suddenly turned into countless snowflakes.

Li Xiandao outside the Tianshan, it snowed, and this snow enveloped an emperor.

The emperor was furious. Like Li Xiandao, he first entered this realm, but it was obvious that he was not an opponent of Li Xiandao.

Snow fluttering fell on the body, but there was endless injury, the clothes were cut, not hurting the body, but hurting the soul.

Soul sword!

This is the sword skill that Li Xiandao has realized after absorbing the massive soul energy in the Soul Calming Stone.

Directly slashing the soul, no matter how powerful your body is, you can't resist this sword.


An emperor, buried himself in a snowflake, and Li Xiandao also looked at everyone in the Tianshan Mountains, too lazy to talk nonsense, turned and slapped down.


The problem of the safety of the Tianshan Mountains that Murong Longcheng and others have been worried about was temporarily resolved under the slap of Li Xiandao.

Murong Dragon City looked at a long distance and swallowed: "If the young emperor who is more than ten thousand years old has such a terrible master, we can't hold the Tianshan Mountains at all."

Zero nodded, but also very shocked, said: "The emperor is not worthy of giving shoes to the master."

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