Bank of The Universe

Chapter 340: Zhongzi period! (six)

In an old forest in a deep mountain, there is a doorway, which has been in disrepair and has long been tattered. The people who cut wood on weekdays dare not go deep, and weed trees and vines are everywhere.

Now here, countless vines are entangled, blocking the door.

In the doorway, many poisonous insects and snakes ran out in a panic, fearing to slow down, they would be in danger.

In the perception of these poisonous venomous snakes, something terrifying appeared in the door.

In the door, a young man with broken legs looked at the terrifying monster in front of him with a bloodless face.

There was a lot of magic energy, and there were horrible things flashing in it.

This thing young people know, is the soul!

"One hundred thousand years, do you know?" The soul in the magic energy was crying, surrounding the young man, weeping into high concentration of sulfuric acid, dripping down, and immediately corroding the ground.

"100,000 years, I have been sealed here for 100,000 years, and no one has come to save me, never, I'm really miserable." The soul in the evil spirit cried while crying, crying, Very miserable.

But the young man sneered: "If they know that you treat people who come in like this, they should be glad they didn't come in."

It was because of the treasure hunt that he entered the old forest in the deep mountains and found the door. After he entered, he was caught in a trap set up. His legs were completely broken and he could not escape.

So the soul in the devil's energy will cry in such a hypocritical way, the old tears are vertical and horizontal, talking about his sadness.

"I didn't deal with you. You stepped on it yourself. These are all God's wills. The old man asked you to save me. Since God's heavens are like that, then we can only accept them." For the sake of a human face, humans and animals are harmless.

"After all, God is the biggest." The soul in the evil spirit relaxed.

"You said it was arranged by God?" The young man sneered and looked at the devil.

"Yes, God arranged, God is the biggest, we can't do anything right with God." The devil was close to the young man easily, his nose raised, sniffing the flesh of the young man, intoxicated.

"This is the scent of the flesh. I have lost the flesh for 100,000 years. It's really pitiful." The devil sniffed intoxicated, and the whole person was intoxicated and could not extricate himself.

The young man sneered: "You are just greedy me."

"Yes, I am greedy for your body, although your cultivation is not high in my eyes, but it does not matter, I only want your body, your body is the biggest gift for me." The devil was excited. .

"Do you think you can succeed?" the young man asked.

"I think so." The devil nodded.

"I don't think so," the young man retorted.

"What else do you have the ability to resist?" The devil froze, he did not rush to kill the young man, because it needed a good body, so this body could not die.

"Look, do you know this thing?" The young man reached out and a blood-red pocket watch appeared in the palm of his hand.

The devil was stunned, seeing this pocket watch, ignorant.

"What is this?" the devil asked.

"Something that can save my life." The young man squeezed slightly.


The young man's body slowly faded.

"No..." The devil roared insanely. It waited for 100,000 years, and 100,000 years of loneliness, only to exchange for a human body, and he was not willing to lose it.

"I'll take you away now!" The devil yelled, and at the moment when the young people faded, they started taking the chance.

The young man screamed with a headache, and he passed out.

His body faded and disappeared.

The demon also disappeared.


World Bank, the trading hall.

Li Xiandao was waiting for the guests to arrive. The next second, a figure appeared out of thin air and fell heavily on the ground.


A dull voice echoed around.

Li Xiandao and Xiao Qi looked at each other.

"What's the situation?" Li Xiandao asked.

All information of the guests is under the control of Xiaoqi.

Xiao Qi walked over and reached for a beat to wake the unconscious young man.

"Save me, Master of the World Bank, I am willing to pay all the price." When the young man woke up, he saw the surrounding scenes, suddenly threw himself, knelt in front of Li Xiandao, begged.

Obviously, he has already learned the information of Tiandi Qianzhuang through pocket watches, and has also saved Li Xiandao's explanation.

"You sit up first." Li Xiandao said indifferently, watching calmly. This young man must be in big trouble, or life and death trouble. Li Xiandao's first thought was, how much should this contract be suitable?

After experiencing the troubles in the Tianshan Mountains, Li Xiandao felt that it was still too kind, and the contract must be a little more pitier in the future.

The young man sat up obediently, he couldn't stand up, his legs were broken.

"Sit on the chair." Li Xiandao continued calmly.

The young man behaved in earnest, let himself fly, sat in a chair, and looked at Li Xiandao uneasy.

"Introduce yourself and talk about your troubles." Li Xiandao nodded with satisfaction.

After Li Xiandao's indifferent treatment, the young man calmed down and began to tell his story.

"My name is Zhong Ziqi and I am a traveler who travels around the world." said the young man.

Li Xiandao's eyes lit up and said, "Travel around the world?"

Zhong Ziqi nodded and said, "I'm walking around in nine days, collecting treasures, and exploring unknown areas. These are my pleasures. I'm three thousand years old this year, and I've been traveling the nine-day world for almost three thousand years."

Zhong Ziqi looked young, but also three thousand years old, with rich experience and broad knowledge. He knew a lot about people or things in nine days. He was a nine-day encyclopedia.

This is why he can still communicate with each other when he encounters the devil, even if his legs are broken, he is not panic.

"Continue." Li Xiandao listened silently.

"I came to Hanyuetian this also to find a treasure, but I didn't find the treasure in the place where the treasure was, but found a devil." Zhong Ziqi took a deep breath and said.

"What a powerful demon?" Li Xiandao asked.

His eyes were fixed on Zhong Ziqi's head. In this head, Li Xiandao saw a demon qi that was suppressed by the power of Tianzhuangzhuang.

The devil has entered the body of Zhong Ziqi, and entered the world of money together.

"I am the epic peak realm, and I can break through the realm of the Supreme Master in one step, but in the eyes of the devil, I am very weak." Zhong Ziqi swallowed.

In the cold moon days, starting from the tenth heavy cave sky, the infinite realm transitions into the realm of chanting epic, followed by the big respect nineth heaven!

After Dazun, it is the realm of the emperor.

Li Xiandao is the realm of the emperor, and a person who can say the pinnacle of the epic is the devil's head is definitely very powerful.

But no matter how powerful it is, he entered Tiandi Bank, where Li Xiandao is the boss.

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